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Poll: community organizations in Puna
just-the-lies strikes again. so to take that statement one at a time - the directors do not operate in secrecy. the members were informed of changed dates. nobody has ever threatened to kick someone out of a meeting although it should have been done. the asking of questions so that someone can deliberately misrepresent and malign the association and the people that help is not acceptable. it is not necessary to own property to be a board member. the by-law committee is made up of people that do own property in the acres, but that actually isn't the critia. a willingness to help is far more important. the community is loosing its center to bad mouthing, bullying and spite. there is now a transparent and understandable accounting system for the first time in several years. the previous treasurer appears to have had some difficulty treasuring, that is not the fault of the current administration.

unfortunately it is not possible for me to reply to any thread on this site without 2badforthefacts talking trash. as i said. you have my prayers.

There will always be complainers about community organizations, but when the complaints start piling up everywhere you look it starts to look like a **** pile. So, I can understand one or several people not being happy. You can not please everyone all the time. But I just spent 7 hours driving though my neighborhood today and talking with people and it is just about everyone we spoke to said the corruption in here would make your head spin, and including mobster tactics in here believe it or not. It is happening. If we let these organizations function without accountability then they start to believe they can do anything. One Board member was reported to have called himself the Mayor of Fern Forest. Another stole a porta potty from a house that burned down, put it up at the community lot and charged us for it. They said they bought it. Now this is all after they tore down a perfectly good two stall tiled bathroom mind you. I think we are going backwards. They took down our school bus stop that we fought 8 years to get. This is nothing compared to slicing tires and other stuff, strong arming properties out of people,etc…
They want to say they are doing things but our community lot has been closed for 4 years. Ridiculous !

Anyway, the Attorney General has responded that these types of member corporations are controlled by the members. The members vote the Officers in and can remove them. The members can call special meetings and amend the By-Laws, and see financial records,period. And if they do not you can file lawsuit and report them to the proper agencies. Like the IRS and State tax office for tax evasion, also the State Consumer Protection Office for unfair and deceptive trade practices, the Attorney General's Office, the Federal Small Business Administration. My question about the class cation lawsuit is that the state doesn't regulate these types of organizations like they do many others, and why not ? Look at what non regulation is doing, it is a nightmare. Why should we have to all file separate lawsuits when the State should be handling this ?

Please excuse typos tonight, am super tired
Why should we have to all file separate lawsuits when the State should be handling this ?

I believe that is exactly the point. While the subdivisions are busy with "management issues", County and State keep collecting tax revenue and spending it however they want, without accountability.

Never forget that these vast "private" subdivisions were created as a giant tax mining operation; nobody was supposed to actually live there. Viewed in that light, they are a great success...
one of our board members birchl , posted some of the facts of what is now going on . non property owners on the board and a desire to kick out paid members that speak up.
yes indeed the community center is loosing its community building to bad mouthing ,and bullying . still waiting for the transparency nothing being posted about meeting dates and times , or meeting minutes or financials.
don't forget a complaint could be filed with the DCCA.
class action , bring it on.
Eden Roc reporting. No mandatory fees, the main problem seems to be not enough funds to really do a good job keeping up the roads. We were lucky and the paved road nearest us got the last batch of new pavement. Between ourselves and the neighbors I suspect we can keep our dirt road functioning well enough to keep us going. The board seem to be a really nice friendly group of people. My biggest wish is to be able to pay annual fees online.

We have our share of oddballs living in the neighborhood, but our experience has been quite good. Most seem quite content to live and let live.

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,

You know that the reason the "community lot" was closed down was that a group of squatters moved in, trashing the place and refused to leave. After a few years of the growing squalor, a group formed to put an end to it.

That is just a small part of the story
"They are guilty of money laundering, bribery, embezzlement, racketeering, extortion, co-mingling of funds, violation of a court order, collusion, conspiracy, fraud, electoral fraud, harassment, threatening people, making false Police reports, violations of our Constitutional and Civil rights, and more."

Really !!!
Kalakoa : Yes and not only that but real estate speculators and politicians were involved in creating Fern Forest. No wonder it is a mess.

justthefacts, : Yes bad mouthing is effecting us as well. Unfortunately most humans tend to believe the first thing they hear and never question the facts. Sometimes the lies are outrageous, but people will believe them. I was accused of stealing the fire truck,LOL
If you do not know me, you might believe it, but everyone I know thought that was funnier than crap.

VancouverIslander : Eden Roc may not have mandatory road fees but many past Board members there have tried to tell people they are.

