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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
shouldn't the Hawaiian culture receive some special consideration in light of it being the one that originated here

I have some non-white cultural heritage too. Where's my special consideration? (I'll accept a pro-rata share based on my DNA sequence, of course.)

Did your cultural heritage originate here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, perhaps if you go there, you will receive special consideration.

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,
perhaps if you go there, you will receive special consideration.

"They" already brought their "there" here. I received no consideration before, during, or after the transition. Perhaps more lawsuits would fix it?
Here's another cultural practitioner fighting to preserve his rights in the face of USian oppression:

I welcome our new cultural sensitivity overlords and pray that they will protect us from ourselves.
Somebody has dragged a canoe up to Mauna Kea (symbolic of Noah's ark on a mountain?).

It's not about the telescope.
It's not about the movie "Aloha."
It's not about the word "Aloha."

I can understand what the protestors intended to do when they built a canoe at 9000 ft in elevation near the top of Mauna Kea. Culture. Heritage. If you want to stretch the point some, they could claim there is the connection between voyaging canoes and navigating by the stars. But the ancient sailors didn't begin their ocean journey at the top of a mountain.

If the protestors wish to make a point, the construction of a canoe as far away from water as possible (with the exception of Lake Waiau) only extends the disconnect between their message and their actions.

I know this canoe building demonstration is only one example, and maybe an isolated example at that. But someone needs to step up, bring one or two of the top issues of the protestors front and center, and place those concerns in context so they make sense, not so they're made fun of.

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
The protesters do not represent all the Hawaiian people. Nor should they claim they do.
A good discussion of the relevant issues at least from my perspective:

If anyone has anything to add to that discussion, I'm all ears.

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,
They strike me as earnest, fairly articulate, passionate, biased, and not that knowledgable about astronomy. I remain unmoved.

I have a nephew their age. He scares me with his volatile mix of passion, impulsiveness, Naivete, youthful ignorance, and the energy and spirit to take things as far as they will go, which can be a bad thing if your are standing on the edge of a cliff. I love my nephew dearly. I would hide bodies for him. That doesn't mean I agree with the things he says and does.

ETA: Any mention of the water table lets me know I don't have to listen any further.

No money in it.

The 1.4 billion perked up a lot of ears and hands out. If instead of TMT it was a $3 million cultural canoe of art then nigh a peep would be heard. Make it a local's only ski resort and then what culture?
Make it a local's only ski resort and then what culture?

Presto! Sacred (because locals only) and cultural (because it excludes others).

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