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Trash dumping
Lot on 22nd st. Near Paradise was just cleared about 3 weeks now. Someone pulled in about week ago and decided to drive in, hid behind frontal brush and dump their trash. They left old toilet, and boards. To the spoiled brat who thinks everyone else in this world should deal with his/her problems. We the people of Hawaii thank you for raping our beautiful island. I am sure you drove off feeling like you got one over us.
There is simply no excuse for this. In Washington State, unless you are taking in recyclables or yard waste, there is a minimum of about a $25.00 charge. I was happy to find out that here, it is free. It takes a very dedicated type of slob with no conscience to leave your trash on the roadside, or someone else's property in a state where the dumps are 1. all free. 2.very nice facilities (especially Pahoa) and 3.on the routes that everyone takes often, so you don't have to make a special trip.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I've watched the progression of signs at the Pahoa water station over the years asking people not to leave their trash when they fill up with water.

First it was a small "No Dumping" sign.
Now it's worked it's way up to a giant warning with handcuffs and the statute #.
And the transfer station for their trash is maybe a mile down the road.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Thanks for this post, MBB.

We live on 6th, near Makuu, with the two 20-acre parcels (and zero houses for a quarter mile) so there is a 'no-see' area where regular dumping occurs. Have called the police, for the purpose of getting it on the record. The officers who came were professional and did a thorough interview and filed a report.
I was invited to a meeting a few years back where the subject of illegal dumping was brainstormed. There are a number of locations aound the county, most especially in Puna, where this occurs regularly.

It was my suggestion that the problem be viewed from the point of view of a self organizing problem. The county wants to herd all the trash collection to points it prefers... the transfer stations. Obviously, in my POV, the citizenry has it's own ideas and has established dumping locations on it's own. You can accept that fact or reject that fact. The county chooses to reject. My proposal was to place some outlying trash containers in proven "eddies" in the district and see if the problem can be self solving... it would however require the CoH to follow rather than lead.

Result: Didn't happen.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
If it's regularly occurring in the same place then how about a game camera hidden on a tree that would snap license plates and faces? Haven't really thought this through (who would pay for them/admin them/is it admissible?), just spitballing it...
The back road to the transfer station is littered with crap....

Nothing left to do but
Nothing left to do but
Originally posted by HI_Someday

If it's regularly occurring in the same place then how about a game camera hidden on a tree that would snap license plates and faces? Haven't really thought this through (who would pay for them/admin them/is it admissible?), just spitballing it...

You mean like this community did?

Originally posted by dragon2k

The back road to the transfer station is littered with crap....

Yeh and it may be the reason the lava flow is headed that way.

Originally posted by terracore

Originally posted by HI_Someday

If it's regularly occurring in the same place then how about a game camera hidden on a tree that would snap license plates and faces? Haven't really thought this through (who would pay for them/admin them/is it admissible?), just spitballing it...

You mean like this community did?

I knew I'd heard of something like this being done before! Trail cameras aren't terribly expensive and the first few fines would cover their costs... Guess it would be up to the subdivision to do it? That whole who-owns-the-road and who-is-responsible-for-maintenace thing is a can of worms.

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