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Anybody seen Billy Kenoi?
I am sure that he is working hard...

yep.. trying to figure out what to do with all the garbage!
I'm more curious to know where our governor, Neil Abercrombie is?
Yes, my husband, a county worker who has been working long hours every day since the storm hit, has seen Billy every single day coordinating recovery efforts with his staff, as well as with state and federal officials. Maybe he should be talking more publicly, or doing photo op's handing out ice cubes, but frankly, I think his time is better spent working trying to get more aid for those in need.
You guys might think about Rich's point.

The other politicians who are passing out supplies are helping in the way they can, given the legislature here isn't in session and some aren't in office yet, and are just candidates at the moment.

Billy Kenoi is the guy who is in the office right now and who can get things done. Why on earth would you want that one guy out walking around giving you ice or something that anyone can do, while important stuff sits on his desk waiting for his attention and people are waiting to get instructions from him?

Whether or not you think he's a good Mayor, it's his job to be directing people. I'm sure he has seen lots of photos and footage and interviews and knows what is going on.

I suppose he should do a press conference, but that's time when nothing will be moving along to get things running again.

What real good will Neil Abercrombie do either? Sure, let him come and see, but he won't be governor much longer. Maybe you should be asking the Democratic and Republican candidates who will face off in the general election to make an appearance?
You guys crack me up! I'm sure it would look better if Billy handed out a few bags of ice in front of the cameras.

I'm really glad he chose Darryl Olivera to head up Civil Defense. He's one of the best planners the County has ever had. The biggest shortcoming from our County Administration:

Getting people to take seriously their pleas to prepare for disaster.

In this, someone sure fell short; perhaps it was us. I know I will be better prepared next time.
I'm actually impressed Billy is not playing to the cameras. In this disaster he had a platform for self-promotion which he has chosen not to use, I respect that....Hanabusa, not so much. Schatz is keeping it low profile, that's appropriate and shows restraint, an admirable quality. Remember, a campaign is an interview process between the candidates and their prospective employers, we the voters. Character and temperament are the most important qualities for a successful politician.
And you folks calling out Billy because he didnt meet your expectation for superficiality by "appearing". This isn't a Reality TV show, I'm glad we have a real Mayor who selects capable administrators and let's them do their job. Thank gawd we don't have to listen to Harry droning on as he was prone to do, as Mayor or CD Director.
Just got home from doing deliveries (to kupuna and others, without water, food, and electricity again,) thus, my late response.

Kenoi should be planning for everything, he is the Mayor. He must give the people of Puna a plan which includes all we have been discussing for freaking days. Not for the media, not for an election, but for HIS people. Snorkle, Olivera is OK, but still under the auspices of Kenoi, and others. (*Disclaimer: He is also ohana, so lips are sealed...somewhat.)

I await Kenoi's briefing for the people of Puna, and telling everyone what his plan is. What is already in motion, what he and his staff are doing to expedite the basic needs, and where we go from here. It is expected that Mayor Kenoi do his job (with or without cameras) and help the people of Puna. Period.

Really irritated, tired, and spent. Our people need help, and those of us who are doing everything we can, really resent the governmental protocol (if that is what is going on), that Kenoi and others are beholden to.

Could care less if he (or anyone else) hands out bottles of water, bags of ice, etc., lots of us are doing that already. Get the F+&@X*-ing troops (I don't care where they come from), and let the people of Puna know WTF is going on!!! For God's sake. Still waiting.

When a kupuna cries (tears, real tears) and says, "We thought nobody care. How you know where we at? Where you get da poi?" We left with empty vehicle, knowing we fed our kupuna. Laulau and all. Crying.

Oh, and I lied. I'm breathing, (and smoking) because I'm not waiting for anyone to take care of us.

Malama pono, all. Help each other.

JMO. [V]

ETA: typo. Sorry, tired.


Kenoi doesn't have to play to the cameras. Just be a mayor and tell everyone what's happening and how he is control of the situation. Let us know what help is on the way and what help he is organising. He's in charge for gawd's sake.

Someone posted his twitter feed earlier and I saw there was a considerable gap between his tweets before and after the storm. 3 days. I'm sure he had power back well within those three days.

You know, I run an organisation, not an island, but when we have problems the first things I do is communicate to all those affected by any means I can. Today I was told by an employee that they no longer have internet access but still have a phone, so I called them by phone to give an update. Then I called everyone by phone to give the latest info I had and also communicated by email. I didn't stop until I knew everyone I had to speak to had heard from me.

I don't see that happening from the mayor's office, and the tweets he's been posting are just announcements other organisations have made. And people without power or communications can't see them, that's if they even knew they should check twitter.

Kenoi should be communicating with the public anyway he can find and he is not doing so.

Edited to add: No, I'm not asking him to call everyone, just realised some would take my analogy literally. He should be leading the relief effort and informing as many as he can by whatever means works, and that isn't happening.
It's easy to take shots at the guy in charge. The communication has been poor for sure, and that frustrates folks to no end. At first I was disappointed in the lack of response--3 days into the disaster nothing was happening in my neighborhood (Hawaiian Shores). But in the last couple days the workers have been going gangbusters. Considering the scale of damage in Puna, I thought for sure my power would be out into next week. They turned it on last night. I am truly impressed.

I'm also very impressed with how the community pulled together. So much kindness from unexpected sources, both from neighbors we knew, and total strangers who kindly dropped off ice at our house.

I give Kenoi and his team poor marks for communication, but high marks for the efforts and results I've witnessed just in the last couple days.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Outside of communication, the overall response to this little adventure has been phenomenal. Which means the people at the top are doing their job and concentrating on doing that over photo ops. Seeing all the resources that have been put in to play tells me far more than any announcement ever could.

life is short. enjoy it
life is short. enjoy it

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