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Death threats from a UH student
Let's just hope this remains an isolated incident; and doesn't bring in Outlaw Astronomers from the mainland seeking retaliation.
Originally posted by TomK


"I just learned that this joker works on a project I'm involved in - or used to work on that project. Very sadly, he is a product of Manoa's School of Hawaiian Knowledge (and Activism) and brings shame to that school."

I saw you also posted here (unless this is another geochem):

Couldn't agree more with your action. I would be very interested if any action has been or will be taken. Not being a direct employee of UH I seem to have run into difficulties. I asked UH IfA about what is happening about this student. The first response was:

Hi Tom, That was me. As I indicated, he was engaged to work with the project to help us identify place names in old Hawaii records that might give us information on groundwater resources or natural thermal features. The overall intent was to integrate (and acknowledge) traditional knowledge into our research efforts. I am not the lead on the project but made a strong recommendation to the lead that he be removed from the project for behavior that is unacceptable in an academic environment (or anywhere else for that matter).

I don't know what other consequences may come for him with respect to the University administration - they are required to follow very strict rules in how they deal with student infractions. They have policies prohibiting "hate speech" and procedures for dealing with it. I haven't tried to inject myself into the discussion since it could end up doing more harm than good. In most circumstances, my expectations of University administrators are low, and they are usually fulfilled...
Originally posted by JohnDW

I can't help but wonder if there might be other people like him in the Movement: ticking time-bombs just waiting to self-sabotage? The Anonymous crowd with their cyber graffiti were certainly no help.

Un Mojado Sin Licencia

I guarantee you it's over 50%, and that's conservative, due to the fact that is an inappropriate cause. The Kings of Hawaii were highly supportive of the furthering of astronomy in Hawaii. You can bet they are rolling in their graves with disappointment and disbelief at the ignorance of the wanna be mixed race Hawaiian protesters.

These are angry people who most likely smoke way too much weed, which will suppress anger and promote immaturity until that person finds a "cause" instead of taking responsibility for doing inner homework. And others who have no excuse for their acute ineptitude.

It's all lame, beyond lame. Just as pathetic is the media for covering it the way they did Ferguson, which was clearly a smoke screen for massacres in Palestine. Yeah get the idiots all jacked up and jealous over the success of Mauna Kea astronomy endeavors and they will stay dumbed down and oblivious. God only knows what else is happening that this is distracting us from.

It's a cruel world out there and we are so blessed to live Hawaii. Amazing some can be so out of touch and out of tune to create all this discord. Go thru the proper channels if you think someone was wronged in History, that's what adults do.

"These are angry people who most likely smoke way too much weed,...."

I find it funny that people on every side of any contentious issue so often end up accusing the other side of being pot smokers, with no evidence except this lame train of thought: "I disagree with them, so they must be smoking too much weed."

I share your concerns, especially in light of the fact that so many highly knowledgeable activists from the mainland have come in support of the Protectors. Do you think they may be retaliating about something too? Thanks, that never occurred to me until I read your post.

Un Mojado Sin Licencia
Un Mojado Sin Licencia
Originally posted by JohnDW


I share your concerns, especially in light of the fact that so many highly knowledgeable activists from the mainland have come in support of the Protectors. Do you think they may be retaliating about something too? Thanks, that never occurred to me until I read your post.

Un Mojado Sin Licencia

The protestors/protectors cannot be held responsible for acts committed by other factions that choose to "ride the wave". A'ole. NO. As this subject reaches international viewing, these keiki have been told to keep grounded, in our own kuleana.

There are so many that are coming to this somewhat "revolution" for the "Hawaiians". We take care of our own, and don't need this kind of "sensationalism". In this day and age, however, the social media, and networking is damaging for both sides of this particular matter.

Back to topic, this UH student will go far in her life. That is what matters. Empty threats mean nothing, we all have had them. She's safe, and will reap the benefits of stepping forward. She is the epitome of what we all hope our keiki will be.

Mahalo ke Akua.



"I guarantee you it's over 50%, and that's conservative, due to the fact that is an inappropriate cause."

I don't know what you mean by this. When it comes to the protestors on Mauna Kea, there have been incidents of intimidation and some unlawful acts, but they were minor and on the whole have stopped. This one guy who made death threats is an anomaly. Maybe one or two others might come out of woodwork, but in the last couple of weeks there has been nothing but respect shown between the two opposing groups on Mauna Kea. They disagree, that's part of life, but neither my staff, colleagues or I have seen anyone who might transform into a monster recently.

If you mean people being brought into this from elsewhere, then maybe I understand the point you are trying to make. Open the door to others and who knows who'll turn up.
I don't know why people are focusing on input from outside the community when the intolerable actions have been clearly documented to be coming from inside the community.

Take a step back.

Have people from out of state made death threats to high school girls?

Have people from here made death threats to high school girls?

The issue seems pretty clear to me and everyone focusing on people coming in from off island seems to be beside the point.

As far as I know, only one person has made death threats to TMT supporters. It was from a person who apparently lives on this island.

Punatic007 claims he or she can guarantee that over 50% of "the movement" are like the death-threat guy. I don't buy that. If other groups start coming in from elsewhere, then I'm sure the number of violent characters opposing the TMT, or anything for that matter, will increase. But I see no evidence to support Punatic007's guarantee. So I would like to see some.
Okay so again,

I don't see why people coming in from elsewhere would make you "sure the number of violent characters...will increase"

Especially when the only violent characters this far in this unfolding drama are from here.

I don't see anymore validation in your comment than in Punatic007's ...they both seem to be a blatant assumption with nothing to back them.

As an aside,

If anything I understand why those from here would become more emotionally charged in a local issue than those coming in from outside. While resorting to death threats is insanity, it does make some sense that those locally connected to an issue would feel more was at risk and therefore be willing to risk more, whereas those less connected to an issue would have less at risk and have less reason to take risks.

Of course logic is never a reliable maxim in these situations ...but nontheless hopefully this latest debacle is the last touching on violent for this particular movement.

Aloha mai kakou

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