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OHA Votes to Rescind Their Support for the TMT
Opihikao, good morning to you. Did you notice how good the Oha chairman Ahuna may have felt after he spoke from his heart? Mr Ha was great in his own educated way, while others obviously had been silenced for to long. Mr Ha, is a fine example of what many hawaiians should work for or Need to succeed in the Hawaiian islands today and in the future? Just saying it would be great to see more Hawaiians and all other nationalities have something similar to what Ha has attained through all his hard work ofcourse. A question i have is, How can Oha help MORE of its own people live here at home in today's times? The first steps feel as if they have been taken now by both the warriors "protectors" and the Oha trustees.

Jmo here.
I have no doubt that The TMT project will be a wonderful and profitable blessing no matter when or where it happens. Obviously Maunakea will continue its great importance for mankind the next several centuries if this project is completed or not. Something Of greater importance may be taking care of the Hawaiian people from these islands? The further division of many over such a project cannot be healthy spiritually for the few Hawaiians left within these islands today. OHA may need to rearrange its priorities from top to bottom in order to help its own people? Before these warriors took the mountaintop the priority was Tmt and more money. Let's now help the hawaiians speak and unite in hopes to not lose their ways of living spiritually. This in turn should help allow the people to take care of maunakea again to help reverse the damage. After time another project will come along that more hawaiians can and will support.

I hope this is only The beginning, I would like to see them decommission the telescopes atop maunakea. Bring back maunakea to its original state of origin or as close as possible. Then the real aina destroyer in the middle of our mountains needs to go as well, that's right the evil's of the military?. Oh let's not forget to stop the knocking and penetrating of Pele's home while we are bettering ourselves. Enough is enough, time to see the light within the power of people.

P.S. Tomk, I am very sorry for my outburst of emotion or violence. I Also want to apologize to all on punaweb for any caused animosity, Sorry Rob.

Aloha, gypsy. Good points for discussion re: OHA in general. This TMT vote, although purely symbolic (of no consequence really), may be the "little light at the end of the tunnel" for OHA. The Trustees must represent the beneficiaries interests.

Ahuna was very firm, and must feel good about standing with his convictions. That's a rare quality anywhere. He's a good example of the "new blood" OHA needs.

Very good to see you back, and it takes a good man (or woman) to apologize when wrong.

Enjoy the evening all. Think I hit my post limit for today, and need to cook dinner!


Quick side question - in part 3, the second speaker mentions (and motions towards?) JoJo who resolved his driving license issue. Anyone know the details of this outcome as JoJo and the law was an item of interest here a while back?
Good on you, Gypsy69:

"P.S. Tomk, I am very sorry for my outburst of emotion or violence. I Also want to apologize to all on punaweb for any caused animosity, Sorry Rob."

Apology accepted and the whole incident is now forgotten. I understand emotions are running high these days and things might be said in the heat of the moment and suspect this was just an example of that. Thank you.

I think we have ALL done this. Some more than others...

“If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.” ~Chinese proverb

Oftentimes when I’m angry I feel the need to act on it, but later I generally wish I’d waited. Decide that you're not going to do anything until the feeling has less of a grip on you.

A lot of good stuff in there... Sometimes just ignoring the other person that made you angry is the hardest part.

I just try to learn a bit more each day and hopefully the next day, handle it a little better. It's all one can do.

Thanks for posting that Gypsy.

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Questions and concerns:
First off how does such a project like TMT get fast tracked? Being that some of the 1.2 billion or 1.5 billion to build this project was PuBliC money, some from our university also. Then why no federal EIS report, should be mandatory? Once this TMT observatory is built, is it going to be decommissioned 8 years later in 2033 with the others when the current contract expires? Or has new contracts already been extended or decided on by the university, state, oha, and the rest of the science and military world not Hawaiian?

Concerned about waste and water contamination, Mercury has been "reportedly" spilled 9 times or more atop maunakea by the 13 current working telescopes. Could we expect more with the larger addition of TMT? In the 1960's one telescope was permitted and granted atop maunakea, now we see max exploitation and 13 observatories with the biggest one yet being fast tracked only decades later.

Most who are against the TMT project being done atop Maunakea are NOT against science OR the TMT, most would LIKE it to happen too, just NOT atop Maunakea. Construction for such a project like the TMT could take a decade and be the absolute worst to the environment atop maunakea during that tenure. The construction jobs should all be local, while the annual million a year fund should be tripled during this ten years of environmental harm, jmo. shame on all those who have pushed this TMT project down the Hawaiians throats, where has OHA been and who have they been representing or working for the past 7 years? Once money like that kind is offered or accepted its very hard to give back or not take it, that's if they haven't already been budgeting or spending it too?

"First off how does such a project like TMT get fast tracked?"

Yet another fallacy. It hasn't been fast-tracked. You pretty much admitted so in your own post.

"shame on all those who have pushed this TMT project down the Hawaiians throats, where has OHA been and who have they been representing or working for the past 7 years?"
Originally posted by gypsy69

Questions and concerns:
First off how does such a project like TMT get fast tracked? Being that some of the 1.2 billion or 1.5 billion to build this project was PuBliC money, some from our university also. Then why no federal EIS report, should be mandatory? Once this TMT observatory is built, is it going to be decommissioned 8 years later in 2033 with the others when the current contract expires? Or has new contracts already been extended or decided on by the university, state, oha, and the rest of the science and military world not Hawaiian?

Concerned about waste and water contamination, Mercury has been "reportedly" spilled 9 times or more atop maunakea by the 13 current working telescopes. Could we expect more with the larger addition of TMT? In the 1960's one telescope was permitted and granted atop maunakea, now we see max exploitation and 13 observatories with the biggest one yet being fast tracked only decades later.

Most who are against the TMT project being done atop Maunakea are NOT against science OR the TMT, most would LIKE it to happen too, just NOT atop Maunakea. Construction for such a project like the TMT could take a decade and be the absolute worst to the environment atop maunakea during that tenure. The construction jobs should all be local, while the annual million a year fund should be tripled during this ten years of environmental harm, jmo. shame on all those who have pushed this TMT project down the Hawaiians throats, where has OHA been and who have they been representing or working for the past 7 years? Once money like that kind is offered or accepted its very hard to give back or not take it, that's if they haven't already been budgeting or spending it too?

You really asked, Where is the EIS? Not that I expect you to read it, but here it is. It is quite large and very comprehensive.

There will be hundreds of LOCAL UNION LABOR people employed throughout the years of construction. This will include people from virtually every trade, from Teamsters to carpenters to electricians, etc.

I actually wonder when the local unions will start protesting against the protestors!
There was an "island wide popular vote" about building a resort? Please give more details!
We should have a referendum for the 15th telescope, that should save some time.
Though I doubt the anti-telescope people would care what the majority thinks.
There was an "island wide popular vote" about building a resort? Please give more details!

It was an island wide referendum on the ballot in 1992.

From Punaweb 2008:
I do remember a previous referendum here on the island. It was put before the voters to decide whether or not to place a resort on the only beach in Kohala not already dominated by one. Curiously, the developers and powers that be named the referendum the "Save Hapuna Referendum". (Like a huge resort on Hapuna Beach was going to keep it from disapearing or something.) I can't imagine how many confused voters inadvertantly voted for the resort.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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