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Your thoughts on vehicle inspections?
i've got my favorite place I go to. they don't require reservations, and most every time I go, i'm getting safety check within 5 minutes. no, i'm not sharing where it is Smile

i did notice they started using ipads about 2 years ago. pictures are taken, and they said they had to be more strict due to the additional technology/checking/etc.

they always checked for lights, wipers, horns, and tire size. i took my truck which is pretty old, and it had one tire a different size. they noticed and said they couldn't pass it. no problem, went and bought a used tire the right size, had it installed, and was back within 2 hours to get it passed.

if your window is acting weird, put it up before you go. i've never had them ask about that. who knows what else they look for. whatever it is my car has always been ok.

it's a safety check - shouldn't we want everyone to pass these things? why would we want junk cars on the road? i've about had it with cars with no tail, brake or head lights around me. it's dangerous enough as it is around here without some cheap skate scumbag driving around with a dangerous vehicle threatening my safety.

fix your window anyway.

now if we could just get cops to start ticketing people for driving below the minimum speed limit. or driving slow in the fast lane.
This safety check is getting out of control. I'm all for safety and not having giant oversized tires slinging rocks at my windshield but when its taken to excess it's the nanny state gone wild.

Safety checks and registrations should be good for 2 years so we can minimize the amount of vacation time we have to pre-schedule off work for a technician to time how long it takes for our windows to roll up and down.
minimize the amount of vacation time we have to pre-schedule off work

People don't have jobs, they're either retired or on food stamps, so their time is free.

Noone has ever checked any window rollup and down function in my truck. Here is exactly what they have checked:headlights, taillights, brake lights, turn signal lights, horn. That's it.

They jacked up my truck, checked my brake pads, looked under the hood to check various items, checked the amber coating on my signal bulbs, and took photos of the truck from different angles. All in all the inspection this last time round was much more detailed and thorough than last year. I concur on the 2 year period notion, especially with newer vehicles.
I broke through the bs today by going to Bob's. In and out in 15 was good..
I am laughing now at some of your comments. Duct taping the rust holes indeed.
I still think this is a good system. Back in Canada we only have to get a safety inspection ONCE when you register the car and usually only if it is 5 years or older. But the inspection are very thorough, down to checking tie rod ends and if your muffler has the correct hangers on it etc and they cost 120 or so.

If you buy a car from the US its even stricter and cost 200 or so and an heavy truck or RV is 350. But the silly part is as long as you keep that car you never have to get another inspection. You can be driving a 40 year old farm truck out in the country with no muffler, no turn signals, no horn, hell no brakes if youre nuts and youre all legal as far as inspection requirements go.

Now if you happen to pull into one of the portable inspection enforcement stations the cops put up random places youre likely getting towed and and a few hundred in fines. Id rather have a yearly inspection.
when I went in with my truck the very first thing they asked was to roll the drivers side window down... I said it was broken and wont go down.. they told me it will not pass... took all of 30 seconds... but I agreed 100%

its a safety inspection... important things need to work correctly or the car/truck shouldnt pass
ps I went to another place and they passed me in all of 3 minutes.. mostly checking brake lights horn etc.
then I sold the truck

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

AAA's state by state summary of safety inspection requirements (or lack thereof), Canada's provinces and territories included in the list.

"There is no periodic statewide safety inspection requirement.", imagine that. how alien.
Safety check requirements are a nanny state sham.

Everywhere else I've lived, if law enforcement notices a violation, they stop and ticket as appropriate (a lot of crimes are caught this way... your headlight is out, and why is your car full of (insert demonized contraband du jour)).

Pushing safety requirements down to an administrative procedure is counterproductive from a law enforcement angle and only encourages private citizens giving the safety checks to rubber stamp as many as they can get paid for, as quickly as they can get paid for them.

This has only resulted in more administrative red tape getting applied to old tape so now instead of policing the vehicles, the state is policing the third-party vendors who are inspecting the vehicles so that the police can pull them over and give them citations for either not having the safety check stickers or for being in violation of having their stickers (i.e. your headlight is out even though your safety check is good).

It seems like we could just remove this entire intermediate administrative "vehicle check" process and use the black hole of funding that is feeding it to hire police to do the job that they are supposed to. Like every other state that has no safety check requirement but all the cars on the road are just as safe as here.

p.s. Forget about my other post about safety check and decibel measurements when you read this. The posts are apples and oranges!

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