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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
Watching PBS Hawaii right now.
Discussing How Hawaii can be more business friendly.

TMT was just mentioned and the panel was in agreement and reiterated how the many developers , in collaboration, have already gone through 7 YEARS of permitting, impact studies, community outreach and have ALREADY BEEN APPROVED.

And NOW for these ,day late and dollar short, protesters now to come out and say NO. Sends a BIG message to potential business investors that Hawaii in not a friendly place to do business. That we are wishy washy and can't deliver consistent assurance of being a good place to start a business.

The TMT will happen It's bigger than any lame a__ protest group....NEXT!
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
This is nauseating.

So what is going to happen? What will be the solution?

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
Hopefully the TMT will file suit against the state for failing to enforce its own laws, the state will settle the suit by agreeding to keep the roads open and police the area, the TMT will drop the suit and construction will continue as planned.

People will go back to work or back to the EBT office or in some cases both. A few nutjobs will go to prison for making exceedingly poor and violent decisions.

We will have 14 telescopes.

1-3 will be decommisoned in the near future.

And ultimately the lawyers will be making a lot of money.

The end.

ETA: true colors have been and will be shown and we as a community will remember. for example: dakine is a racist.
Peaceful demonstrations will be outlawed. A Kent State approach will be utilized. The Heathen savages will be subdued allowing our Christian Nation to achieve it's Manifest Destiny.
I just don't understand this:

I get the idea about respecting a culture, but you can take it a little too far sometimes. Hawaii is a state of the US no matter what some might say, but what is going on here? Surely laws should apply to everyone equally and not depend upon your heritage?

I'm looking up Celtic laws tomorrow.

You quoted:

"The safety of the mountain is of utmost importance and if we don't have bathrooms for the hundreds of tourists that go up there - they gotta go somewhere and we don't want them doing that on the Mauna."

You know, there are just so many things wrong with this.

1) Safety of the mountain - for crying out loud, it's a mountain. What safety regulations are required?

2) There were sufficient bathrooms up there until a whole bunch of people decided to camp there.

3) The VIS staff had to deal with hostility and intimidation from the protesters. That's not in their job description, but did a fine job nevertheless.

4) The VIS restrooms had feces smeared on the walls when the protest first started. What a wonderful experience that would have been to the hundreds of tourists that go up there every day.

5) The protesters stopped people coming down from the summit. Hardly a safe thing to and a very stupid act.

6) Built walls blocking the road and worse, chucked rocks onto the road. Well, the tourists they were so keen to help were planning on visiting the summit, but it's great to know that they could find a place to piss before heading back to sea level again and complaining to the online world what a terrible experience it was.

Done with aloha of course.
Surely laws should apply to everyone equally and not depend upon your heritage?

Forced to choose: heritage, or money?

I often wonder: suppose the protestors "win", such that the island is hostile to all "Western culture" (including tourism, the Walmart, EBT payments, national defense, etc). Are we to believe that these "neonatives" will reassemble into a pre-contact agrarian society which can sustain itself?

Yes, I'm being completely serious here: it would be (more likely: "is currently") very hypocritical of these protestors to reject a telescope as "desecration" while simultaneously spending their EBT at Walmart. They want their "sovereignty" so much, I say give it to them -- all of it.

So, 25, 35, or 500 locals are going to ruin it all for everyone. No more knowledge, no more bright futures, no more food stamps (ebt). They can just take their pee, their false gods, God, music, nasty smelling food, whatever, get in their canoes and paddle away, right? After all, they make no sense right? Here's a tip, don't call them Hawaiians! Instead of saying Hawaiians are ruining Hawaii, etc, just say "H", you know, like the "N" word. Think of the time you will save!
like the "N" word

Ninny? Nincompoop? Ne'er-do-well?

Maybe just pronounce it the way I've had "haole" spoken towards myself.
I can't believe the depths of ignorance and bias this site has fallen into. A couple of years ago most of the angry white geezers left punaweb to form their own ill fated puna online. After a period of mutual grumbling, they faded into obscurity (I guess; who goes there?).

Ironically, punaweb has become puna online. What was once an interesting, humorous, helpful venue to exchange ideas and information has become a snivel room for the newly arrived angry retirees that aren't going to put up with any "H word" guff (mahalo outsider[Big Grin]).

Kalakoa's latest ignorant, insensitive, and racist rant has influenced me to join the multitude of people that have recently left this site. Those remaining can continue their intolerant circle jerk and continue the site's plunge into myopic impotence.

My final story;

The Kimo and an astronomer were camping at the summit. After they got their tent set up, both men fell sound asleep. Some hours later, Kimo wakes the astronomer and says,"Eh Brah, look towards sky, what you see?"
The astronomer replies, "I see millions of stars."
"What that tell you?" asked Kimo.

The astronomer ponders for a minute then says, "Astronomically-speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Time-wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning. Theologically,the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you,Kimo?"

"You dumber than mongoose... It mean someone stole tent.

See you at the beach!


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