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Creep Steals Girl's Heart Money
Thank you for the update, Opihikao. Been a bit busy the last few days and this is the first thread I checked, and was so pleased to see the scum had been caught. Not so sure about the donation jar being removed behind the counter but hopefully the shop will make it clear there is a donation going on to help that poor child. I will also make a donation once I figure out the best way to do it.

ETA, made a donation. Hopefully an evil act will actually benefit a very beautiful but challenged young child. Good luck, Madisyn.
Irie, and some other stores, have many flyers, posters & are giving customer discounts for donations to the girl, so moving the jar may be the only prudent thing, esp if some "customers" feel that the donation money jar belongs down their pants!

It is too bad these guys made it sooo obvious that they were casing the place just to get at that donation jar... kinda makes all of those store counter donation collection containers look highly vulnerable here
Update: Here are the names of the scumbag bottomfeeders, and mug shots are at link:

(*Snipped - More at link / BBM)

57-year-old Jeffrey Kleinschmidt and 45-year-old Kristin Johnson, both of Pahoa, were arrested for third-degree theft Wednesday. This isn't Kleinschmidt's first brush with the law. According to police records, he has 31 priors.

Originally posted by opihikao

Update: Here are the names of the scumbag bottomfeeders, and mug shots are at link:

(*Snipped - More at link / BBM)

57-year-old Jeffrey Kleinschmidt and 45-year-old Kristin Johnson, both of Pahoa, were arrested for third-degree theft Wednesday. This isn't Kleinschmidt's first brush with the law. According to police records, he has 31 priors.


Awesome mug shots. While there is no crying in baseball, there is plenty in prison.
My two cents, This kind of jerk deserves to be locked up for some time. All his priors shows he has had many chances to live within our community. They both look like hard drug users (maybe meth)who were just looking for a way to pay for their daily fix. Hard to believe after 31 priors this guy still does not think or spot the cheese machines. Pahoa seems to have its fair share of these type of drug addicted low lives, so who's feeding these trolls the drugs? longs pharmacy or ????.
just looking for a way to pay for their daily fix

This is a medical problem and should be treated as such, but this is America, gotta have a "war on" instead of just dealing with it.
Good point kalakoa. War makes money whereas treatment centers may not. Probably can find a good dozen treatment centers in a place like San Francisco, where are the treatment centers here? Pahoa has the same kind of drugs and associated problems, just not the same options for help.
Never knew stealing was a medical problem. Is there absolutely no personal responsibility anymore? Good Grief!
It's amazing how an 8 year old girl can bring a community together.
So many people cooperated to create a positive outcome:

* The manager of the first shop for immediately noticing the missing jar, remembering who was in the shop at the time, and picking the two out of the lineup
* The workers of the second smoke shop for recognizing the thieves and calling the police
* The Hawaii Police Department for their quick response
* The media for getting ahead of the story which contributed to a quick conclusion, and create awareness outside of Puna for Madisyn's condition
* As Hawaii News Now noted "an extra vigilant community has helped led to the arrest of the suspected thieves."

Over the last few days Maddie's eight year old heart was big and strong enough to bring all of Puna together. Thank you Maddie.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
They aren't locals. Dude probably wanders around Pahoa going 'where is the aloha?'. 31 priors? There are too many of these twitchers around. Hawaii needs a state deportation program, 3 strikes, one way ticket back to the mainland nearest relative town, name put on no entry list. Some will find a way to get back but they are such losers, they will get into deeper trouble back on the mainland, keeping them there.

"Mahalo nui Pele, 'ae noho ia moku 'aina" - kakahiaka oli
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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