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PGV plans new well
waawaaawah: ' Do you or Ohana work at geothermal? '

No. I have made the acquaintance of several of the operating engineers through other interests, and find them as varied as other members of the community. They are not evil poisoners out to harm us all.

lavalava : ' please come and visit the residential areas within a mile of PGV when the drilling commences. '

No thank you. That area was far from my favorite even before geothermal, and I have always tried to limit my time there since the vile stink episode mentioned previously. It literally made me puke after one breath.

The first place on this island I lived was mauka Honaunau: crica 2002. The vog up there was so bad, I came down with two severe lung infections in less than a year -- I had to quit my job and move! Since then I've worked quite a bit in Kaumana, but have never experienced the extreme vog conditions I experienced in the Kealakekua region, even on a bad day. I sympathize with those who are sensitive to the vog and the secondary infections that can and do occur. The sad fact is there are some places that get it worse than others and some people who shouldn't expose themselves or their families.

Back home in New Mexico we had a smelter that emitted a similar range of gasses. The life expectancy for someone living around the stacks was 56 years! Do you think Kennecott/lawmakers were more interested with the health of the residents of a dusty company town or the economic health of the corporation/state? In the late seventies Mitsubishi took over; installed scrubbers and a meteorological station. The scrubbers helped a bit, but they timed the emissions so the plume blew south across open land and down into Chihuahua. Here, in what is arguably the most impoverished region in the state, there is a balance of concern between financial and physical health: the electrical needs of the Oahu/Maui megalopolis, combined with the financial considerations of corporate giants vs. the quality of life of folks in Lower Puna. I've drawn my conclusions and you are free to draw your own.

Un Mojado Sin Licencia
Un Mojado Sin Licencia
I believe I live closer to PGV than gypsy (under 1 mile radius). I have zero health effects from PGV, although I can hear the plant operating. Normal VOG is most likely the culprit behind gypsy's issues. I suggest he move to Kona and when his symptoms worsen, then try to blame PGV.
Gypsy has also mentioned, numerous times, about going to visit active lava flows, and enjoying being right next to them. Gypsie's health issues are not caused by PGV, especially since he says he lives in upper Leilani, which would be miles away.

If (hypothetically) PGV/Helco were to cut the electric rates of people who lived within a mile of the geothermal plant in half, how many people would complain less or be willing to live with the current slate of inconveniences and health issues?

Would more people actually move into the half-price rate zone?
Beware: the toxic fumes from some of these threads are way more poisonous than what PGV emitting.

Un Mojado Sin Licencia
Un Mojado Sin Licencia
I bought a decibel meter and will keep y'all updated on how things go during the big dig.
County's illegal subdivision of 80,000 lots in Puna. ... But they take no responsibility.

However, County did pass a noise ordinance...

Not only has PGV stated (on the record, published in the paper) that they intend to ignore this law, but I have yet to see anyone start an anti-Ruderman-style witch hunt to persecute those involved in catering to this constituency.
Originally posted by lavalava

Time to start some direct action. Non violent civil disobedience is a great tool. Lets blockade the plant and refuse access to their workers until they agree to respect the county ordinance!

I think this is a great idea, very important. PGV has had years to demonstrate any receptivity to community concerns, and has consistently refused to do anything that might hurt profits, unless pressured enough by the community. Their refusal to abide by the county noise ordinance is a slap in the face of everyone who worked to put in place such a basic protection for the health and sanity of neighbors.

I wrote a post about this at Deep Green Resistance Hawai'i, and would like to do whatever I can to encourage further planning for direct action.
First thing you need is a lawyer or two willing to work pro bono...

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