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Punatics for PGV
Originally posted by leilanidude
I have no idea why you are worried about lightning arrestors. Not sure if lightning has ever been an issue there?

Don't have time to address all your blatherings but this one. Yes, they had a lightning strike event, and yes, there was a fairly large spill of pentane, their actual working fluid for the turbine.

You would be able to tell how Ormat hasn't been upgrading by looking at new geothermal plants. Their heat exchangers take up a quarter of the space. Please, if you are going to talk like you don't know your head from a steaming ground crack, then don't be so authoritative about it.

"We come in peace!" - First thing said by missionaries and extraterrestrials
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Originally posted by Obie

Back to the original topic,the DOH confirms that Petricci and Punapono members are lying:

Time for the prosecutor to step in and put Pakalolo Bob away.

Mahalo for this article, Obie. It will be said that the DOH is on the take, not doing their job, they're wrong, and historically never cared about the residents around the plant. They will be part of a lawsuit (again) if litigation is the plan (again).

Even Ruderman is convinced the plant caused people to be sick:

(*Source - Big Island Video News)

If you notice, Petricci used to claim being one of the health "victims". He is one of the dozen in the Adler study. But now, he has stepped off to the side and is the "coach" for health symptoms as well as the ghost writer for testimony and petitions, instructing people to use them as if they were their own (why you see so many word for word references).

The other thing to notice about Petricci is he is always recommending, or more like demanding, that Hawaii county spend local dollars hiring mainland "experts", consultants, and attorneys. That is, make Hawaii county government send local dollars to the mainland as a jobs program and tourist vacation for his cronies in southern California. The reason given for local experts not being acceptable is they are all connected and on the take.

Just more chapters for the Bizarro world some people have turned Puna into.

"We come in peace!" - First thing said by missionaries and extraterrestrials
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
make Hawaii county government send local dollars to the mainland

Isn't this required by law if the mainland vendor is "lowest bidder"?

Mailing property taxes to Washington, etc.
Originally posted by lavalava

Pro-USA or just anti-semetic?

It's just a fact! Since when did reporting facts become a-s
Obie, is this you? (j/k, j/k) [Big Grin]

Puna Pono has a meeting scheduled regarding PGV August 30th (information at link). The comment posted was worthy of posting on this thread. JMO.

(*Snipped - More at link)

Jay Turkovsky Says:
August 26th, 2014 at 1:32 pm

Perhaps some better questions would be asked of you, Bob, rather than accusing the people that bring us power, security, and safety.
Here are some of my questions…
Why do some Puna residents who know nothing about power and the Grid operation think they know more than the professionals?
Why do some Puna residents do so little in trying to understand how our Grid works?
Why do some Puna residents totally disregard the opinions of others in our district?
Why do some Puna residents not flee and live somewhere else if they are so afraid of their stated fears?
Why do some Puna residents disregard the concept of democracy when well aware the majority of Puna is in favor of having PGV?
Why does Bob choose to stroke his ego by inciting fear into a mob mentality?

Having electric power is freedom. Without it we could be taken over by any other nation that chooses. They, then, would build power plants!

Puna Pono, ie. Bob Petricci, is Pau! Your demands are improperly placed and ultimately going nowhere. Take your ego somewhere else and leave the majority in Puna to live in Aloha!
The battle against the TMT has been lost, the war against PGV continues, there's no way out of Puna apart from joining the traffic jam on 130 but it may all come to an end anyway if the lava has its way.

Tree huggers have lost many of their trees and now GMO crops might be allowed to grow on the islands.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
And I feel fine ;-)
As a proponent of alternative energy since the 70's, I have historically been in support of geothermal since it is an alternative energy. Hawaii is the most dependent state on imported oil in the US and that imported oil has a higher cost than what you just pay at the pump and HellCo. Hawaii needs to become more self-sufficient so developing geothermal on the Big Island was a natural coarse to take.

What's different with PGV from the majority of geothermal plants around the world (other than Iceland) is that they are drilling into a live volcano. A volcano that even the HVO scientists admit there's more they don't know about than what they do know about it.

And here they are injecting water and chemicals into the most active volcano in the world. Now lava is heading in the direction of the PGV plant. How large a volume of fluids have been pumped down there? I don't know. If lava is going into the crack and working it's way toward PGV, what happens if that lava hits a large pocket of PGV "fluids" underground. Depending on how large a volume that is, it could trigger an explosion when that fluid instantly turns to steam.

I would hope that they are talking about a possible temporary shut down of the plant until this close threat of lava passes. I wouldn't want to be living right next to PGV right now and I would hope they are thinking about this possibility.

Is the benefit of energy from PGV worth the risk? Solar energy works even here in cloudy, rainy Puna. It is clean and non-polluting (except for the manufacturing process) and there are no moving parts to break or a need for a large amount of employees to maintain it. Solar photovoltaics is the best long term solution for Hawaii.

We live very comfortably off-grid and know first hand how amazing it is, my uncle calls it magic. The weak link is the batteries, but there is a lot of money being invested in battery technology and we can expect some breakthoughs on that thanks to people like Elon Musk at Tesla.

The future is no grid at all and for everyone to have their own energy source at home. The grid is 20th century technology and I doubt HellCo will even be in business anymore in 20 years or less. Solar works in Puna, it's clean, safe and becoming cheaper every day.

Regarding this debate about PGV, I think Pele will be speaking up very soon and she just might have the last word.
Originally posted by Opihikaobob

Originally posted by lavalava

Pro-USA or just anti-semetic?

It's just a fact! Since when did reporting facts become a-s

Just wait till OBob goes into his anti Semitic rants!

Surprisingly I see he has not of recent late, but in the past he sure gas come up with a few good ones!

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