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Punatics for PGV
Don't expect much from a person who does not know / cannot figure out, the difference between metric and imperial at this point Tom.

Pog - seriously, can many Americans figure it out? [Wink]

I still have trouble with metric measurements of area. No idea how big a hectare is...

PS. The UK still uses imperial measurements although the EU thinks it's very naughty. Apologies, Rob, I know...
PS. Just want to say I agree with Opihikao's comments. and anyone who really wants to bring a lawsuit should be prepared to spend a lot of money. PGV have lawyers, so does the state and Puna Pono probably have as well. Any civil action would go on for years. I'd rather leave it to PGV to deal with that no matter how sympathetic I am to your cause, Obie.
I love it. Call a spade a spade.


P.S. Bet y'all thought it was a Hawaiian song, eh? (In my bestest southern drawl because I like it, combined with the English twist, engrained in our blood. Or, is "eh" Canadian? lol.) No offense meant, nor taken in this subject. Thank you for all the interesting perspectives. [Smile]
Wonderful, JMO! One of my favourite artists and songs!

If you don't mind because this is really getting off topic, but Pam likes playing this song when we are together (which isn't often these days) and I was born in '67 and my birthday is near, so hope I can get away with this!
Originally posted by TomK

No idea how big a hectare is...

Never mind many firkins to a hogshead?
Originally posted by TomK

Wonderful, JMO! One of my favourite artists and songs!

If you don't mind because this is really getting off topic, but Pam likes playing this song when we are together (which isn't often these days) and I was born in '67 and my birthday is near, so hope I can get away with this!

You're an Englishman, Mr. Tom, you can do as you please, within reason, of course. (Curtsey to the right.)

I've been trying to find a thread that allows for giving Pam my best regards, and fondest aloha. Here is it.

Mr. Tucker may delete our posts at will (this is not a, and SIR Elton John will be an icon forever. He stayed here in Puna when performing in Honolulu (several times) which brings this back to topic. Aloha, Sir, and Hauoli La Hanau.

Apologies to all for the off topic. Mahalo for your indulgence. This is how we roll.

Damn, I always worked in kilderkins. I think the answer is six, but am not sure. It's not metric so can't multiply or divide by 10.
Petricci is a professional rabble rouser. He is getting paid by somebody and with the way Puna Porno Alliance dances pantomime around Big Oil, seems to be a pointer. Petricci was one of the group that got a big settlement in the late 90's and he resurfaced about 3 years ago, indicating the settlement was spent. He saw the health angle con as a possible cash refresher. It's bizarre how many people are submissive in being coached the symptoms to fake and report. That is the other strange aspect, these "protesters" always have organizers and handlers. Removing these organizers and handlers, the "protestors" lose cohesiveness and dissipate. There is this long time connection between a small group of people around Pahoa that keep claiming they are the "leaders". It has progressed to the point now that Petricci is flying to Honolulu because he is one of Ruderman's advisors. Ruderman's other advisors are Steve Sparks and Henry Thomas, also part of Puna Porno Alliance. Remember, Ruderman considers these people his technical advisors. Watching these clowns shows how influential the Volcano Circus has been.

"We come in peace!" - First thing said by missionaries and extraterrestrials
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
You are a bloody amazing star, JMO. I will pass on your post to Pam.

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