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Went down to pohoiki the other day to swim. It was totally quite and peaceful. It was so nice not to listen to lowered hondas with giant radio boom boxes playing there musical as loud as possible. Hopefully they will figure out the new rage is dj headphones for listening to music
I was just in Japan where everyone has some type of smart phone and they use them often however not for talking in public. It is considered very poor manners and disruptive to others to speak on one in public.

Where did we go wrong? How did it become ok with kids and adults to blast boom boxes? Not to mention yelling into their phones 2 feet from a strangers ear.

I find it a very interesting disparity btwn our 2 cultures.

its ...... 'Pohoiki'

w/a 'o'

Pohoiki Bay a heavy 'local spot', and locals like their Island Music loud on weekends down there at times.... BTW


save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Japan is a collectivist Confucian culture that values social harmony, and consequently frowns upon people standing out or creating "meiwaku" (trouble) for people around them. (Hence the Japanese adage: "The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.") This social norm has its advantages, something I enjoyed very much living, studying and working there for 10 years.

As much as I love Japan, it also has its disadvantages, as the individual is expected to subordinate all personal desires for what's deemed "the greater good", a cultural expectation that can, in extreme cases, stifle creativity and freedom of speech. ("Polite lies" are commonly employed to keep the harmony.)

Interestingly I see some of those tendencies here in Hawaii (albeit to a lesser degree), although our island's diversity makes it difficult to paint all locals with the same broad brush stroke. (And yet, even local Japanese are markedly different than their cultural cousins in Japan.)

My guess it that most Americans wouldn't want to trade in their individual freedom and freedom of speech for a harmonious, boom-box-free society. We like to give our opinions and "speak the truth"--even if it means occasionally tolerating loud boom boxes, and opinionated blowhards like me. Wink JMO...

Thank you bananahead.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
most Americans wouldn't want to trade in their individual freedom and freedom of speech for a harmonious, boom-box-free society.

Too late -- already traded away for "security".
Indeed. Fear makes people do the darnedest things.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
#1) Too late -- already traded away for "security".

#2) Indeed. Fear makes people do the darnedest things.

I'm afraid you two might be right.
Guess I'll find some comfort food in the fridge, and watch morning television.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I'll be there tomorrow with the sounds cranked brah! Bring some green bottles!
Thanks for the spell check. Since when is hard core rap Island music. I love rap, island music country etc.. I just don't blast it so loud my car falls apart from the bass. I listen to headphones. Just saying it was nice without it.
Get used to more peace and quiet. A lot of old people enjoy a diverse range of tunes. And we are losing our hearing. And Puna is at risk of becoming geezer-land. So I say if you can afford it, regardless of ones age, lower your car and invest in good equipment.

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