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Goddess Pele
I know many many Hawaiians who find a way to integrate both the old religion and gods and the newer Christian one. I took a geography of religion class in college and on the first day the professor told us that we needed to not even try to apply logic to religion, because religion is about FAITH, not logic. Faith is personal and comes from within, everyone has the right to their own beliefs, or no beliefs, but calling other people's religious beliefs excrement is disrespectful to them.


edited to add that the post I was responding to has been deleted, removing the context of my comment

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

You appear to me to be trolling. It is not productive and can lead to an unscheduled vacation. Stop it.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
fine... out of this thread

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If you turn on the volcano signs atop the Cash n Carry this will all stop. Also, you need to block off vehicular traffic on the main drag on Fridays and Saturdays and create a real beach and open up the access to Shipman Beach and put a Trader Joe's where Malama Market is or she is just going to stay pissed off.
And also complete road work on 130 by weeks end.
Kelena has a point.
Hasn't anyone else noticed that when the Neon Volcano was lit up, there was no lava headed toward Pahoa?
And now that the sign is turned off, a new lava flow is headed in the general direction of Pahoa.
As a vulcanologist from Vulcan would say, "It is only logical."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I agree....lava flow on the pali was last seen in October of 2013...near when Cash n Carry announced their Nov. closing & was heading north in November....

Perhaps someone in Kalapana has the sign!

ADD: even more ominous... the oven at Kaimu Cafe went out in Jan. 2014.... what was the source?

Oh, and UH-H is FULL of Vulcans (team name)
Co-inky-dink? I think not. I think I can put this all more simply: If you give Pele what Kelena wants, this all will stop. She and I think alike. For example, we both want to throw our boyfriends into a lake of fire then later we will apologize and turn the girl he cheated with into a flower and him into a tree.

Light the sign in Pahoa! If only so CNN can have some good establishment shots.
Thank you, Kelena and Carey, for brightening up the conversation on the lava flow. Smiles, open minds, and a bit of lightheartedness might help our consideration of the flow's consequences.

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