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Candidate Eligibility
Well, the way I feel about her now, the only thing I'd encourage her to run for is the airport.
In response to Rob's last question....let's hope so. She has bullied her way through life for far too long. Time to learn some manners and humble herself. If that's even possible.
Sheila Bang
The question is, is anyone outside of PunaWeb paying any attention to this issue?
One reader of the Trib does, they submitted a letter about it, maybe that's a Punaweb reader though. I suspect, though, that this will not be a big issue when it comes to actual voting. I would be happy to be proved wrong though. As "DiscussTruth" has shown, many who will vote for Tiff won't be swayed by ethics or morality.
If I was Tiffany, I don't know if I would even want the seat at this point. At the risk of having RJ and Sativa giving you s*** at every meeting. It will be far from a ferry ride for the next two years. Don't Tiffany also have a business and two young children? Why would she even want to subject them to this craziness?
It is odd. When she quit the job as Emily's aide, she blogged that she didn't want her kids in the limelight. She was upset because she was scrutinized and that was as an aide. Now she wants to be in the big tent, no mention of concern for the kids.

If she is convicted of voter fraud, she'll most likely have to give up her seat even if she won, as it's a felony conviction -- so I can't fathom why she wants to keep at it.

Theft of copper is a Class C felony in Hawaii punishable by five years in prison. - See more at:

Just a reference of what a class C felony means, for those who are comparing it to a parking ticket.

If the Police and Prosecutor sweep this under the rug they had better be prepared to be under a heat-lamp next election when strengthening the election laws will make a cause celebre for candidates looking for an issue. It will make great press.

The foundation of democracy is the clean election. Wars have been, and are being fought to preserve it. If anyone has forgotten how important it is they need to be reminded.

Hawaii would still be run by the Big Five Republican Machine, but for the power of the ballot box. There are still people alive who remember when the elections were rigged here, so don't think it isn't a big deal!
"However, that being said, I truly believe what has been allowed here on Punaweb, with KathyH - solely - has been the EXACT SAME cyber bullying as was done to her.

Albeit done differently, it is in the exact same vain.

The "EXACT SAME" thing albeit differently.

This has to come from some comedy show, surely?

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