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Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal?
Surely no company would risk millions to put in another geothermal plant now?

And what happens if the lava reaches PGV? Will they be able to safely decommission the plant?
"Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal?"

I hope not and I doubt it.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
The lava flow is not headed towards PGV. There's a better chance if it hitting pahoa high school. The question we should first ask ourselves is should we stop building schools down there. Your statement has more holes in it than the east rift zone has cracks.
I read a few years back, so I can't give you a link, that the contingency plan for the geothermal plant was to remove the surface equipment and move it to a safer place. The wells would then be capped by concrete pads and covered with a thick layer of gravel. If the flow stopped later on, they would come back and reclaim the wells and be back in business.
Originally posted by bluesboy

The lava flow is not headed towards PGV.

At this moment. But its taken Kapoho Kalapana Royal Gardens. Taking PGV is not farfetched.

And Rob my property sits directly on top of one of the new proposed sites. Hard for me to get excited about a new plant there. Why do you say 'I hope not'? Not upset, just curious.
risking millions to make tens of millions doesn't seem like a bad bet to me. i don't think PGV is the one that has a lot to lose in these scenarios. it's the facilities that don't make money that cost a lot of build, such as the schools and gov't buildings such as fire and police.
I think geothermal is a great alternative to sons and daughters dying in wars in the middle east. Anybody here volunteering to fight in Iraq?

From what I have read there is interest in developing more geothermal in locations other than Puna.

Fact of life is Kilauea will be no more respectful of your home than it will a geothermal plant.

If your home is directly on top of a proposed site what kind of offers are you getting? Not my business really... but you should/could make out very well financially.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
PGV's plant was purposefully built to be moved rather quickly, if need be. It is a much better alternative than giant, fixed in place, oil burning plants, which would be destroyed and take years to rebuild.

PGV is also located on rather high ground. It would take one heck of a lava flow to get to it.
Punalvr wrote:

"No offers yet. I just have seen the maps showing sites of greatest interest and ones smack dab on my land. Not really interested in selling."

Rob Tucker:
If you were offered $100,000/yr for 30 years what would you do? That's the kind of leasing that goes with a geothermal site.

PS: Sorry I thought I was editing in a response mode. I changed your post.
New energy technology is developing exponentially; and the new direction is Micro grids and individual systems.

HELCO's 19th century Grid distribution system is antique technology that's expensive to maintain and may possibly be vulnerable to storm damage leading to massive blackouts(ya think?).

The grid system is dying. Any technology dependent on it is dying also; be it oil or Geothermal. As WE pay for the expensive upkeep of the gridosaur, prices only go up for Grid customers.

People unhooking from the grid are experiencing price drops as technology develops, and as Puna redevelops, I feel that more and more people are going to go off grid. This makes it more expensive to those who stay with HELCO. See where this goes? The circle of economic life.

It's not just solar; think small flex fuel/biodiesel generators, and wind. Look up the Bloom energy box; A fuel cell device that can power a large building. No grid necessary. This is now; what do you think is going to pop up in ten years?

The grid doesn't serve it's customers; It serves HELCO. I have one property off grid and one on. I'm working towards total independence and so are many others.

[Big Grin]

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