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Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare?
Chas - I picked holes in the weather channel report because, well, it was full of holes. The whole sky being orange? Seeing a hydrogen leak? (How does one see hydrogen being leaked?).

Bob gets bashed not because people are bullies, it's because he promotes fear mongering based on people's ignorance, gullibility and general lack of science knowledge. For many, fortunately, his tactics don't work, but some people take his word and from those like him as fact, and that can be truly damaging, especially in a relatively small community such as Puna. You know, it wasn't that long ago he was trying to create fear by telling us the Earth was heading into a cometary tail full of poisonous molecules. Of course he failed to mention that happens all the time, year after year, millennia after millennia, and we are still here.

BTW, you may feel you need to go on the defensive after criticism of the weather channel reporter's claims, but please note I criticised the report, not you.
Originally posted by TomK

Chas - I picked holes in the weather channel report because, well, it was full of holes. The whole sky being orange? Seeing a hydrogen leak? (How does one see hydrogen being leaked?).

Bob gets bashed not because people are bullies, it's because he promotes fear mongering based on people's ignorance, gullibility and general lack of science knowledge. For many, fortunately, his tactics don't work, but some people take his word and from those like him as fact, and that can be truly damaging, especially in a relatively small community such as Puna. You know, it wasn't that long ago he was trying to create fear by telling us the Earth was heading into a cometary tail full of poisonous molecules. Of course he failed to mention that happens all the time, year after year, millennia after millennia, and we are still here.

BTW, you may feel you need to go on the defensive after criticism of the weather channel reporter's claims, but please note I criticised the report, not you.

What you regard as fear I regard as information + you might want to go back and read the Ison thread as I mentioned that the comets tail had a particular composition that included cyanide & ammonia , which as you pointed out is true of other comets as well , and as far as this being me saying this: "it wasn't that long ago he was trying to create fear by telling us the Earth was heading into a cometary tail full of poisonous molecules" I posted other links that stated this , and perhaps you have forgotten about the suns many cme's at the precise right time to pretty much change everyone's predictions about Ison.
Suns MANY AND POWERFUL cme's at the approach and during the Perihelion

[Below] From link

Images of Comet ISON taken by SUMER on Nov. 28, 2013, reveal the tail’s shape. The red dots mark the predicted positions of the comet’s nucleus in intervals of one minute, the red cross depicts the last position at the time of the picture recording. The white arrow indicates the direction to the sun. Brightness contours and centerline of the tail clarify its appearance.
Only hours before ISON’s Nov. 28, 2013, close approach, the comet stopped producing a tail of vapor and dust, which is strange considering its surface would have been rapidly heating up. According to analysis of SUMER observations, around 8.5 hours before perihelion, the comet released a “short and violent outburst” that extinguished any further release of gas and dust.

Before the outburst, ISON was acting just as it should during solar approach — a beautiful, long tail created a bright arc in observations by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) also on board SOHO. LASCO is used by solar astronomers to observe the region surrounding the sun to track space weather events such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs). But LASCO also has a dazzling track record of tracking ‘sungrazing comets’ that regularly drop deep into the corona.

As ISON dropped closer to the sun, the LASCO view was lost as the comet disappeared behind the instrument’s occulter — a component of LASCO that blocks the glare of the sun so faint structures in the corona can be resolved. So the only instrument that could track ISON’s final moments was SUMER.
I found the Hawaii Civil Defense warning:

This is a Civil Defense Message
This is a Geothermal incident advisory.
A Civil Defense Alert is now in effect for the following areas due to the uncontrolled release of hydrogen sulfide at the Puna Geothermal Venture plant in Pohoiki:
Leilani Estates
Pohoiki Road
Lani Puna
Emergency crews are responding and plant operators are woking on controlling the release and monitoring the emissions. Residents are advised to remain indoors or to evacuate the area if any discomfort is experienced. The Pahoa High School gym is currently open as an evacuation shelter for those who wish to leave the area.

Edited to add the link:

Strange, couldn't find anything about it on the actual Hawaii Civil Defense site though....

Is this website credible?
Chas: In short, no.

Media outlets are propaganda. Facts don't always sell papers, or get you a "hit" on your website. Waiting for facts, just facts. Again.


ETA: Response was to Chas question.

I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here, I'm just trying to find out if a Civil Defense warning was issued and/or if gas was released. We have people on here saying there was no release of gas and others saying there were.

I find it hard to believe that both the The Weather Channel and the Hawaii247 website would get it so wrong. I mean, there should be consequences for broadcasting that kind of serious information if it is totally bogus. I must admit, I did not find anything on the County site about it.

Remember though, if you read my other post, I'm a veteran of the Three Mile Island accident, and I'm pretty sure we were lied to about that. If there was no release of gas why hasn't the county said so? Or have they and I missed it?

The trouble is, with almost any issue, you can always find pretty convincing material on both sides to back up your viewpoint. I guess I'm a little jaded, but I generally view "official" positions with a little more skepticism than others. Also, I just don't have the time to do enough research.

In writing this post, I ran across another article about it:

Now it sound like an argument between the plant and the Civil Defense department. Who can you believe? Of course the plant is going to say everything was OK. But maybe the Civil Defense department doesn't have the expertise to know if was dangerous and just issued it just in case? And if so, why can't I find anything on their website about it?

And this is only one of the many hits by a multitude of different sources, some saying it's ok, others saying it's the worst thing in the world, some in between.

OMG, I know I'm rambling here, I think I'm going crazy. Is it from the gas? No it couldn't be. I'm in Pennsylvania.... maybe it's from TMI!

The plant manager of PGV said there was a gas release the night of iselle, in the Leilani meeting video. It was an automatic release via a safety valve that was open for 45 minutes that kicked in when the transmission line was hit by the trees. Another safety pressure relief valve also opened that was open for 23 minutes longer because it didn't re-seat properly after the pressure dropped to normal levels. Its in the record of the meeting in the video.
It sounds to me as if it being swept under the proverbial carpet. The plant manager is right there telling how it was while being recorded. There is no secret but it appears there was no proper news coverage or adequate notification to the residents and it sounds as if the evacuation was severely compromised by the storm... so the preparedness is seemingly an issue during a storm. They need a damn warning alarm down there, like the tsunami warning signals on the coast.
The emergency civil defense procedures couldn't be implemented as outlined within their guidelines, that's obvious. Here's a video
And yet, no dead bodies. In sufficient concentrations it is deadly. I don't mean to trivialize the risk but if there were people working at the plant there would be greater reactions there than further away and as some have pointed out these reactions would be spread randomly throughout the population instead of correlating so strongly with a documented history of opposition to geothermal. This is getting to be like arguing whether or not you are wet based on conflicting weather forecasts not on whether it is raining.
What would the sky above the illuminated plant look like if were venting the heated volcanic gases as said to be released by the PGV plant manager? Do you happen to know the color of the plants site lighting and what it looks like when it illuminates the released volcanic gases? Was it just Hydrogen or was it hydrogen sulfide mixed with sulphur dioxide and a myriad of other gases? I'll bet you your lunch that volcanic gases can be seen when vented from the plant and I'd also bet they are even more oddly apparent when illuminated by the plant. Orange sky... yes, highly plausible. If it were just hydrogen... no, but were not talking just hydrogen are we, its a volcanically heated system not a hydrogen gas heated system.

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