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Effort to Remove Orchidland Directors
Maybe there should be a sign at the beginning of every road that enters Orchidland informing people that they are driving on these roads at their own risk.

They have done this. I'm waiting for the signage to be tested with a lawsuit.

Meanwhile, it appears that most subdivisions manage their private roads with a combination of owner initiatives and shenanigans (in the courts or otherwise) to redirect the available resources to "roads by my house".
My question has always been "what can I do?" I mean, other than what I'm already doing: mowing the easement frontage of 30 lots (only two of which I own), filling pukas, and writing checks? The answer I have always received was "get on the board" or "run for the board" or something to that effect. I work two full time jobs and have no time for taking on a project like that even if the process wasn't dysfunctional, but it is, so.... NO. I especially have no interest in going to meetings that degrade to name calling, finger-wagging, and threats from neighbors. Maybe being placed into receivership would be the best thing for Orchidland?
Maybe being placed into receivership would be the best thing for Orchidland?

I was thinking more along the lines of "referendum to amend the Code with a defined 'farm lot road' standard which is eligible for some Fuel Tax Revenue".

If it fails, at least some people will be on record, maybe fodder for a lawsuit.
HA is not done yet . the ouster of illegal proxy use and married couples writing illegal easement s for the county. The blatant dictatorship of the last ten years and loss of 1700 paying members is not majority vote . . The president running a special meeting after illegally allowing married couples on the board is illegal . Only membership may hold a meeting against the board . The fact that every covenant is broken lies with the county violations now . The county does no maintenance on 8 whatsoever . . The voting proxies are all foreign votes not residents of state Of Hawaii . . The more foreigners allowed the worse management gets . Roads should not be done by ignorant unqualified new comers without a clue . Gravel and Rock not seen for 7 years . They took good foundation and ruined the roads . Not being to drive any avenue prevents emergency response is caused by Dpw and planning dept . . . . The county is complicate as they plan on eminent domain . The county already lost in court . Who let Dpw publish an article to divert the traffic adding 20000 more .? Further breaking the law .
. The county has to pay all those properties violating the easement on 8 road voted overwhelmingly NO . Dpw must pay the FTR . . There is no emergency road . proxies don't have a vote by politicians mail out who took 140 proxies votes and put themselves in office . . 120 million is owed by the county for violations . We will be sending them the bills . The county illegally took a non connecting road to Ainaloa. Who said New AC can violate the mapping done 10 years ago ?
The Feds and state already told county it is illegal to map HA publicly . Only 8000 people and 4009 lot owner can vote . Read their charter .
Pele has already altered the deal; pray She does not alter it further.
If they try to pave 40th at Pohaku, the first heavy rain is going to rip it out. That section with the "river" is never going to stay very long.
Originally posted by kalakoa

Pele has already altered the deal; pray She does not alter it further.

With all due respect, kalakoa, don't bring Pele into this one. Good Lord! She will alter what she pleases (IMO, JMO, etc.), and the more "hakaka" (trouble), we humans cause makes no difference. However, she is drawn to elimination of negativity is what Kupuna taught us. Hamau.

Tread lightly. In the western sense, we were taught, "positive thoughts reap positive results". (All the way back to Nostradamus, Norman Vincent Peale, etc. Sorry again, O/T.)

FWIW. Enjoy the evening all. Life is too short.


ETA: It pains me to read this kind of banter on this thread and the numerous HPP ones. [V] All this aina was a horseride for us as keiki.
All of it. From Papa Bill Kamelamela's hale, we went all over this land you speak of. It is a time of reflection, in hopes y'all can work this out. Get a horse. [Smile] Beautiful, akamai, sensible animal.
Compromise and negotiation. Are those even factors anymore? Probably not. Congress is a great example of this. We live in a spoiled ecology of non-compromise. And yes, it trickles down to Orchidland too. There is no relief in sight my friends. Good people don't want to serve on boards or commissions that only set them up to be battered by their constituents. Therefore, the pool of candidates to serve becomes eroded even further. It's a slippery slope and getting slippery-er by the day.
I am in Hawaiian acres , we have much the same problems going on as orchidland and HPP . I have been reading postings on HPP where one individual said all the subdivisions should engage in a class action lawsuit against the county . over the formation of the subdivisions. ??
Hapahaole - You are spot on - Thank you.

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