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Help with small deck ..
Not sure if this is the place to post this but we are putting in a small deck 12x12 about 3 feet off ground level. Could do it ourselves as we have done decks before IF it was just a square deck the thing is we have a small oval hot-tub that the deck will go around (so tub will be sunken in) and we are not sure how to do that part since its oval.

We have a limited budget but can pay $12 hour if anyone could help with the project and your assistance would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,
It is my understanding that decks placed 30" or less above the ground do not require permits.

I've done a lot of hot tubs and would recommend you set the tub in on one side of the deck. You don't need 360 degrees of deck to get in and out of a hot tub.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
yeah thought about that also.. then wouldn't we have to beef up the deck to compensate for the weight of the tub?
Pour a pad under the tub, the weight of the tub rest on the ground, not the deck. Build a short frame wall around the tub as a skirt up to the rim and cover with what ever.
Thanks for the input. Its already on a concrete pad. We are extending our exhisting deck out to the hot tub. We will figure something out would like to do the sunkin hot tub look since we did purchase all the material for it already. Thanks for your suggestions..
Enclosing the underside of the tub will help contain the heat and give you an area that's enclosed to treat chemically for ants and other insects that like to hang out under hot tubs. So its typically best to skirt the whole hot tub from the support slab up to the rim with a mechanical access door. Build the deck around and up to that skirt. A good step over height for the deck over the rim is equal to the level of the seats in the tub, that way you are neither stepping up or down into the tub, you are stepping over the rim.
From experience, using an ozone gas generator that has a built in air pump that turns on and feeds the ozone gas into the intake line when the pump cycles is the best way to keep the hot tub water sanitized.
The water will become very blue with ozone injected gas in it and it disallows mold and bacterial growth. If the underside of the tub is enclosed, the ozone gas also breaks the insect attraction as it kills the mold and fungus under the tub which breaks the lower order food chain and makes the area unsuitable for insect living. No need for bromine or chlorine if it's ozone gas injected. That being said, the UV lights don't work anywhere near as well as the small ozone gas generators. I've used them all and there's no comparative in the sanitation levels. The ozone gas system beats all the other systems hands down.
Water change overs are reduced to once every year or two. After you get out of the water, you can literally feel the ozone has cleaned and sanitized your whole body. Jump in with BO, climb out smelling like a fresh mountain stream.

The ozone generators with built in air pump are on EBay. They used to run for around $35 delivered.
Here's similar to what I've used in the past.

I'd inject the gas just inside the water intake so the ozone bubbles were eviscerated by the pump impeller and well mixed into the water column. It ran for about 5 minutes once every 30 minutes to hour or so depending on the outside temperature. That's all it takes. No chemicals necessary.
Our tub has an ozone generator and it is molded shell its actually one of these.

"So its typically best to skirt the whole hot tub from the support slab up to the rim with a mechanical access door. Build the deck around and up to that skirt. A good step over height for the deck over the rim is equal to the level of the seats in the tub, that way you are neither stepping up or down into the tub, you are stepping over the rim."

That makes sense! Thanks.

A plastic or fiberglas tank like that should sit level on a concrete pad. Use expandable foam to close and fill any gaps underneath it. That will both insulate and help evenly support the tub. You don't want cracks to develop.

I also do not recommend the blowers that make lots of bubbles. They are not therapeutic. Those blowers sound like a vacuum cleaner which is annoying and that volume of air moves heat out of the water real fast. Hydro-therapy jets are another matter. They such in air quietly by venturi action and they are therapeutic.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Looks like a good setup. The skirts already built in and fully insulated. Hopefully they are pumping in enough ozone gas to handle 100% of the sanitizing and you're merely left with keeping a level PH.
That's an easy install tub type. Just build the deck up to it however you like.

I don't know why it took the hot tub industry so long to just instal ozone gas pumps and eliminate the need for the less friendly sanitizing methods and the useless UV lamps.

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