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HPP Board 2014
There will be some 'confusion' about the decommissioning of the two Board Committees mentioned here. First, both the Neighborhood Watch and Road Traffic Safety Committees are still listed on the HPPOA website.

The Bylaws,
"Article X - Committees, Section 2. Term of Office" is the only reference I can find to this subject. It does not specify why or how a committee shall be 'terminated':

"(a) Committees of the Board. Each member shall continue as such until the next election of the board and until a successor is appointed, unless the committee shall be sooner terminated, ..."

However, the Association has kindly filled the gap, which I contend, as a Board 'policy and procedure' in the absence of guidance from the Bylaws is what must be followed (posted on the HPPOA website):

HPPOA Board Policies and Procedures.
Board Approved November 21, 2012"

which states:

10. Committees shall be dissolved by the Board at the conclusions of the committee’s assignment or when the Board determines the committee has ceased to serve a purpose."

Does the Board feel that these two committees, both related to the safety of members, their families and all who visit the Park, no longer serve a purpose? Is not safety the highest priority of the Association and the Board? If so, WHAT is serving that purpose now?
I am so glad I do not have to deal with your BS.
That is why I Never bought a house with CC@R'S.
Or however you want to spell it.
Buy cheap, with a board telling you how to live your life, taking your money, what to build or not, it sucks.
I feel sorry for you HPP people, I truly do.
You knew what you were buying, and that you had a Board taking your money.
Bitch and complain at this point is fruitless...
You will always have some one watching, and taking your money, with no agreement as to how to spend it.
I do not feel empathy for you, I feel sorry for you,
That's all for now folks!!

HPP doesn't have CCR's. It's a mess administratively but CCR's aren't the problem.

life is short. enjoy it
life is short. enjoy it
Originally posted by punalvr

I am so glad I do not have to deal with your BS.
That is why I Never bought a house with CC@R'S.
Or however you want to spell it.
Buy cheap, with a board telling you how to live your life, taking your money, what to build or not, it sucks.
I feel sorry for you HPP people, I truly do.
You knew what you were buying, and that you had a Board taking your money.
Bitch and complain at this point is fruitless...
You will always have some one watching, and taking your money, with no agreement as to how to spend it.
I do not feel empathy for you, I feel sorry for you,
That's all for now folks!!


HPP does not have CC&R's and no authority on private property.

HPPOA is not a home owners association, they are a road maintenance company.
HPP watchdog said: "Or the letters to Joan and John to band them from HPPOA property."

Who are John and Joan? What are you talking about?
I got numbers but lots of people don't. If we got mail delivery like Leilani, more people might have mailboxes and numbers.

A few years back somebody on County Council (if I recall correctly) wanted to make it a law that everyone in the county needed to have street addresses posted. Then someone else pointed out that most of the County buildings don't have numbers....

Buy cheap, with a board telling you how to live your life, taking your money, what to build or not, it sucks.

Make no mistake: County does all of these things.

[i]make it a law that everyone in the county needed to have street addresses posted[i]

14-84: Display of address numbers
(a) Display requirement.
(1) Each property owner shall post building numbers in accordance with the provisions of this article.
(b)(1)(D) Address numbers for residences shall be Arabic numerals not less than three inches in height and shall be made of a durable and clearly visible material or paint (preferably reflective) in a color distinguishable from its background.

The rest of subpart (b) specifies exactly where the numbers shall be placed; note that any "required address marker" is not considered a "sign" and therefore exempt from any regulations that might otherwise apply thereto.
Originally posted by Obie

Now is the time for HPP to stop all of the infighting and get your road paving projects going.

Oil prices haven't been this low in years !!

Instead you vent your spleens on Punaweb !!

And why don't you people have house numbers ? I was looking for an address today to look at a truck for sale and the seller finally had to walk to the end of the driveway to flag me down.

As I recall, after your last criticism of our subdivision you said you were done posting on this thread and then you deleted all your posts. Can't stay away with your important diatribes against our subdivision?

I am always amazed at these people who state they are done posting on a thread, and they can't keep away.
You are welcome to post anywhere, but try to stop the threats of "I'm done with posting on this thread" and then post again, and again...

"Why don't YOU PEOPLE have house numbers"
My entire street has house numbers. We are a subdivision of 11,000, so hard to stereotype..
My question for your subdivision:
Why don't "you people" clean up your cess pools that pollute the tide pools and kill the fish?

Edited to add that Obie deleted his posts AGAIN.
I think that is called eraser-mouth.
The topic of this thread is HPP Board.
I am sorry I let Obie distract me with his rants about HPP.

Let's all (myself included) try not to get way off topic of HPP Board.
Originally posted by hawaiideborah

HPP watchdog said: "Or the letters to Joan and John to band them from HPPOA property."

Who are John and Joan? What are you talking about?

Since I don't want to post their last names you might just ask the board at their next meeting. I have read both letters and have never seen the vote by the board in a public meeting.

Once again a few board members deciding for the entire board.

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