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Police trap in Keaau
kimo, run for cover, escape while you can! You will never be forgiven no matter how much you repent because you are the only person (apparently) on punaweb who ever talked on a cell phone (or munched on a snack or sang along to a song on the radio or listened closely to an interview on NPR, etc.) while driving. Nope, everyone commenting has a perfect record in never having been distracted while driving. That includes me too, as I was kidding before about being a flawed human being. Wink

So my parting words to you are "Shame, Shame, Shame":

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Originally posted by kimo wires

Thanks Guys, I feel better today.
I really didn't expect any nice responses Thanks!
Some of you guys get it. Others don't. The "Glad you got caught." People...Whatever.
I just think punishments should fit the offenses.
The first infraction fine is excessive.
I'm not saying that I did nothing wrong. I know It's illegal. So does everyone else who is on a cell while driving.
I saw 3 people on the phone today while driving. And one girl if front of me texting on Hwy 11 this morning that was all over the road. My phone rang and I looked down at it...Sigh...Moving on.
I appreciate the positive responses. Aloha KW

Doesn't sound like he reneged, he simply acknowledges it's illegal, not immoral to endanger others. Still complaining about the $300. Ok, maybe it's baby steps, whatever. Keep patting him on the back.
Per Kimo Wires:

"After doing some research about impaired driving I think that maybe I am Lucky, as some say.
I'm going to come away from this with a more broad way of thinking about my bad habit and break it, cold turkey. The ultra stiff fine has definitely put an abrupt stop to my cell phone use. And if it prevents me from having an accident , I'll never know , that would be a good thing."

Sounds contrite to me. If that's not enough, what would you suggest?

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

Sounded good I agree until he posted again as I quoted 2 posts above. What does "some of you get it and some of you don't" mean? What did he "get"? Besides the obvious repeated complaint that $300 is too much in his opinion?
300 bucks is quite enough thank you. It's relative to your income. I make a little more than that in 2 days. So it's not going to kill me. But for some it would take a week of labor maybe more to pay the fine. The point I was trying to make is that the fine dose not fit the offense.
I wasn't going to post again but some of you bashers out there can't get enough.
Give it a rest already. I'm moving on now and won't post again. I learned my lesson and won't talk while driving again. Bim bye
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Kimo you put it out there, and just because not everyone agrees with you, it's not cool to call them bashers. If you are going to use yourself in an example on a public forum, don't take the responses personally.

You did something science and studies tells us is extremely selfish and potentially lethal. So what exactly should the deterrence from homicide be worth in your opinion? $50?

I have never spoken on a cell while driving not because it's illegal and an expensive ticket but because it's quite obvious to me that it's too distracting to drive safely.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
I make plenty of mistakes, but endangering other drivers intentionally isn't one of them.

You make think I'm a basher, but what you don't know is I worked a few years in a hospital emergency room. Motorcycles and car injuries and fatalities one after another, day in and day out.

And the one thing I can tell from your posts is that you do not "get it"....yet.
Ugh...Not going there. Think what you will. Wasn't going to post again cept 4u. I GOT IT.
So go ahead have the last word.

Like > Mark's post.
Punatic007 you're right. But the law is flawed. Hands free devices are legal but just as distracting. Police are exempt as are other emergency vehicles.
That says some are capable but others aren't.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
The problem I have with the "Glad you got caught" responses is that it implies a stark contrast in behavior between those who have gotten caught and those who have not, which I don't think is accurate. Specifically those who have not gotten caught are I am sure doing a hundred things a day that are themselves distracting but that don't rise to the level of the most recent example, which is itself an arbitrary benchmark.

To play the devil's advocate, there is a flavor of rationalization in Kimo's posts that I recognize from when I faced such a charge myself. It was not so obvious to me then of course. That's the nature of rationalization. The experience has left me with a greater determination to not get caught, which often manifests itself in my pulling over to use the phone or look at a map.

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