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So has there been a formal decision regarding Hawaiian Kingdom plates? I've seen two vehicles this week with Hawaiian Kingdom plates. Is this a growing thing? Have the police decided how they are going to handle this matter if the plates aren't recognized?
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That guy was lucky he was stopped by the Puna Patrol. I was pulled over recently in town and the Hilo police were a little more confrontational.
I also recorded the incident.
(Video Here)
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This apparently ended with "Jojo" getting his citation(s), and allowed to go on with his day.
Lots of good discussion here and many good points. Really appreciate it. This was "grandstanding" of sorts (ie. youtube, etc.), and it's kind of embarrassing for me as a Hawaiian. Feel sad for some reason, too.
This kind of behavior (on "Jojo's" part), albeit the basis may be sound, is not proper. Nor is it the avenue to resolve Kingdom issues.
Very pleased it turned out the way it did. Could have been so much worse.
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If a Hawaiian monarchy had remained continuously viable and relevant until the present, drivers licenses, car registration, and insurance would be required of anyone driving in Hawaii just as it is required in every country around the globe with a functioning government, and this scammer would still be gaming the system if he could. I think a nation within a nation status would be appropriate as it is with other Native Americans. I think that would be a good thing since with formal recognition would come formal policy governing such things. This guy would still be unhappy, perhaps especially so since it would close a lot of foolish loopholes. Is it even right to discuss the Hawaiian monarchy as though there aren't several competing claimants who can only exist in the tolerant social environment provided by US? From my reading I think that the ancient Hawaiians handled such disputes more decisively.
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If you are against everything that is not part of your original culture why do you drive a car. Have a "website." Use video cameras. Post things on the internet. Wear american clothes.
Drink Alcohol...etc the list goes on and on. I lived on Maui. These guys are a dime a dozen over there.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
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"Have a "website." Use video cameras. Post things on the internet"
Is the only reason these guys didn't get brutalized.
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They let mexicans sneak across the border and then give them drivers licenses in California...
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Two English names for first and last usually points to the guy being a mixed race local, not a recognized koko Hawaiian. There is a lot of this going on, these guys claiming to be Hawaiian nationals so they can do whatever they want, where ever they want, whenever they want or so they claim. Locals do have a birthright to this land but by the intermingling of mainly plantation workers, end up today being displaced, usually not employable and without any deeded land ownership. But then, there are New Jersey mob guys on the North Shore making surfing a racket and they claim they are Hawaiian, doing the old trick of changing their first or last name to some Hawaiian word. It all gets more than a bit ridiculous. This is just another fraud originating from the faction of Hawaiians that are being convinced that anybody that lives in Hawaii is a Hawaiian National. The koko kanaka maoli need to accept the government definition of 50% to be koko kanaka maoli and as a monarchy nation, work out the monarchy part internally. There are many monarchy nations, well into the 21st century, so it isn't like some new idea.
"Mahalo nui Pele, 'ae noho ia moku 'aina" - kakahiaka oli
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Ted, who are these "New Jersey mob guys" ? do you have a link ?? or proof ??? Or this just another one of your B.S. posts that EVERYONE here does not believe ????