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No problem, AM!


"Have they considered paving it? Or are they worried the amount of traffic would increase enormously, leading to more accidents?"

It was always the plan, decades ago, to pave the whole road to the summit. As you and probably others are aware, the top portion of the road is paved and I'm a little confused by Carey's recent comment of "Paving the upper portion is within the Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan, most likely the main "roadblocks" are cost and access control [...]". Maybe I'm just reading that incorrectly, but the upper portion has been paved for a long time.

The paving certainly helps mitigate dust which is a real problem for the optical/IR telescopes, but as many found out shortly after that portion was paved, it made the road very dangerous during icy conditions. That has sort of been fixed by resurfacing with a more modern surface, but the pavement really does add to the danger when the weather is bad. Just about all the old and experienced telescope operators who do the driving in the evening, night and morning prefer the dirt road during those conditions. Most accidents I hear about during wintery conditions occur near the summit on the steepest parts of the paved road.

However, I've been led to believe that the lower portion of the road remains unpaved due to lack of funds, and suspect it will stay that way for a long time to come (it is the observatories who would have to pay for it, and it's not exactly cheap). I'm fairly sure it is not the the concern of increased traffic that has prevented the first few miles above Hale Pohaku being paved.

Leilanidude: I'm sure you're correct, but one thing I do remember the physicist saying is that the problem is with 2WD vehicle driving uphill. My own hypothesis is that once the ruts start forming they very quickly become worse. They cause tires to bounce, and since most vehicles drive up there at roughly the same speed, the bouncing wheels just end up making the ruts worse. It's almost a resonance effect. I haven't published my findings so far, so it hasn't gone through peer review! Wink
Tom, I meant the upper portion that is not paved, the part between the Hale Pohaku & the upper-upper area... however, I still think the major roadblocks to paving that gravel access area are the costs...( I always think of the paved area as the observatory 'driveway' off of the gravel road.."
Thanks, Carey. As I suspected it was just my misunderstanding of your post. I was thinking of the top portion of the entire summit road, not the dirt road section. I appreciate the clarification.
Time to give credit where credit is due.
A visitor from Canada posted the following question on Tripadvisor:
To visit Pahoa or not?

The responses are objective, positive, and both Kathy and Shea have recommended several Puna attractions with comments like "the road to and past Kapoho is lovely."

In the spirit of the season they even suggested taking in the Pahoa Christmas Parade.
Happy Holidays!
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Good to hear. Hopefully they will react to the approaching lava in a, er, reasoned way.
Upon reflection, I think Kathy and Shea are coming over to the dark side because...we really do have cookies! (

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
And really pretty lights!
Hope to see everyone at the Puna parades this week & next!
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

Time to give credit where credit is due.
A visitor from Canada posted the following question on Tripadvisor:
To visit Pahoa or not?

The responses are objective, positive, and both Kathy and Shea have recommended several Puna attractions with comments like "the road to and past Kapoho is lovely."

In the spirit of the season they even suggested taking in the Pahoa Christmas Parade.
Happy Holidays!

I know it was pretty cold down here last night but I dont think it froze over.... if you get my drift.

But happy to hear their new post.
Not to bring up rental cars and gravel roads again but if anyone is interested if your personal insurance carries over to gravel roads this is what my insurance agent said to me. This may not apply to all insurance carriers as there are many different ones out there but as far as ours this is what they said regarding the matter.

" I called our claims dept. and the person I spoke to said they have never denied a claim for a rental car on a gravel road. We think, as do you, that an unpaved road means a dirt road without any gravel. The only restriction that we have is for towing coverage. We do not cover a vehicle who is stuck and is not immediately next to a public road (this is for those times people are out 4 wheeling and they get stuck in the mud) but other than that we extend coverage for comprehensive & collision regardless of the surface of the road or the lack of a road (vehicle goes into a lake). Sometimes our claims dept. is hesitant to answer “vague, what if questions” so this is the best that I could get out of them.

I hope that helps. If not, please do let me know. I want to make sure that you have all of your questions and concerns addressed."


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