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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
A subdivision Association cannot make a fee mandatory if it isn't in the original charter.
pete you hardly ever attended meetings but you have been fortunate to always get a couple loads of material each year for the road to your house yes you do spread the rock, but that material is more then some of the paid members get , since you dont pay dues and get a free membership. meetings you did show up for were the year end when the left over money usually $10,000 was going to be handed out for some big project that you were involved with. what independent auditors ? what cleared accounts ?
Laurie the system is broken HARC has a self appointed board , yes they appointed themselves to the board they have not had an election in 2-3 years , they appointed a new person to the board and in less then a month kicked him off . it seems that by laws are not being followed . HACA has similar problems . and the latest trend people are on the board that are not property owners . thats broken.
[pete you hardly ever attended meetings but you have been fortunate to always get a couple loads of material each year for the road to your house yes you do spread the rock, but that material is more then some of the paid members get , since you dont pay dues and get a free membership. meetings you did show up for were the year end when the left over money usually $10,000 was going to be handed out for some big project that you were involved with.]

Believe it or not I bought the material that goes on 3 Road to my house with my own money. Believe it or not I actually bought some of the material for D Road out of my pocket. Occasionally someone will stop me as I working on the road and will give me a few dollars for my fuel. I never collect enough to even cover my fuel costs but I always put those donations away until there is enough to buy a trailer load of gravel which I will then put on D Road. Indeed, you never see me at meetings anymore. I know now that the best way to get things done is to just go out and do them yourself.

Quote for the day: "I must do something" always solves more problems than "Something must be done".
I see part of the problem as being both HARC and HACS as habitually failing to take responsibility for their failures. They (These boards) are always more than willing to blame others.Whether it be a board,community member (or the county) who may not agree with what the "inner circle" wants to do or what they think. There is no fixing this.Due to this community being so poorly run for so many years anyone with a brain or professional attitude that may possibly know how to run a non profit wants to become involved. So what you get is a boat load of real bottom of the barrel crazys that will gladly jump in and take over.Self serving low life's that think they are smarter than everyone else. The more intelligent in this community clearly recognize that when they begin screaming about what's good for residents its really, one way or another about themselves. Naaaaa, can't fix this.

and yet you keep printing this stuff rob?? why?? i thought you had a 'no insults" clause somewhere? why are you allowing just2bad4thefacts to continue to spread lies and misinformation about our subdivision in general, and individuals in particular?

Originally posted by birchl

and yet you keep printing this stuff rob?? why?? i thought you had a 'no insults" clause somewhere? why are you allowing just2bad4thefacts to continue to spread lies and misinformation about our subdivision in general, and individuals in particular?


Do you think Rob does nothing all day except read Punaweb? This is not his full time paying job, it is an unpaid volunteer effort that gets whatever time he can spare it. If people would just play nice he wouldn't have to play kindergarten cop. If I was Rob I would never read the HOA threads, they always seem to turn into mud fights.
Today from about 9am till about 1:30 this afternoon,we as a family,took 2 full loads of roadside opala to Kea'au transfer station.
2 rusted bumpers.
7 used and discarded tires from auto's and trucks.
8 bags of personal garbage from baby diapers to left over meals in various forms of decay .
Numerous plastic bags,fast food crap ola garbage.
Card board boxes,moist and ikky.
Cig butts,empty beer glass bottles that have lost their labels .
One old decaying mattress and box spring.Large foam futon rubbish from years long past.
Drug left overs,used grow bags,broken rusted roof iron parts.
We dug out 3 deep puddles that vehicles splash the fines into when they splish splash through.
Now they can drain,or until the grader comes along and refills the drain with a 6 inch berm.
On 5 dollar friday at safe way we are getting a half ton of reclaim asphalt at Yamada guys and fixing a part of D rd and also half ton of cold mix to repair some pot holes on 9road and G road strips where no one has bothered for more than 5 years.If rainy or wet we will postpone the reclaim and asphalt till dry as bone conditions prevail and yes we pay our HARC dues on only one of our lots.
What have any of you done lately to repair roads you do not traverse regularly ?
birchl there is no misinformation , but there Is information being posted that you and your friends can not block or censor and i am guessing your not happy about it.
i have heard that there is a HACA meeting scheduled for Saturday at 10:00 . it is being called a "special meeting" , so if that's the case why are they not posting a notice about this meeting , or is it another secret meeting and we the community only learn about when they have done what they want without transparent disclosure .
Okay justthefacts you can have the last word. After all you did start this thread. But as I write my last post on this topic it seems you have really been exposed in a bright light for what you are. You continue to try to justify your lowly actions. Slander Laurie, suggest Peter is using funds to fix his own roads when he's paying out of his pocket, insinuate that Geoff and HARC are doing underhanded business, exaggerate the road conditions, lie about the farmers market parking conditions and end it's operation, shut down the free food every Saturday with your phone call to the dept. of health etc. etc. etc. The list goes on. Hmm I wonder why people throw dead goats in your yard and spray-paint vulgar messages about you? I realize now that you feed on this kind of energy so adieu I will not post on this topic again.

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