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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
Meanwhile, the protestors/protectors who were arrested have agreed to pursue "ho'oponopono", along with the judge, and prosecutor (yesterday-6/19).

FYI: (*Snipped - More at link incl. video)

For Immediate Release
Nâ KOAKUAMAUNA Appear in Court for Third Time

Trial delayed until December 3rd while parties intiate Hooponopono

The Koakuamauna AKA the Maunakea 31, call upon and invite the following individuals, who represent their respected parties, to participate in Hooponopono: David Ige-Governor of the state of Hawaii, Kekoa Kaluhiwa-Deputy of DLNR, David Lassner-President of the University of Hawaii, Donald Strainey-Chancellor at UH Hilo, Stephanie Nagata of the Office of Mauna Kea Management, and Henry Yang-Chairman of TMT International Observatory, LLC.

Hooponopono is a traditional Hawaiian process defined by Mary Kawena Pûkui as, “setting to right; to make right; to correct, to restore and maintain good relationships...The specific family conference in which relationships were ‘set right’ through prayer, discussion, confession, repentance, and mutual restitution and forgiveness.”

In order to preserve the integrity of Hooponopono and remain true to its intent and purpose, the Koakuamauna call for a complete halt to any further attempt by the TMT to resume construction upon sacred Mauna a Wâkea until the complete process of Hooponopono can be thoroughly vetted or either side decides that a Ho#699;oponopono is unachievable.

“Hooponopono is not a process of mediation or any type of negotiation. It is an honest and strict process and attempt of making right what is wrong,” says Kahookahi Kanuha. It is a "committed process that requires knowledgable and disciplined cultural practitioners to fairly preside over it," added fellow protector Lâkea Trask.

On May 28, 2015 three of the Koakuamauna, Jim Albertini, Ronald Fujiyoshi and Gary Oamilda, filed a written motion to “request the court for Ho'oponopono with all parties involved with the arrests as an alternative to proceeding to trial.” The motion was supported by both the prosecutors office as well as Judge Barbara Takase.

On June 18, 2015, 20 of the remaining 21 wrongfully arrested on Mauna a Wâkea on April 2, 2015 appeared in court in Waimea for what was for many, their third appearance. Judge Takase presided over the cases and offered every defendant the option to waive their right to a speedy trial and partake in Ho#699;oponopono outside of the courts. All but two Koakuamauna, who chose instead to continue straight to trial, agreed to the process.

Trask believes that even the courts recognize that a guilty or not guilty verdict would not get to the heart of the issue between the protectors and the TMT. “It is our sincere hope that all parties involved will see the value in Ho‘oponopono and make the concerted effort to resolve this issue in the most culturally and morally appropriate way.”

Koakuamauna and all parties involved have until August 6 to file with the courts the parameters of the proposed Hooponopono. If the wrongs committed upon Mauna a Wâkea and to its protectors cannot be made right, trials for each arrestee will recommence on Decemeber 3, 2015.

Kû Kia‘i Mauna!

For more information, please contact:
Kahookahi Kanuha - (808)936-4249 -
Lâkea Trask - (808)896-4882 -

ETO: (edited to omit) Those "#699:" things

"Lisa Kubota

"As done at any construction site, we plan to first investigate and assess any possible oil leakage and ensure we can provide proper maintenance of machines and equipment so they operate safely and correctly - in order to protect Maunakea and preserve the sensitive environment. We will then begin to repair and install fencing in the interest of public safety."

"As we proceed, TMT is open and willing to allow cultural practitioners in the area of the construction site to continue customary and traditional practices. Allowing this practice to continue to occur will require further dialogue and mutual agreement to work out the details in order to establish a cooperative and harmonious environment for all parties."

"In an effort to be sensitive to and observant of the Native Hawaiian host culture, we will deepen our knowledge of the cultural, ecological, and spiritual aspects of the mountain and continue to learn how to better respect and appreciate Maunakea's important cultural areas."

taking the old idiom "bending over backwards" to new painfully contortionist lengths.
So the protesters want to keep TMT from doing any of their rightful and legally permitted construction until they have completed a protracted process which still might result in a trial commencing sometime in December. No way should TMT accept this open ended delay. They should proceed and the protesters who choose to interfere should go to jail. It may have been a mistake to announce the date and time of renewed work, though. This will give the extremists time to gather their supporters and press coverage. Oh, well. At least we seem to be moving forward.

observatory and University of Hawaii staff today account for about 20 percent of traffic to the summit

Possible that all tourists are there to see the telescopes ... but unlikely that removing the telescopes would result in the desired "zero traffic".

Related question: which desecrates the mountain more, scientists pondering the universe, or tourists?
"As we proceed, TMT is open and willing to allow cultural practitioners in the area of the construction site to continue customary and traditional practices. Allowing this practice to continue to occur will require further dialogue and mutual agreement to work out the details in order to establish a cooperative and harmonious environment for all parties."

I thought that part of the mountain had NOT been used for any "culturally significant" activities in the first place, which is one of the reasons why the TMT is being placed there?

TMT announcing their work schedule:
Not only do the representatives for the TMT continue to follow the rules and regulations required by their lease, but they even go beyond what is necessary. I think it's a good idea to announce their return to work schedule, so no one can accuse them of deception.
Will the protestors do the same?

Hooponopono - my take on why protesters chose December for a meeting, is that it puts off any work for almost another year. I would guess construction on the TMT foundation needs to take place during warmer weather so the concrete can set properly, and those days are limited after December. Just a guess, otherwise, why not offer to meet sooner?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
After a (loving) chat with mom today, in which I tried to change her mind about when to have a family birthday get-together (guess who won...again), I am reminded of my feelings about the whole concept of being responsible for things our ancestors may have's not like I have control over my parent who is living, much less any of the deceased lot! I can be proud of their accomplishments, but cannot take the credit for them. I can feel badly about things they did wrong, but have no responsibility for them.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
beepbeep is getting at a fundamental fallacy at the core of much of the "sovereignty" monolog. though often it's not even really an actual direct ancestor and descendent thing so much as dividing huge swaths of people broadly categorized by racial profile into responsible benefactor and entitled beneficiary.

"I thought that part of the mountain had NOT been used for any "culturally significant" activities in the first place, which is one of the reasons why the TMT is being placed there?"

I've worked on the mountain for going on 25 years now. Not once have I seen anyone go to the area the TMT is going to be built other than the site testing team and of course many since the TMT started construction. The summit ridge and the summit itself are the places I've seen people visit for cultural practices; never out on the northern plateau.
Originally posted by TomK


"I thought that part of the mountain had NOT been used for any "culturally significant" activities in the first place, which is one of the reasons why the TMT is being placed there?"

I've worked on the mountain for going on 25 years now. Not once have I seen anyone go to the area the TMT is going to be built other than the site testing team and of course many since the TMT started construction. The summit ridge and the summit itself are the places I've seen people visit for cultural practices; never out on the northern plateau.

Tom, I actually have read the entire EIS which is why I made the statement, but having additional confirmation from at least one real person who is in-the-know, confirms it for me know.

Your statement is just further proof of the complete BS and lies coming from the protestors. Thank you!

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