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Ohia trees are dying rapidly, Why?
Obie good morning to ya. Thank you for the good reading material for it should take some time. Look those studies took place a half century ago and the die-offs look and acted completely different. You are probably right again and I should just stop beating this dead horse I have been riding.
Would you or anyone here know a few things about the last well drilled by geothermal? Why was it drilled, to what depth, and how long did it really take? We here in upper leilani remember hearing it most nights through the lava tubes on our property. Maybe their technology really has improved because we have not heard any of this new wells drilling yet. Maybe they are drilling in a new location or in a slightly lower elevation that we don't hear it.
Those past die-offs acted very similarly, where this current die-off looks and acts nothing like those past die-offs prior to geothermal here. Even J.B Friday (tree and forest expert)said to me that he has never seen anything like this die-off, because of the speed and spread of the death to the trees. Maybe our scientists, labs, and technology is better now than then and deserve the funds to do their jobs.
Would anyone here know where the well that found lava exactly is, did it get capped and what year? Maybe the Ohia trees dying like this is not that important to the dlnr, or Oha, and others. maybe our aina will be better off without them and everything that lives within them? We would like to see a well deserved study of this ohia die-off, to bring area jobs and a peace of mind regarding future geothermal operations in lower Puna.
Geothermal has continued to grow over the last 30 years and have had many accidents or releases of toxic gasses. They are my closest neighbor that has a history of killing this type of tree in the past. Now we have an environmental catastrophy growing in lower Puna at the same time and you and many others don't think it would be worth its own study, why not? This is of course just my opinion, I would like to see all dozing, development, and drilling halted for 3 years, in conjunction to having a well done study for this die-off. Our county, state, and helco want to protect their interests and royalties while adding yet another power plant in this infected area. My keiki want to build a tree house out of dead ohia, looks as though everyone will get what they want. Win-win.
gypsy.. PGV used an air drilling technique the last time they drilled. They are using a different method this time, which is much more advanced and quieter. They have also installed numerous sound absorbing materials around the plant and the drill rig, which is why you are not hearing it. Have you not noticed that the Puna Pono Alliance whiners are also silent right now? Please go to one of the monthly meetings and ask your questions directly to a PGV representative.

For added fun, specifically ask the PGV rep what happened on the planned first night of drilling (2/14) and what the response was from the usual group of complainers.
Leilanidude, you have peaked my interests yet again. I am just now healing up and should be back at full strength shortly. I will have to call Mr Patricci and catch up to what has transpired over the past month or two. Great news to hear about the added measures taken to limit the noise pollution for those close living residents. You yourself seem to know more than the average Joe about Ormat and geothermal productions here in lower Puna. sure would like to sit down with you sometime or take a drive around the plant together at your convenience to learn more, I don't bite and am usually open minded.
Bob P would be the wrong one to ask. He has an agenda that isn't all that "pono" on his mind.

I do not work for PGV in any fashion, but have a couple friends who have worked for PGV and a couple that still do. I try to learn as much as I can about the technology that produces our energy here on the island - and do not want oil to be the continued source since I like to fish and an oil spill would be devastating.

See today's Star Advertisor for the article about the big polluters in the islands last year, with links to the EPA report.
I encourage you to stay on track with the Ohia trees. Logically PGV activity will not affect trees miles away.

See off--line response

I don't want to dismiss Gypsy so easily. Ohia trees could die for different reasons. The first human deaths from a new malady are usually ignored despite the fact the deaths occur right in front of a doctor

Ohia seem to be more sensitive a plant than I imagined. Several changes have occurred in last 20 years.

New fungi, new invasive flora and fauna, new activity by man.

Man may account for an individual grove of Ohia to die.

My question is whether remote groves, say up the Hamakua coast and elevations 1000-5000 ft are dying.
Trees on Maui?

Are there fire ants on your property?

Former Puna Beach Resident
Now sailing in SE Asia
HOT BuOYS Sailing
Thanks again Mr maise for good advice. Yes we have both types of fire ants on the property, not very many though. The front part of the acre has more than the back half, infact we have not seen them anywhere by this strange shaped dying of grass I had mentioned.
The first signs of these dying ohia trees we saw were all within a few hundred yards to 5 miles from the geothermal plant. Of course the spreading of death has now made its way in all directions. Why would geothermal be excluded from the possibility of possibly triggering this devastating outbreak that is killing these Ohia's? Ohia trees this large have died in the past at or near both past power plants in the past. I spoke with a hawaiian retired police officer who remembers the old plant above pahoa that had previously killed very large ohia up there. Before the albezia trees, Many hundreds of ohia trees died very quickly around the poihiki plant after the 1991 blowout as I myself remember this. So what caused this kind of death rate to this same kind of ohia tree around these power plants back then, and why is it not possible for geothermal to have other mishaps or unknowns that could cause this type of death again?
I know where most of the ohia first started showing these fungus signs, for I spent countless amount of time walking and driving around in search of this. Most of the early signs were along some of the power line roads that ran from geothermal across the highway near leilani. Could the added larger power lines have anything to do with the spread? Can any of the higher voltage lines lose or leak any energy, or cause any warming effects? The trees fry while standing, usually the larger bigger trees first. Just thinking out loud or outside the box, obviously they(Ohia)are of great importance to me.
Not many people understand the nature of the global geoengineering program...yes "chemtrails." And here in Hawaii, since people do not actually see the planes spraying the chemtrails visually, they dont think they exist here. However, the skies are often filled with chemical particulate blowing over the islands from offshore. Does anyone notice the very strange and unnatural cloud formations and swaths of chemical particulate that are in the sky so often over the Big Island? If one studies the geoengineering program, with all the chemicals they are blowing into the skies, one would have to wonder if this could be a factor in the increase of respiratory challenges and the die off of the ohia trees?

Neil Cohen
Welcome to punatalk kamaili. We appreciate your concern for lower Puna's recent ohia epidemic. You did bring up a possibility, although I haven't noticed many differences with the clouds or weather doesn't mean its not happening or could be a contributing factor to our recent environmental changes.
I have a few very good friends who share your last name Cohen, not sure if you have relations to any of them here. Great people, great family.
Originally posted by Kamaili

Not many people understand the nature of the global geoengineering program...yes "chemtrails." And here in Hawaii, since people do not actually see the planes spraying the chemtrails visually, they dont think they exist here. However, the skies are often filled with chemical particulate blowing over the islands from offshore. Does anyone notice the very strange and unnatural cloud formations and swaths of chemical particulate that are in the sky so often over the Big Island? If one studies the geoengineering program, with all the chemicals they are blowing into the skies, one would have to wonder if this could be a factor in the increase of respiratory challenges and the die off of the ohia trees?

Neil Cohen


There are good reasons people state all of these things, and you must remember you live in the USA where a surprisingly high percentage still don't believe Darwin.

Yes you are right there is an electromagnetic field EMF field around wires and the higher the voltage, the stronger the field.

However, just because it is present doesn't mean it is bad.

To cause a problem the field must do something, namely it has to break a chemical bond and damaged DNA.

The thing is all molecules are already bouncing around like crazy because they are wam. As in above absolute zero temperature.

The added affect on molecules is like weighing a car at night versus at day.
Former Puna Beach Resident
Now sailing in SE Asia
HOT BuOYS Sailing

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