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HPP Board 2014
Your report regarding your understanding what the previous president did was from hearsay. So, I'll take it as that.
As for the firing of Kaniu Stocksdale, again, you use hearsay. The most recent president was not the president at that time. Again, no reliable report.
Brand new ID?
Originally posted by Karma96749

Where were you when the meetings were in the Hui library and we were lucky to get 5 or 6 non board members attending ? You were not there until the recent huge meetings with the the new board.

The opening post on this thread is at best biased. I think there is a lot of trumpeted up hearsay about the actual meetings that have occurred with the new board.
nhb' original first posting on punatalk was to announce a meeting at the new board president's house. nhb posted this new president's address and requested owners to show up at this new president's house. What is your agenda, nhb?

It is so hypocritical that this ex-president is obesessed with the new board following the bylaws when she and the old board blatantly disregarded the bylaws in many board meetings that I attended.

I am not talking hearsay, but my own experiences attending and observing the previous board: the ex-president who is still on the board did not follow the bylaws many times in meetings. I witnessed the ex-president being told in meetings (during owner input and by other board members) that she was not following Roberts Rules and/or not following the bylaws.

The grading and grubbing issues were often discussed at Board meetings and the ex-president and GM would talk as one (with a wink and a nod).
There were many questions that the ex-president cut off, dismissed or tabled. The GM would refuse to answer detailed questions about contracts, road paving and gravel.
I truly can say there were few meetings I attended in that small library where the ex-president followed the bylaws, including the district 2 "election", which is a whole nother story of ex-president not following proper procedure.

Reasons why the 3 staff were fired has been publicly addressed:
At the first large meeting where the new HPP board was sworn in. Janice explained to the membership why the GM and the 2 other staff were fired.
Janice said there was $15,000 of HPP equipment missing, time cards filled out in advance, double pay checks for employees...and other illegal infractions.
This would be enough to fire one of my employees, or an employee anywhere. Wouldn't you fire dishonest employees?
I believe the new board can't give many more details of the infractions of those 3 staff members at this time. But what Janice already presented is enough to get anyone fired.

Why didn't the board give the employees notice?
Because they would have time to undo computers, records, etc. Hawaii is a state where no fault firing is legal.

My understanding is that there was no Human Resources committee prior to this new board forming it. So the new board is starting to put the legal process of hiring by the bylaws into practice.

The new board is following a previous board that was a bad example. I think the new board is trying to do things correctly. Some of the actions of the new board members I do not agree with. But the old board was far worse. I want to support the new board moving forward and learning from past mistakes.

If you weren't at meetings, then what you have to say about how the past HPP board followed bylaws is hearsay.


First, and most important the terminated employees were fired for NO reason, I have the termination letter in my hand!

Second, only after the employees were terminated could the new board look into any discrepancy's in bookkeeping so that's after the fact. These new board members were used as puppets by some owners that didn't like the employees and only time will tell how deep the hole is that they dug.

Third, Under the law (HRS 414D and the Bylaws) Janice is not permitted to talk about current or past employees at all! That information she is leaking to the public will kick her in the ass in court. Even if were true she is bound by her oath not to make it public, employee matters can only be held in executive session.

And remember what Bill Newman said at the July Board meeting,
"This boards feet will be held to the fire"! So stop looking backwards and make the new board ad adhere to the law.

And why hide behind some fake name to spread misinformation?
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Oh KScott, let them keep talking, especially on camera.

When it is shown that the allegations are not true, then Ka-ching.

Especially if they acted illegally and aren't protected by D&O insurance.

Ka-ching. Ka-ching.

Maybe you will end up with a property title in HPP. My suggestion = SELL IT.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me."
-Dudley Field Malone

Including you, and excluding csgray. You have a 50% error in fact right there.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me."
-Dudley Field Malone
<- What most people have called me since high school
I have no dog in this fight but I am pretty sure that Rob Tucker is indeed Rob Tucker...just saying.

Not to mention I also noticed a Scott, Frank and a Steve. I'm not too sure about the last three but I am 100% confident on Rob Tucker being Rob Tucker.
And I am Reni, here, to my family and to my friends. Must agree with Karma... whoever he or she is. I witnessed the same at past board meetings.Overdosed on Drama Triangle and stopped attending or trying to contribute in a positive fashion.. Started looking for property elsewhere. So sick of this nonsense.
I realize that our subdivision (Leilani Estates)is MUCH smaller than HPP but I am glad that our board does not have these issues.

There is no screaming and shouting at the meetings and it is very easy to reach out to the members and they definitely have the people and the subdivision's best interests in mind.

Originally posted by Karma96749

Where were you when the meetings were in the Hui library and we were lucky to get 5 or 6 non board members attending ? You were not there until the recent huge meetings with the the new board.

Not true. I did attend some meetings. Enough? Probably not. Of course, you accuse and hide your name, so you have zero credibility.

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