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Highway 130 shoulder inbound to Pahoa lane is open
4 lanes, full time with wide shoulders AND moved the power poles back an extra 30' for room future improvements, like say a bike path? Side Walk? Or how about half a divider going down the middle with light poles and maybe some trees? With those guardrails up, I wonder how are bikers and mopeds going to fair with these new changes?

Another fully planned well thought out multi million dollar project all done for ONE more lane. Really, it was already a 3 lane highway, and all this money spent for an extra lane? Oh well. Maybe it will be better after phase two?

So, I guess now that malama market is coming back it will be once again the most dangerous intersection in Puna? Round about still being scraped? Maybe they should consider putting a 4 lane road in for the 3 miles on rail road and pave it instead? That would get rid of a lot of traffic on 130.

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moved the power poles back an extra 30'

HELCO gets paid every time they move the poles. Why would they cheat themselves out of the additional work?
they should get fined every time they have to move those poles.
No common sense on any level of Govt.
Too bad the taxpayers can't bill for these highway projects as HELCO can.
As the purchaser, or customer, we are always right, right?

So... 5 days a week stuck in construction related traffic... excess gas burned while idling, extra time spent sitting in a traffic backup...
times several years... times 10,000 drivers a day give or take.

Of course, it would be us billing ourselves because we can't expect the state officials or construction companies to take responsibility for any delays.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
How many people from say, HPP, travel from the same place to the same place, at the same time, with a single occupant in the car?

Park and rideshare? Here's an idea for a phone app;

Hooks people up that have/need rides, in real time; to and from town.

Isn't part of the problem thousands of people going to the same place, from the same place, at the same time?

I don't know if it would work or not, but it just seems better than sniveling about a problem that we all contribute to.
thousands of people going to the same place, from the same place, at the same time?

In separate cars, to work and shop in Hilo, land of the only commercial real estate...

Hopelessly obsolete, to be sure, but that's how the world is run; for a small fee, Amazon will subcontract a courier service to sit in traffic on your behalf...
Park and rideshare? Here's an idea for a phone app

That should work well in conjunction with the other new Puna transportation facility, The Kalapana Interstellar and Hawaii County Ride Share Sanctuary. The introductory offer on their "How To Serve Man" ticket is supposed to be an excellent value, too good to be true if I understood correctly. Includes all you can eat buffet!
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Excellent points. Nothing works as well as sniveling about how things are done.

Next thing you know; People will expect to use a small hand held device to access all the world's knowledge and millions of cat pictures.

Unrealistic, except possibly at The Kalapana Interstellar and Hawaii County Ride Share sanctuary.

Forgive my digression and accept the following;

Damn that Billy and the Government. I am much too busy and important to be stuck in traffic. Whatever they do isn't going to work. It would be inconvenient for me to leave my house at a different time; or have some neighbor offer to drive or help pay for gas.(what do they expect in return?)
Some people have no choice when they get into traffic, which is why so many of them are there at the same time every morning and afternoon.

For everyone else some form of Puna Uber might work, Uber is successful in big cities. But somebody has to make the app to see if it would work.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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