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HPP Board 2014
Originally posted by mermaid53
Have a Special Board Meeting to fill all 4 of those board vacancies ASAP. Hire a highly experienced GM ASAP. Let the new GM hire the other employees with board oversight and let the board get back to their own business. I think trying to wear 2 hats for this long is the problem. The board needs to focus on their own order of business and I would think they'd be relieved at this point to do so.

I agree with you, Mermaid53.
If the Board is reading this, please consider having a special Board meeting to take care of this business, ASAP.
Having everyone and their cousin lining up for their chance to run the flamethrower isn't helping either. It is remarkable that out of all the people who have all the answers not one of them is volunteering to serve on the board or do anything more constructive than complain about what they see as wrong. Under present circumstances that anyone is willing to sit on the board at all is amazing.

life is short. enjoy it
life is short. enjoy it
Just an observation from a non-vested bystander, watching this thread is like watching the lava flow....was moving quickly and destructively (or constructively depending on your POV), going to take out every thing in its path, spared some of the gravesites, and now stalled out for awhile. Pressure builng up behind the front.

Also like the flow is keeping many HPPOA members on pins and needles.

Originally posted by 4antares

Having everyone and their cousin lining up for their chance to run the flamethrower isn't helping either. It is remarkable that out of all the people who have all the answers not one of them is volunteering to serve on the board or do anything more constructive than complain about what they see as wrong. Under present circumstances that anyone is willing to sit on the board at all is amazing.

I have been on HPP committees for several years now so I have been very constructive with my volunteer time. Many knowledgeable members and past board members have offered friendly assistance and support to the new board because we wanted this board to succeed.
Have you seen the job descriptions in the newspaper?

What is listed for General Manager are the tasks previously assigned to the Road Supervisor, but the new candidate must have a B.A.

The tasks for the Administrator (new post) are among those in the previous GM’s job description, “including supervision”.

The (new) Bookkeeper/Accountant is a combination of the former Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper and the Accounts Receivable clerk.
The Collections Clerk’s job description has not changed.

The GM is the only employee position actually mentioned in the Bylaws. See Article XII – Administration, Section 1. General Manager. In addition, Article IX – Officers, Section 2. President. Subsection (h) says the President shall “Act as the general manager’s direct point of contact…” This indicates that the GM is the person in charge of HPPOA’s staff, answerable directly to the Board.

Article VII – Board of Directors, Section 8. Powers and Authority. Subsection (f) says the Board may “employ…such personnel…as may be necessary… and prescribe such duties for them as are consistent with…these bylaws.” WITHOUT CHANGING THE BYLAWS, the Board cannot create a position higher than the GM.

Why do we need 2 administrators in one office? If the Administrator manages and supervises the Associations business and staff, what does the GM do? Anyone with any intelligence can see right through this scam.

I think that the new Board already has their nominee picked out for the Administrator position and developed the job description to fit their candidate. I would guess it will be the current administrative assistant.

They are making another big mistake if they think that one person can handle the accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll. This is a $2.25 million dollar business with over 8,000 accounts. It also appears that they are pushing Morgan out after 16 years of service. WHY?

This Board’s first order of business is to fill the empty Director seats before they conduct any other business, as some of the previous posts here recommend. Even though they have 5 Directors, which makes a legal quorum, good luck getting the Director from District 1 to show up anymore. Next they need to go back and hold new meetings for the 3 in October that were illegal.
HPP's negotiating with the County on what HPP needs in place before approx 7,000 cars come through. So far the County hasn't been very cooperative.

Maybe that's because anything County does would invite a lawsuit from all the other subdivisions?
The concerns about the roads in HPP should be brought up and stated on record at the Council meeting this morning at 9:15am (11/6). Hopefully some who live in HPP can provide both written and oral testimony to the entire Council for consideration.

