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Punatics for PGV
Originally posted by DiscussTruth

Originally posted by Opihikaobob

Originally posted by lavalava

Pro-USA or just anti-semetic?

It's just a fact! Since when did reporting facts become a-s

Just wait till OBob goes into his anti Semitic rants!

Surprisingly I see he has not of recent late, but in the past he sure gas come up with a few good ones!

Yeah, the truth is a-s according to you and others, say hi to the other mega-phonies while your there, and tell tom he has a thread to answer too at "Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare?"
Holy over-quote Batman!
SBH, Thank you for your comments. I believe as you, that solar is the way. My house is all solar.. People afraid of not being able to run this or that appliance. I have them all... They all run great. From big screen TV's. to refrigerators, to great Dennon amplifiers, washers, dishwashers, dryers, internet, etc...
Outback makes clean current inverters that can be stacked for more power. Actually sealed for Hawaii. I have that.
But If you are paying 300 a month or more for electric bills, then get a credit line, and you will save money.
Everyone, please look into it. It is affordable, I managed, and have not run a generator for years..
Even on cloudy days my solar array charges. BP made.
Hope it helps.


Here is the reality about geothermal. PGV is drilling into a geothermal reservoir not an active volcano.They are only injecting the fluids that they bring to the surface to extract the heat.

"In the United States, most geothermal reservoirs of hot water are located in the western states, Alaska, and Hawaii. Wells can be drilled into underground reservoirs for the generation of electricity. Some geothermal power plants use the steam from a reservoir to power a turbine/generator, while others use the hot water to boil a working fluid that vaporizes and then turns a turbine. Hot water near the surface of Earth can be used directly for heat. Direct-use applications include heating buildings, growing plants in greenhouses, drying crops, heating water at fish farms, and several industrial processes such as pasteurizing milk."


Good for you.That is your choice.My choice is to use power from PGV delivered by Helco.

My belief is that Robert Petricci should be prosecuted for creating a panic during a civil defense emergency and I am pursuing that.


No that's not me but I would like to meet him someday.I agree with him that our lives and destiny's are being guided by a small vocal minority.I have spoken to Greggor about this and he understands.That's why he does his own research and comes to his own conclusions rather that going with anti science noise makers.
Obi-wan Kenobi,

Thanks for your education on alternative energy (you copied and pasted from here: ) but I received my Bachelor of Science in Alternative Energy in 1984 before becoming a graduate student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Architecture.

I'm well aware of how geothermal works. Photovoltaics are a far superior and risk free choice for Hawaii. Solar also gives people the opportunity to have their own independent system without being slave to HellCo threatening to turn off your power whenever you're late to pay your bill. They raise your rates as often as possible and the power goes out every time the wind blows. Those power lines all over are really pretty though.

I financed and built my own pv system and all my components were made in the USA. Do you know who finances PGV owned by Ormat? FIMI - an Israeli Investment Firm:

Life is about choices. Some of us have chosen to go with Solar for many positive reasons. Your choice comes at the expense of many of your neighbors who have become sick from the emissions coming from PGV. Some of your neighbors loose sleep from the sound of drilling at night around PGV. Solar is silent and doesn't negatively effect any neighbors or our environment.

PGV uses hydraulic fracturing to crack the rock which can cause small earthquakes.

The PGV plant uses harmful and even explosive chemicals. We use sunshine.

It's obvious though you don't care if your energy has a negative impact on your neighbors or our environment. You probably still have a cesspool leaking your effluent into Kapoho Tidepools too, a marine sanctuary.

Obie- "PGV is drilling into a geothermal reservoir not an active volcano."

Maybe you should go to the meeting at the Pahoa Community Center tonight so that you can be educated that we and PGV are on a live volcano.

I don't know Robert Petricci and have nothing to do with Puna Pono Alliance so I won't comment on your vendetta against him.

Nice sunny day today, making lots of free, clean electricity. Going to use our solar oven today too to bake some banana bread.
Originally posted by Obie


Here is the reality about geothermal. PGV is drilling into a geothermal reservoir not an active volcano.They are only injecting the fluids that they bring to the surface to extract the heat.

"In the United States, most geothermal reservoirs of hot water are located in the western states, Alaska, and Hawaii. Wells can be drilled into underground reservoirs for the generation of electricity. Some geothermal power plants use the steam from a reservoir to power a turbine/generator, while others use the hot water to boil a working fluid that vaporizes and then turns a turbine. Hot water near the surface of Earth can be used directly for heat. Direct-use applications include heating buildings, growing plants in greenhouses, drying crops, heating water at fish farms, and several industrial processes such as pasteurizing milk."


