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our beloved zoo needs attention?
First of all I love our zoo. My kids love this zoo. Really appreciate the wild experience that comes free of charge also. The park for the kids is great and allows many ages to enjoy it at once.
A few things we have noticed in the past few years that is disturbing are. Where are the animals like tigers, zebras, bears, snakes, wolves, buffaloes, ect, ect?. Also been seeing more and more of this 3 leaf vine weed that is choking out many nice native plants. They probably poison this weed yet it is spreading like a wild fire. Maybe someone could come up with a natural remedy to fight this vine weed and propose this to the zoo handlers.
You would think that because Namista the tiger who recently passed was the oldest and longest living captive tiger. That our zoo would receive or be allowed to hold another tiger, maybe a pair?. Anyway we go weekly and always drive away with a smile and a few tired kids. Sometimes we feel the zoo is empty until we bring the animals(young tots).
They lose too many animals to not enough proper care. Needs new management with a more respectful attitude towards captive animals.
Why would the only rain forest zoo in US have a zebra wolf or bear? You do know that's what they are, a county park w/ a free RAINFOREST ZOO... (& w/an incredible Palm collection)

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
The zoo/botanical garden doesn't have staff or funding to care for the whole place, and relies on volunteers.

There are several clubs that do volunteer work at the zoo. Palm society, Water Garden Club, and Vireya Society take care of their areas. There may be more clubs that do this, sorry if I missed you!

If you feel something specific needs to be done, you could probably volunteer directly with the zoo--call and ask.

They've been working on getting another tiger from the same breeder who donated Namaste. Incidentally, tigers are solitary, don't want another tiger in their enclosure. One of the things I liked best about the zoo was Namaste's friendliness--if you came in the morning, he was likely to come over and greet you. That's a really nice change from big zoos where the animals ignore or hide from visitors.

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Lee is soo correct, also everyone can ADOPT an animal at the zoo, this does help with funding! (if you have keiki/grandkids, adopt an animal for their holiday present, truly a great way to give the gift of year round entertainment value!)

They do actually have some very good care for their animals, very few animals display some of the common neurosis of confined animals, and their tiger enclosure is one of the best. As many here know, Namaste was very well taken care of, and we are on the donation list for another tiger (or two), and the tiger enclosure has been upgraded for this potential.

As our location is not prime for the AZA genotype breeding, our selection of available animals is limited. Even so, we have a very nice and diverse selection of RAIN FOREST animals.

With the great volunteer base, the zoo has undergone extensive upgrades in the last decade, and new volunteers are always needed to continue to offer this great resource to all...
Mahalo Carey for this information of volunteering and adopting at the zoo. Hope there are some young volunteers whose passion is animal science or horticulture and will step up to volunteering for work credit for college after their classes in school.

Community begins with Aloha
There are some in the vet tech program at UHH that do volunteer & there are even school groups, along with the Lions Club & others that take on special projects around the zoo... making it a truly community zoo

My mom drilled this into us - with any community project, if you see something that YOU think should be better, YOU SHOULD STEP UP & HELP MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Where are the animals like tigers, zebras, bears, snakes, wolves, buffaloes, ect, ect?.

The zoo is entirely focused upon the tropical wildlife, not being a mainland zoo.
You want a bear or buffalo to live in Hawaii? C'mon man!
If you really need to see mainland type animals, there are a zebra and a long-horn steer in HOVE. Often visible from the highway.

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