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The existing State of Emergency (FYI+Comments)

So this SOE was declared August 7, the day after the hurricane.

Mayor's Proclamation From August 7, 2014

State of Emergency exists on the Hawaii Island, Effective 6:00 AM Thursday, 08/07/2014 and continuing thereon for 60 days or until further act.

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Mayor's Proclamation August 7, 2014

State of Emergency exists on the Hawaii Island, Effective 6:00 AM Thursday, 08/07/2014 and continuing thereon for 60 days or until further act.

I posted this link as I found it and what you will notice is that the
SOE is mentioned twice in a row of an otherwise chronological order.
What this means to me is that their had been a previous post most likely an UNABRIDGED warning about PGV and the release of dangerous gases that had occurred on the night of Aug 6, has been deleted. (better check that link now!)

As well we are still under that SOE, meaning normal Hawaii state laws instituted by elected officials are in suspension (not saying that "normal" laws are not being adhered to).
Obob. Please seek professional mental healthcare. Soon.
For once, he may be on to something: this place really needs a "State of Permanent Emergency".
Steam release causes concern Hawaii Tribune Herald 8/21/2014

Extracts from article , with my commentary added in Italics

The release, which included hydrogen sulfide....

Blocked roadways prevented the FD hazmat team from reaching the site to take hydrogen sulfide readings and stationary monitors were offline because of power outages.

[Abbreviated from here on]

staff took measurements with hand held meters.....

Mike Kaleikini....... said the 7 staff members were present and didn't report any health impacts (note: in Harry Kim's report he said that they said that they were in fact understaffed the night of 8/6/2014)

yada yada yada.................................

Later on in the article: With the concentration unclear.......

Wind speeds unclear..........

Oliveira speaking: requested PGV speak with Helco about coordinating a plant shut down prior to the arrival of another storm. Civil Defense provided the plant with generators to keep monitors running during power outages. - (stock up batteries & water, etc, before another event)

Additionaly the county is planning to conduct a geothermal health study to asses impacts from the plant.
Obob IS the SOE
The Tropical Storm (Hurricane) Iselle made landfall in Puna late in the evening on the 7th (about 11:00PM), earlier that evening (still the 7th, ca8:00PM) that unnecessary 'Warning' was released about PGV

PS the highest hydrogen sulfide reading that night was 25 parts per Billion...
the level for workers needing protective clothing etc (dangerous) is 10,000 parts per Billion

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
25 ppb? You get more than that from any steam vent in Puna, and trivial in comparison to several hundred tons per day from Kilauea.
Me ka ha`aha`a,
Originally posted by bananahead

The Tropical Storm (Hurricane) Iselle made landfall in Puna late in the evening on the 7th (about 11:00PM), earlier that evening (still the 7th, ca8:00PM) that unnecessary 'Warning' was released about PGV

PS the highest hydrogen sulfide reading that night was 25 parts per Billion...
the level for workers needing protective clothing etc (dangerous) is 10,000 parts per Billion

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

"PS the highest hydrogen sulfide reading that night was 25 parts per Billion...
the level for workers needing protective clothing etc (dangerous) is 10,000 parts per Billion"

Any ppb measurements would certainly be suspect as to their accuracy.
You know holding a hand held monitor in winds gusting pretty much every which way during a well advertised hurricane with winds approaching 75mph .

To your initial post statement of "So this SOE was declared August 7, the day after the hurricane." DO YOU NOT KNOW THE DAYS???

Iselle hit Hawaii Island in the evening of Thursday, August 7, 2014, and CONTINUED into the morning of Friday, August 8, 2014


It seems like you do not even live here, if you have no concept of these facts....

PLEASE TRY TO GET YOUR FACTS CORRECT before you spread your fearmongering... A calendar may help. or any number of other devises, but your memory seems to be totally flawed at this point.
Really can't believe this thread. The SOE was put into action because we had a big storm on the way and it was likely we'd experience damage, prolonged power outages and residents and businesses would require help. It had nothing to do with PGV.

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