And many people in my subdivision want the access road opened between the subdivisions, but evidently we are a bunch of thieves is the reason we are given for it. More rumors that are causing us to be divided. I think if Eden Roc people that are saying that would drive around our neighborhood, there are some pretty nice homes. So to lump us all in the thief category is sad because that is a statement of the absolute and improbable that every human that lives in this subdivision is a thief. And I am sure every subdivision has its' share of thieves, just Iike anywhere. I wonder if Eden Roc knew that we are their volunteer fire department, maybe they would feel different. We had to take your fire truck because your neighborhood vandalizes the truck. We are not making the assumption that all people of Eden Roc are vandals. We want to be able to get to you quickly to help fight fires, and we now have to go all the way out and in to your area which will cost valuable time for us to respond and, well, it isn't rocket science. I personally do not care if the access is open, just giving the facts.
So, the rumors even have subdivisions divided with each other. We need to get together and help each other

DanielIP : That was not the only one reason given. The reason the lot is closed changes depending on what day you ask them. And the people that were so much trouble, could it be over exaggerated to suit their purposes to keep us off the lot ?
I know it sounds crazy. Why would they do that you ask ? Well, simple, the illusion of power; and desire for a private club disguised as community organization. These people accuse others of being thieves, but have been caught with stolen property and even stealing county fire dept equipment, and they are the ones calling out others for their alleged transgressions. That is the pot calling the kettle black, just saying. Their credibility is shot. And does the County close a park because there is one family making trouble, no. They do not. They call the Police. Other excuses that they have used to keep the lot closed, doing work on lot. I guess welding a permanent barrier across the driveway with no permit could be construed as work, and used road maintenance money and resources to do it. The community lot does not belong to the roads. And putting in electric does not interfere with us using the parking lot and the rest of the park. Another excuse was : no insurance. Well, let us examine that. They have had four years to get it, so why hasn't it been done ? Since the roads co-mingles money with the community lot, why didn't they just pay the insurance ? They have already admitted to spending road money on the lot all the time. A violation of a court order because it said they had the right to collect voluntary fees of $25. It never said they could spend the money however they wanted, or decide to raise our fees without a vote, or take salaries; or half the things they decided they could do, like change the names of our streets without asking the lot owners. You see the nightmare is ugly. And once you sit down and think about it, it is pretty bad. So, their excuses for the lot being closed does not make sense when it has been closed for 4 years. That means they are incompetent and a failure. Let someone else try. But no, they just keep making it worse

Obie : Yes and I can prove every allegation by the way, or I would not have written that. But there is too much evidence to state it here. If you would like to meet with me I can go over these things with you point by point. But here are a few examples :
Yes when you commit multiple crimes for over ten years or more as an enterprise, then you will fall under the RICO Act.

To associate the payment of money with the right vote is electoral fraud. It is considered to rig the voting. Also when you pay someone's membership fee to have them vote how you want, that is also electoral fraud and it is illegal. They are telling people that they have the power to take their property from them so why don't they just avoid court and give them the property in lieu of back road fees. That is extortion, plain and simple, especially since that statement is a lie. The court never gave them the power to act like the property tax office, ONLY to collect the money for road maintenance. I know people that were in court back in 1991 and it was clear the road fees were voluntary. At some point they started telling people they had all this power to take your property, they do NOT. That is fraud and extortion. They also claim to be a non-profit, but that is a tax code term given to you by the IRS only after you jump through their hoops and get your determination letter. So, to claim you are when you are not is fraud. The IRS is cracking down on organizations that are misusing that tax code term. These people seem to think the term non-profit is an activity, but they do not even have any activities other than secret meetings to plot to steal from us. One Board member was seen stealing a port potty from a burnt house and they put it up on the community lot and said they bought it and charged us for it. That is theft twice !!! First for stealing the port potty and second when they charged us for it. By the way, the people who own that porta potty want it back, but it is set up at the community lot as the community's toilet. And that is after they tore down a real two stalled tiled bathroom. I think we are going backwards here if you look at the big picture. They cut down the basketball pole for the kids to use the pole to hook up electric to it. All without asking the lot owners. They built a fire pit on top of cesspool, so yeah incompetence overfloweth…….FACT!!!
So, I do not believe anything those people say at all.
They have proven to be untrustworthy and even the president of this country can be impeached, so they need to stop acting like a dictatorship period before they get sued. But the damage is done and it will take a long time to fix it. I am in for there long haul and have many people standing with me to fix this mess once and for all. That is if we get the chance since the IRS and many other agencies are investigating this right now.
These people might all end up in jail and problem solved
well i'm pretty stunned by the complexities of the community associations. how is this actually possible? the idea and operation are simple. whatever the 'fault' of those that 'created' these estate, we are the ones that have chosen, knowingly, to live here. as the estates have been neatly divided up for us, it would make perfect sense for the members of each little community to club together to improve their facilities and resources. this is unreal. estate after estate is embroiled in pathetic lawsuits, power plays, sabotage, voting irregularities, and just long standing nastiness. some of the nastiness goes back twenty odd years. not only do we appear incapable of working together within our own communities, but there appears even less hope of working with the surrounding ones. we all live on the side of the worlds most active volcano. in the rain forest. on an island in the middle of the worlds largest ocean. you would think that was commonality enough? kalakoa made a good point about the amount of money involved turning the associations into easy targets for fraud or malice. still, estate after estate after estate?? group psychology is a strange phenomena. i can make no sense of this on a psychological basis. i have never experienced these sorts of divisions in communities this small. not repetitively like it is here. there are always exceptions, but on this mountain it appears to be the majority of associations that are in conflict and confusion, not the exception. must be something in the water.

thunder, i actually do know you and i do find it laughable that you would steal/take the fire truck somehow i dont see you driving it away in the dark of night. and if i recall history correctly you were the one that helped to get the fire truck put back into the fire house as it was being stored in a private location. that was many years ago.

many of the subdivisions are dealing with "board of directors " that seem to think they "own" it. HACA is in that mind set.
class action ,bring it on.

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