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Hawaiian Acres Problems
How do you Have the fortitude to keep reading 30 pages of one whiny

hapa, if the thread is so upsetting for you then why did you post a nasty comment and bring it back??? whats wrong the sunday meeting did not go well for you ? the walk out of the board members , claiming to be sick just so they could cancel the meeting and avoid informing the membership about what is going on . did not have to answer any questions , like what about the fact that there is No liability insurance to cover HACA, the property it has been cancelled , terminated since february .
Originally posted by Hapahaole

How do you Have the fortitude to keep reading 30 pages of one whiny


The same way you have the fortitude to comment on 30 pages of the same...
wow ,, you guys crack me up ,,, sometimes ni cant stop laughing,,, anyway I notice that -------- has a regular following of trolls and vampires ,, damn if she isn't getting her fifteen minutes of miserable , whiney fame !

any chimpanzee can see clearly enough that nothing will change for our roads without mandatory dues and it will be a several year process to get it up and running ,,,

now consider that fact and also mull this over ,,, we have roads made of rock , stone , ups and downs , in s and out s ,,we knew this when we came here in covered wagons to settle the wilderness ,,NOW most of the chimps following this thread ,, will understand the basic concepts of road building and maint. in fern acres next door ,, they paid the extra for beating down where needed ,, packed and chipsealed a little bit at the time,, I was there ,, I saw it with my own eyes ,,,

this would be the best road to take ,, pardon my pun ,, but it is expensive ,,, with mandatory dues and fees ,, it is not only possible but within our reach as a community ,, WITHOUT , the MANDATORY DUES ,,, there will never be enough money to maintain such a road project in our neighborhood ,,

which leads to my last comment ,,,, the roads we have are rock and they have depressions and holes and rough broken portions,, although pouring gravel of any kind onto and into the natural flaws in the road is at best a temp. patch ,,, as it runs away so easily and will never be the solution in the long term we seek . all this back breaking and stroke producing shovel and rake work is although noble and to be respected ,, from a road maint. point of view ,, a total waste of our time ! the picture of our neighbors , friends , elderly and disabled the young and the old ,,, all dues paying ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, community oriented folks working so hard and barely keeping the roads passable ,, is a noble ,, but ,, vain struggle ,,, a windmill to joust with ,,,, aloha !
WITHOUT , the MANDATORY DUES ,,, there will never be enough money to maintain such a road project

Again: the lack of funded road maintenance should not be a surprise to anyone who moved into the subdivision. It's fine the way it is, leave it alone.
mandatory dues , more money to squander without accountability
more money to squander without accountability

To be fair and balanced, please point to one example of mandatory dues/fees/taxes that are managed effectively and to the benefit of those who must pay.

Need not be a subdivision.

hahah I cant think of a single example ,,,, and im sure ----- cant either ,,, as long as there are people involved ,,the specter of greed and corruption shall always be hiding there somewhere ,,,,
Some recent residents on Rd 6 near D,hired sheldon from their own pocketbook to grade from 8rd to 6 half on Drd.
In addition , these same resident new comers put cold patch in the puka's on the pavement strip hill between 7rd and 6 rd.
Plus weed eating and other neighbor hood folks are weed eating and mowing from 6 to 5 on D rd,and this is the only work done for years on this section of D rd as the road corp seems to of forgotten about those of us up here.In addition,P.Epperson is doing a fantastic volunteer job on making sure from 1 to 3 is maintained and seems more gravel has been placed strategically on that same section.
Kudo's to all who take it upon themselves to make improvements albeit temporary to the roads we all traverse .
Sometimes mo bettah just to do it ourselves than give to an organization with special interests in mind.
A thankless duty to all on the boards .

Rd E on the other hand from 5 to 8 is a nightmare

Mrs.Mimosa and Ohana
i recently drove D road from 8 rd up to 1 rd and i have to say i did not recognize the road , it was over grown with weeds, foliage and holes ,rough horrible . so i saw first hand what you are talking about the road has been forgotten. and yes better you fix your own because giving money to HARC is like throwing it away , no accountability and i dont think they have printed out a financial statement for over a year.

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