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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
I sometimes wish, TMT would just pull out and build it elsewhere

Yes, the island's economy is doing just fine without the extra $30M/year, we can always just take out more bond debt to finance our lifestyle improvements.

While we're at it, let's send the College of Pharmacy to Oahu where it clearly belongs.

There's no need to fix Banyan Drive, either.
The p#333;haku were laid in the middle of the road leading to the proposed destruction site... One of the most incredible days I have ever spent, and one of the most beautiful #699;Ahu I have ever seen.” – Mehana Kihoi

This is not discussion. This is not compromise. This is not waiting until December for Hooponopono.

This is stepping onto the railroad tracks in front of an oncoming locomotive speeding along at 80 mph, daring it to hit you, and then blaming the train when it does.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Guess Abu will have to be taken down or moved to ground that is actually sacred.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
That's ahu, autocorrect.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
"Wednesday will certainly be an interesting day on the mountain. I hope and wish everyone stays safe. ..."

a sentiment at the top of my mind, too. i think we can all agree anything otherwise in the days ahead would benefit absolutely no one. some journalism in recent days has irresponsibly indulged in playing up war-like rhetoric. it's totally unnecessary and doesn't reflect well on our community.
but yeah, on another note i expect some will be hamming it up for the cameras playing the victim in shackles. similar to strategically placing an ahu where it will obviously need to be removed.
I wonder how many of the protestors vehicles are leaking oil, anti-freeze, transmission fluid....onto the sacred site?

Protestors have turned the TMT work crews back by blocking the road with rocks.

So far 11 arrests (1 HPD, 10 DLNR).

The selective enforcment is just mind-boggling.
Back in my day they came in with billy clubs, tear gas and dogs. They would split your skull like a ripe melon just for protesting. These people are lucky to only be arrested.
Kent State...praying it never gets to that point.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA

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