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Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare?
And BTW, there were no CMEs during comet ISON's closest approach to the sun when it was destroyed, so Bob's revision of his own posting history becomes even harder to justify.
Most of the "growth" in Puna comes from mainland retirees. Quite a few are in the beginning stages of senility and dementia. They find their way onto the Internet and sometimes to the various "alliance" group hive mind meetings.

It is very easy to become isolated on your property and create your own little reality. A lot of people feel like they are creating their own little Paradise on their lot and they do represent the majority. Others, the fringe minority, are imagining themselves in some kind of apocalypse nightmare, poisons and demons everywhere, imps disguised as UFO's, the county government run by thieves and crooks, corporations sneaking their way in to spread more poison and disease.

It all balances out.

"We come in peace!" - First thing said by missionaries and extraterrestrials
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Originally posted by TomK


"A big DUH for the above- I never even implied that-"tiny lump of ice had anything to do with solar activity". You sem a bit be-fuddled to me."

As shown in another thread, you appear to be having some memory issues. From your post on 11/27/13:

"Ison approach to sun triggers CME: (Today) Call it a coinky - dink occurence?

Dear Tom your first link is to the Ison thread on punatalk, but without any specific thread on that page delineated. So I clicked on all my posts on that page , sorry
you do know what specificity is -right

Your second link goes to to a post that from the looks of it doesn't have my name anywhere on it, but of which I may have shared with PT, THAT BEING SAID i DO RECOGNIZE MY "Call it a coinky - dink occurence"?, please post that link which contains that phrase, as I am trying to be careful here in my reply to you . But thanks for bringing up as it is an excellent site for all things health related - from orthodox medical treatment to homeopathic, to acupuncture, conspiracy, and about several hundred more varying topics .

Posted - 08/23/2014 : 22:55:54 TOM
And BTW, there were no CMEs during comet ISON's closest approach to the sun when it was destroyed, so Bob's revision of his own posting history becomes even harder to justify.

Odd , I am sure I posted a very good lasco video which showed the comet approach and the Sun going bonkers with cme's on the approach AND ON THE EXIT , CLEARLY SHOWING THAT THE SUN'S MASSIVE CME'S were blasting the crap out of the tail - I will find that one
You can't post a link to a specific post. I only posted one link which is to page three of that thread. That second link is the one you posted. I was referring to your post of 11/27/13 which is at the top of page 3 of that thread. It's really not that hard to find.
So this is the 3rd time I have made a follow up post on the ison thing - the first one had a link showing Ison during the perihelion pass with many cme's going off at that time. - I did find a link from nasa and made a new post today this am - now I find that that whole post didn't show up either. So here we go with a better post on ison at that time.

Please note I am not interested in the "giant thing " supposedly visible, only the Ison footage which is quite good.

Posted - 08/23/2014 : 22:55:54 Show Profile Visit TomK's Homepage Reply with Quote

And BTW, there were no CMEs during comet ISON's closest approach to the sun when it was destroyed, so Bob's revision of his own posting history becomes even harder to justify.

opihikaobob says: here is a link showing lots of cme's

Update! Proof of ISON survived
Published on Nov 28, 2013
NASA & ESA & Professional Astronomers declared Comet c/2012 s1 ISON DEAD after Perihelion. Then, the Stereo Lasco and SECCHI cameras started to show something emerge. Dirty Snowball dust? Dragon Skull? Who knows but as spaceweather said. SOMETHING survived. It looks big and the latest reports are that it is brightening.
This was supposed to be at the bottom of my last post! MayBE it is their - oh well we will see since i have been making vids of all the shenanagance it will be possible to see what I have been seeing`
Comet ISON and Coronal Mass Ejections (11/30/2013)

Solar Ham
Solar Ham
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Published on Nov 30, 2013
Here is a movie by LASCO C3 spanning November 26th until this morning (11/30/2013) showing a number of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and the entire Comet ISON sungrazing event. Towards the end of the movie, Comet ISON appears to diminish considerably. More updates later today. One of the plasma clouds in this video is predicted to deliver a glancing blow to our geomagnetic field on December 2nd. The impact is expected to be weak and geomagnetic storming is not expected at this time.
As for the event of an uncontrolled release of h2so2, I believe that this thread and the replies by myself and others shows that their was an uncontrolled release of h2so2 during the Hurricane
And that reporting by "The Weather Channel and Sherry Bracken on the night of the storm, as well as well as the interview with Harry Kim (who has stated that the PGV was understaffed the night of Hurricane, As well as Hawaiian news 24/7, and their report of A Civil defense warning of an uncontrolled release AT PGV

All these reports do indeed belie the fact that we indeed did have an uncontrolled release at PGV on the night of the hurricane, and their is a clumsy attempt to cover it up
It was the Illuminati Bob.
So a weather reporter from who-knows-where who had probably never been here before says something happened, a local reporter who didn't even seem to know what the geothermal plant is, an old retired guy who used to be with Civil Defense many years ago knows how PGV should staff their plant, and Civil Defense, whose job is to assume the worst might happen and get people to safety even if no event actually occurs, means that there is a cover-up?
You are just amazing at connecting dots.

Bob wrote:

"This was supposed to be at the bottom of my last post! MayBE it is their - oh well we will see since i have been making vids of all the shenanagance it will be possible to see what I have been seeing`"

My guess is the only chance anyone stands of seeing what you see is through the bottom of a beer bottle. Enough of this nonsense. If you start trying to scare people again I might make a comment, but in the meantime I think people need only read Bob's comment above to see where he's coming from.

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