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State paying to test water for property owners?

Does the State paying to test water quality in someones private pool seem off to anyone else?
I think they are trying to determine the extent of pollutants as described, and locate the biggest source if one found. Sad to say, I think the best ecological way is to get pumps on barges and "selectively flush" in a way to protect cesspool overflow again and wash all back to ocean, creating a clean seawater back flush to cleanse the pools similar to an ocean tide, and let the big blue sea absorb the organics.

Community begins with Aloha
I can see testing the shoreline water where the public has access. That is just public health testing. The article seemed to state the testing was being done on private property and on ponds not accessed by the public.
This is just that quaint "local custom" of "sometimes public, somtimes private" property.
If by quaint you mean bull**** then I understand you K.
These are not private pools like private swimming pools, these are interconnected tide pools that are also connected to the "public" tide pools in the marine sanctuary and the ocean we all swim in and eat fish from. It benefits everyone to know what is in the tide pools, and where it is coming from, so the source of the pollution can be dealt with.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
These pools rise and fall with the tides.Kathy's pool is a few feet from the ocean,so that water is being exchanged with the ocean water in the pools where people snorkle.
Kathy's home along with her neighbors on both sides have the latest aerobic septic systems,there are no cesspools right there.
A friend and I removed a coconut palm and the signs from the parking area that were in their pond a few days ago.It is still very cloudy.
Originally posted by lavalava

I can see testing the shoreline water where the public has access. That is just public health testing. The article seemed to state the testing was being done on private property and on ponds not accessed by the public.

Our property (which has a couple hot ponds) was tested, and is private property; without our permission, nor did they advise us. However, we are thankful that (in the big picture) the testing will ensure public safety.

God only knows what flowed from Honolulu Landing, from Kapoho, to Pohoiki, to Opihikao, to Kalapana, to Kapaahu, to Kau, and beyond. The possibilities are frightening to say the least.

Although our property is "private" over the course of several generations, and to this day, people still go swim/bathe in our hot ponds, leaving their opala. Now we all have to deal with much more post hurricane/tropical storm. We welcome all the help we can get.

The FEMA funds will hopefully be granted and our State will not foot the entire bill. After all, the US government controls all shorelines (SMA), and should bear the cost of any preservation (including clean up). They charge all of us enough in taxes and the like, to provide this service to the public.

Carol is also spot on. JMO.
Another off islander using mainland perception to our local area. See this a lot on here. First, these n00bs come on, saying they want to "learn" more about the Puna area. Then gradually, they move on to start taking positions on how Puna "should" be, then progressing to outright meddling at a distance.

This is a big source of many problems around here, outsiders being allowed to have a local voice, which then progresses to outsider meddling. Then that spreads to the local government, so precious time and money is spent dealing with these haole dickwad issues.

"We come in peace!" - First thing said by missionaries and extraterrestrials
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Who are you addressing your post to, PT? It's insulting as hell no matter what, but is it meant to be generally insulting or are you aiming at one particular poster?

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