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HPP stuff
Posted by BadKarma on 02/12/2015 : 11:56:08

"From HPP Board 2014 thread:
Go read all the pages. Enlighten and educate yourselves.
There are many of the fired employees supporters who are doing exactly what they now criticise others for doing.
There are many 'outings" by the fired employees supporters and lots of name calling by folks still posting here. Steve1 was a big name caller on the HPP board 2014 thread.
However, now they want to prentend they dont support those fired employees and attack anyone not on their side. Hypocrits!"

Posted by BadKarma on 02/12/2015 : 13:37:53
"Really? Hypocrit!
Here is what YOU, (XXXXXXXXXXXXXX) said:"

(Bold my emphasis-Steve)

Bad Karma: YOU are a troll and YOU are a hypocrite who clearly does not know how to spell. I have to assume in your top posting that you are quoting your own post because you misspelled the word hypocrite, and again in your post a couple of hours later you misspelled it again.

If I remember correctly, and I do believe I am correct, at one point YOU said that you were going to quit posting about HPP business. That makes YOU the Hypocrite, and the very same thing you are accusing other people of is your particular modus operandi!

As far as your first accusation that I was some sort of name caller you are completely wrong because I do not have a rooster in this fight or an allegiance to any particular HPP faction. What I do have is a concern about how reckless the current BOD seems to be acting and a fear that our massive collection of "road fees" will be squandered by a bunch of fools on everything besides roads including deals for their friends and legal council to try and cover up their foolish actions.

As far as your (and others) incessant nattering that if people want to know what the board is doing or saying that they have to start attending all the board meetings- well again you are misguided.

Why in the world would I or any other reasonable person want to go sit through a meeting where the board will hold your comments to 3 minutes then completely ignore you? That's just an exercise in masochism, and to make matters worse it implies an acknowledgement of subservient position and power.

Hey, have you seen the agenda for the February 18th meeting?

They have the next general membership meeting listed as June 2015.

Someone needs to wake up Susan Escobar and tell here the next general membership meeting is February 22, 2015.

Or maybe they just want people to show up, you be the judge!!
Originally posted by steve1
If I remember correctly, and I do believe I am correct, at one point YOU said that you were going to quit posting about HPP business. That makes YOU the Hypocrite, and the very same thing you are accusing other people of is your particular modus operandi!

I NEVER said I was going to quit posting about HPP business.
Dementia? Too many drinks, Steve?
Again, you lie.
Where is your proof? Where did I ever post that?
You did this same thing on the HPP Board 2014 thread and were called out for it. You lie sbout what someone said. You say they posted something they never posted.
You are baiting and trolling.
I never said I was going to stop posting. So, your whole primise that I am a hypocrite is a lie.
stop lying. Give quotes, like I did. Cathy Fincher posted she was never going to post again, yet she can't stop posting. That's hypocriyical. I gave the thread, the quote and the date.
You make up lies that I said something. No quotes, nothing.
Lying with nothing to back you up. That is what most folks would call a new low even for this thread.

If some of the posters here are or have ever been involved in writing the HPP meeting minutes, I think I now understand the complaints about them being so poor. I can't make head nor tail of what some people post in this thread or any of the other HPP threads. It feels like a psychiatric hospital has closed and released all its patients in HPP.
Originally posted by BadKarma 96749 on the locked thread HPP Board 2014, page 34 of 52:

Posted - 11/15/2014 : 12:02:29 Show Profile
Ok, I am done with this thread
I removed my posts. You got what you wanted.

No more comments from me on the fired employees. Ever.



Ok Karma- hope you get it. (karma) Found your post and while you only specifically mention the fired employees the implication was that you were going to stop. Well you have not, and you have been trying to bait people to restart the mudslinging including trying to put words in other peoples mouths. You are petty, mean, vindictive, and a troll.
Anyone seen my violin?
I NEVER said I would not post on HPP business.
Steve1 said that.

I was threatened to stop posting on the old shut down thread about the fired employees.
I stated I would stop posting on that thread and I did.
I stated I would not post about the fired employees, because I was threatened. I have not posted about the fired employees.
I have done what I said I will do.

Steve1, you are a liar. I never said I would stop posting about HPP business.
You are twisting my words and lying.

Originally posted by Karma96749

I NEVER said I would not post on HPP business.
Steve1 said that.

I was threatened to stop posting on the old ahut down thread about the fired employees.
I stated I would stop posting on that thread and I did.
I stated I would not post about the fired employees, because I was threatened. I have not posted about the fired employees.
I have done what I said I will do.

Steve1, you are a liar. I never said I would atop posting about HPP business.
You are twisting my words and lying.


This from a person who deliberately misquotes someone and won't admit it!
Steve1 misquotes and that is condoned.
Guess you decide what details to pick apart.
Steve1, guess we know whose side Shock is on.
Steve1 can alter my name, so guess that's ok.

Some incredible weather of late throughout HPP. Anyone been noticing the whales this season? The incredible destruction of many of the albesia trees in Paradise park has allowed more of a breeze and sunshine through. Seems to be fewer mosquitoes maybe due to the drought, also seems as if the grass doesn't need cut as often when its this dry, win-win. Oh I just realized this may be the wrong thread for this pp talk?

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