Good for you.That is your choice.My choice is to use power from PGV delivered by Helco.

My belief is that Robert Petricci should be prosecuted for creating a panic during a civil defense emergency and I am pursuing that.


No that's not me but I would like to meet him someday.I agree with him that our lives and destiny's are being guided by a small vocal minority.I have spoken to Greggor about this and he understands.That's why he does his own research and comes to his own conclusions rather that going with anti science noise makers.

You would rather pay more for ever , in essence throwing money down the toilet for a company that regularly has transmission problems, with not much in the way of reimbursement to effected customers when they loose a fridge full of food.-Unless their other factors involved here, ie , maybe working for helco, invested in Helco,in someway benefiting from helco. Maybe you are so rich that financial loss means nothing to you.
Obi-wan Kenobi,

Thanks for your education on alternative energy (you copied and pasted from here: )
Yes I copied and pasted that,I put quotation marks around it .Apparently you have lost the ability to comprehend !!

I'm well aware of how geothermal works. Photovoltaics are a far superior and risk free choice for Hawaii.
Risk free for Hawaii,how about the true environmental damage. Extraction of rare earth elements is banned in the US.

I financed and built my own pv system and all my components were made in the USA. Do you know who finances PGV owned by Ormat? FIMI - an Israeli Investment Firm:

Chrysler is owned by an Italian company,all of the great steel companies are owned by the Russians or the French and you get most of your gasoline from a British company.It's a global economy!!

Life is about choices. Some of us have chosen to go with Solar for many positive reasons. Your choice comes at the expense of many of your neighbors who have become sick from the emissions coming from PGV. Some of your neighbors loose sleep from the sound of drilling at night around PGV. Solar is silent and doesn't negatively effect any neighbors or our environment.

My elderly neighbors who don't have the monetary resources nor the knowledge to maintain batteries is who I worry about.

PGV uses hydraulic fracturing to crack the rock which can cause small earthquakes.

Bull**** !!!

The PGV plant uses harmful and even explosive chemicals. We use sunshine.

More bull**** !!

It's obvious though you don't care if your energy has a negative impact on your neighbors or our environment. You probably still have a cesspool leaking your effluent into Kapoho Tidepools too, a marine sanctuary.

Wrong,just spent several thousand to upgrade from cesspool and we live nowhere near the water !!

Obie- "PGV is drilling into a geothermal reservoir not an active volcano."

Maybe you should go to the meeting at the Pahoa Community Center tonight so that you can be educated that we and PGV are on a live volcano.

I had to fly back to the mainland to care for my 90 year old mother.My wife attended the meeting last night and the best guess is if the flow continued , it would cross 130 at the intersection of 132,the red light at the south end of Pahoa. Can't get to PGV from there !!
I don't know Robert Petricci and have nothing to do with Puna Pono Alliance so I won't comment on your vendetta against him.

You are quoting the Punapono RP bull**** !!

Nice sunny day today, making lots of free, clean electricity. Going to use our solar oven today too to bake some banana bread.

Perhaps you should read the topic you are posting to (Punatics for PGV) and start your own topic about how great solar is !!

Aloha !!
"you get most of your gasoline from a British company."

My vehicle runs on B100 biodiesel purchased from Pacific Biodiesel in Keaau. Made in Puna and creating jobs in Puna.

My next vehicle is an electric car to take advantage of all my surplus electricity since my system goes into resting mode early in the day when my batteries are full.

Hope your mom is ok, have a safe trip.
Hawaii island gets almost all its gas and diesel from the two refineries on Oahu, Chevron and Tesoro. Due to the nature of the evolution of electric power on these islands, there is a very close relationship between these refineries and Hawaiian Electric, and no stupid conspiracy. In the past, they had agreed to and kind of left with no choice with the Jones Act, to get most of the raw oil from Indonesia. This was competitive, since tankers from Indonesia are not subject to the Jones Act and Honolulu is the international port of entry. To make a long story short, the refineries and Hawaiian Electric are shifting their oil contracts to Mexico, which also doesn't require Jones Act, so the tankers can come through the canal, straight to Hawaii. Indonesia oil has been going for a premium and there is a lot of southeast Asia demand, so the price per barrel was kept high. The local refineries can't handle the high sulfur content of Alaskan oil anyway, and the Gulf oil is higher quality, at more competitive per barrel prices. That is why the local gas prices will probably start going down quite a bit.

"We come in peace!" - First thing said by missionaries and extraterrestrials
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
"That is why the local gas prices will probably start going down quite a bit". Uh huh. "New and improved" is what they will say with the new oil source ("new" price at "improved" profit). IMO

Community begins with Aloha

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