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Has anyone been keeping track of the lava flow?
Some of the punawebbers I know were there, Lava is nowjust out of the tube, ~ 2 miles from Kaohe Homesteads (homeowners there had a meeting yesterday), rate ~100meters per day, Pu`uO`o output has been about 2x normal, but has backed off a bit recently, the little side flow is really starting to slow, now is the time for every resident & landowner t start to make sure you have a plan (esp. if you have livestock) and that they are planning for ~ one week notice IF n evacuation would be needed for an area (ed:if you would need more time, best to start planning now)

Most likely alternate route would try to be Chain of Craters (opening up the cooled lava covering for evacuation traffic), and the mauka or makai alternate route is a VERY long way off, the mayor had us do a reality check of the amount of land acquisition would be long & drawn out, with a very high cost & loss of property for over 100 residents, which would have to be undertaken with the consideration of these property owners.

oh, along with that some people tried to take over the meeting to their own agenda, even taking the microphone away from the Director of Civil Defense, but those were met with boo's - the Mayor bringing the meeting back to the lava flow was met with applause...
Dr Jim from HVO mentioned the fact that they had been tracking the flow of the lava through the crack ( using skylights & emissions -following the smoke)and that it had just emerge more than a couple of times... the "excited" may have been 'camera angle'...

This was a very crowded meeting (WAY over the numbers to be called "overflow crowd" and most wanted to know "what does this flow mean for me"

I would say most people there wanted to know when the lava would be at their door/across their travel route, and the inconsistency of lava was not comfo4rting, some actually wanted the government to do something (Ed note:as the lava is in a highly fractured area that is pretty inaccessible, not sure how much can be done at this point)

One lady did bring in the front page of the Trib/Herald with the headline "State Disaster \Fund Depleted", met with assurances that if funds were needed for a safe evacuation, they would be available

The number of people at this event far exceed the numbers I have seen at previous lava flow inspires community update meetings, so this is a very good thing, people are thinking there is a potential for this flow to effect them & they wanted to have information. Hopefully more are ready to start planning, as some of the take away I had from the =meeting was that many at this meeting were not prepared for the aftereffects of Iselle, had not planned for the variety of things that CAN happen during a natural disaster & wanted to know what to expect

- ED: I do think the presenters did give a fairly well reasoned picture of most of the things that COULD happen IF lava continued on its current & nearby paths... I am wondering how many left the meeting with a better understanding of how much each of the residents must plan for what they should do if these potential things happen..

What is concerning to me is they are saying it only advanced 1/4 miles since Friday, but the map shows entering and now leaving the far end of the crack since then which is nearly 2 miles in a few days. At this rate, it seems potentially much less than a few weeks to hit occupied areas. We will be going to the meeting tonight. Hopefully they will give specifics on opening up Chain of Craters or other routes and what will trigger that, and how quickly it can be done. If it crosses 130 north of Hawaiian Beaches and thousands of people are trapped, what is the plan for that? Hopefully they have clear plans to re-open chain of craters quickly, but to do so requires bulldozing miles of lava. And it doesn't seem to early to be discussing eminent domain to create an emergency route from the bottom of Beaches into HPP. Or is that road that shows up on the USGS map already passable?


- 200-300 feet/day, "no sign of it stopping"
- possibility of opening Chain of Craters Road
- "could develop into a threat fairly quickly"
- "we're gonna need a lot of prayer"
Thanks for the info. Did they have maps this time? That last meeting, last winter- had detailed maps of where the lava was actually going to go-if it kept flowing. Nice pics are up on the HVO website.
Mahalo for the update, Carey.

Shame on those who were shouting over each other and belligerent at the meeting. At least Civil Defense (and the Mayor) are advising the community of what they are planning, should this potential flow approach residential areas.

It is interesting (and somewhat disappointing at times) to see people's reaction to this possible event. No matter how much planning, worrying, praying, blaming, shouting, goes on, there is not one thing any human being can to do change what Tutu Pele chooses to do.

(O/T) Aunty Iolani, we miss your presence. Going to mahalo Tutu Pele as you taught all of us with ho'okupu.
(*Go to 3:25-5:33 to watch Aunty Iolani honor Pele)

Aia lä `o Pele i Hawai`i, `eä

A ka luna o Kîlauea
I ke ahi a ka wahine

Ha`a ana ka wahine Pele
`Ûhi `ûhâ mai ana lâ

Nome ana `o Pele i Puna
Aia ka palena a`i kai `eâ

He inoa nou a`e Pele `eâ
Ka wahine noho a i Kîlauea

Ho`i nô e ke kapu i Kîlauea
E ola mâkou a mau loa

He inoa nô Pele

Up at Kilauea
Lives the fire of the lady

Madame Pele moves
Creaking and crackling as she goes

Pele moves to Puna
The end is in the sea

Thy name is Pele
The lady that lives at Kilauea

All kapu remains at Kïlauea
And may we live forever
FYI: More will be uploaded, in case you could not make the meeting.

Video of Last Night's Meeting - Part I (*Big Island Video News)
Opihikao quote:
"It is interesting (and somewhat disappointing at times) to see people's reaction to this possible event. No matter how much planning, worrying, praying, blaming, shouting, goes on, there is not one thing any human being can to do change what Tutu Pele chooses to do."

It seems like it is all breaking down, just as some people were working hard, to build it all up. Tutu Pele say's 'Think again'.
all breaking down, just as some people were working hard, to build it all up

So ... anti-development legislation no longer required?
kalakoa quote:
"So ... anti-development legislation no longer required?"

Who is writing 'anti-development legislation'? What is the bill number? I want to call them and see if they want any help.('[Wink]')

Just messin' with you, kalakoa, it is so easy to do.('[}Smile]')

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