Sorry for the short notice, just found this, FYI:

TODAY at 9:15 am Hawaii County Council Public Safety Mass Transit Committee will have a discussion of the Puna Lava Flow with Darryl Oliveira from Civil Defense and Clayton Honma from Public Works on the current status of the flow, evacuation preparation, temporary housing,coordination with CERT teams.

Council meets in Hilo, but you can give testimony or watch the meeting from any of the 6 satellite locations including Pahoa Neighborhood Center

(*Source - Occupy Hilo /Agenda at link below)

Originally posted by 4antares

Having everyone and their cousin lining up for their chance to run the flamethrower isn't helping either. It is remarkable that out of all the people who have all the answers not one of them is volunteering to serve on the board or do anything more constructive than complain about what they see as wrong. Under present circumstances that anyone is willing to sit on the board at all is amazing.

life is short. enjoy it

Flamethrower? What we are doing is pointing out what's going wrong in our subdivision. This way we can point out what the board is doing wrong and fix it rather then putting our subdivision in jeopardy like the litigation the board has brought down on the Association and themselves.

Or, you can let these people run wild and cause more damage to us.
Wouldn't you rather know what's going on?

As others have posted "We need to protect our property and its value".
From mermaid53:
HPP's negotiating with the County on what HPP needs in place before approx 7,000 cars come through. So far the County hasn't been very cooperative.

Could you elaborate please? Also, at this point, what would the County's cooperation look like?
Originally posted by mearth11

From mermaid53:
HPP's negotiating with the County on what HPP needs in place before approx 7,000 cars come through. So far the County hasn't been very cooperative.

Could you elaborate please? Also, at this point, what would the County's cooperation look like?

At the last General Membership Meeting, a lot owner asked the board the status of the emergency access road issue. The board has hired a land use attorney to represent HPP to negotiate directly with the County stating what HPP wishes to have in place before they sign a right of entry document. At that point in time, they had not heard back from the County yet.

The Emergency Access Road Committee had also given the board their recommendations on what they'd like to see presented to the County for HPP. They were either jersey (concrete) or water filled barricades for all the cross streets off of Makuu.

The County offered us A frame style barricades which would be useless. Manning the A frame barricades with volunteers is unrealistic. Peak hours twice a day for how many days, weeks...???

Another recommendation was for the County to manage the traffic flow on Makuu. There are portable traffic lights on the corner of RR and Makuu ready to go when needed. The County has also striped and installed reflectors on Makuu from RR up to the highway.

Another item on the wish list was for the County to water RR's dirt road on dry days.

If the County doesn't secure our cross roads off Makuu with more substantial type barricades, like the Type III barricade at least, traffic off RR and Makuu will flow through HPP via those cross roads and up to Hwy 130. Travelers would travel swiftly along our paved roads as they do in the upper part of the park already. It'd be great if the County would agree to maintain the roads most impacted.

The County so far weren't cooperative when they were asked to indemnify our roads if the traffic is going to flow freely through HPP. HPP has got to consider liabilities with this scenario.

The other issue is that Makuu's shoulders are iffy for anyone who needs to pull off the road. If a car breaks down or an EMS vehicle is traveling on Makuu it can be a problem. What a clog that would be!

Early on the County had planned to shore up our shoulders with fill but that isn't on the table anymore. Once the County shifted their attention to Chain of Craters, our concerns have gone by the wayside.

Another option suggested might be to also add a barricade on Makuu just below RR so no one can turn right off of RR. Barricade all the cross roads from RR up to the highway. Those below RR would have access to use HPP's roads to get to the highway. This would eliminate some of the traffic coming from below RR adding to the congestion on Makuu. Barricade Beach from our side until it's absolutely needed. HPP owns half of Beach Rd as well so why wouldn't we be able to have say on the traffic management until it's needed? The County hasn't maintained their portion of Beach Rd (makai side)in HPP, which runs from south of Makuu to north of Kaloli side.

At the recent Pahoa High School Lava Flow meeting, Warren Lee said that if the lava flows over RR, they'll be encouraging travelers to use Chain of Crater and not Beach.

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