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Originally posted by mermaid53

Originally posted by kalakoa

the county land near the corner of C and L Rd and the response was it won't be considered for a park. That the residents in that area don't want the county do improve it.

Even more confused: County land already exists for a park, and some residents don't want it? Why would those residents get their way when others don't, especially considering that ownership/landuse/zoning issues basically don't exist for a parcel that's already County-owned?

Seems like County could make a park on this piece of land without permission or cooperation from HPP. Why not just do that instead? (Unless the point is to engage HPP in "discussion" rather than actually "building a park"...)

I had asked Greggor about the possibility of using the parcel at C & L Rd as a parking area for walkers and providing ocean access for fishermen. It's a very small parcel so wouldn't be suitable for a park per se. Clear the brush, level the lot and bring in gravel at minimum. Securing the entrance w/a chain at night.

HPP residents like walking on L Rd for exercise and parking their cars can be a problem. There's little ocean access left for fisherman as well. I asked him about this 2 yrs ago or so and his reply was that it was bad timing to ask the county for anything.

That the last time they dealt w/HPP over the park issue left them w/bad feelings. He advised waiting awhile before approaching the county about this idea.

Later Greggor told me he had walked the surrounding neighborhood surveying the residents about that small county owned parcel on the ocean. The residents are concerned that developing that parcel in any way would bring in unwanted riff raff and crime.

That patch of land does not belong solely to the people who live right around there, they should not have been the only ones allowed to give an opinion. That land belonged to ALL of us, until it was deeded to the County. Now it belongs to all of Hawaii County, although the rest of those co owners have to drive on "private" roads to get to it.
although the rest of those co owners have to drive on "private" roads to get to it.

that sucks!
That land belonged to ALL of us, until it was deeded to the County.


I asked him about this 2 yrs ago or so and his reply was that it was bad timing to ask the county for anything.

County wants a park, so this should be a great time to ask, right?

The residents are concerned that developing that parcel in any way would bring in unwanted riff raff and crime.

Safe bet there will be like-minded residents near any slated development.
A friend told me that at the Wed night HPP park mtg last week w/Greggor and a county official, some discussion had come up about the county parcel off the corner of L & C Rd. The county "may" come up w/funding to install signs to deter camping at that location. I don't know if anyone posed the question of making that parcel into a "park". I think it was more along the lines of their overseeing and maintaining it to deter campers.

I was told by someone who attended the HPP NW mtg recently that the county is concerned about the pruning of flora on the county parcel at L&C Rd. Same issue as the property on the makai side of Bch that's county land where trees were chopped down. They're looking into it and a fine may be involved.
". That land ( intersection on L and C ) belonged to ALL of us, until it was deeded to the County."
Can anyone tell me when and WHY this parcel was given to the county? Thanks!

Important things coming up at next Board mtg this Wednesday @ 6PM. Please attend and speak up about any concerns you have.

A motion is on the floor from the last membership mtg, therefore the board is not supposed to move forward on the chip seal. We need more transparency. If the board doesn't have a special membership mtg to inform us of all the details and costs, then they'll have to wait until Oct's membership mtg to p/u this item as old business.

Some of us keep hearing different numbers from the mgmt. The Fugitive Dust Committee #2 who is also pushing this hasn't provided us w/enough information. There's more information in the "non-binding" contract that FDC#2 obtained that members haven't heard like that our crew will be working w/this contractor. Meanwhile their usual maintenance duties will fall behind.

FDC #1 who did much more research on finding solutions for our dusty roads, came up with higher numbers on chip seal and that was a few years ago. Their research which involved over 20 people from all the HPP districts provided hard data of other solutions to address our dusty roads. It used to be up on HPP's website. Someone removed it.

At the finance committee mtg I heard something about only needing 2" of base coarse. I have no material on my road and others chimed in the same. I heard from reliable sources that we need 6-7" of base coarse to start. Which means material will have to be brought in on each road, some more some less. FDC #2's initial figures aren't jiving.

Also discussed at the Finance Committee mtg is possibly purchasing a water truck for approx $30,000. Instead of outsourcing the watering of our dusty roads is one reason. The other is for the chip seal work, as they'll be using LOTS of water.

This isn't about chip seal only, this is about wanting transparency w/thousands of our hard earned dollars. Most of us know nothing about this material. Some of us only want asphalt like other roads. No one has provided us w/enough information. There's only one contractor who does this work and many of us have heard there are issues. So there's that as well.

If there's nothing to hide, then why are some people getting upset w/us wanting transparency? Some are personally attacking those that want transparency. What's up w/that?

Please attend the meeting this Wed night @ 6 PM.

Let me know when someone has a lawyer ready to sue to force HPP to follow its bylaws, or better yet, to force it into receivership. I have set aside $100 to help pay for such. Attending meetings and participating on committees is useless and actually gives a patina of respectability to the whole rotten mess. Having done both in the past, I speak from experience.

@Mermaid: Please don't think this post is putting down your efforts at transparency and responsibility. I respect that you have tried to improve things and put forth a lot of effort. It just doesn't work any more.
I hear what you're saying Chunkster...but

If members don't stand up at board meetings and speak up, then the board will continue as if they have carte blanche to do as they wish. Why should we make it easy on them and not attend, and not speak up?

Some of us have managed to thwart some non transparency things from going through because a small group of us were there speaking up. It can and does work.

While additional money is being collected to go after them, our road fee monies are being spent by them.

We need more voices at board and membership meetings. Please attend.
On a different note, why aren't the March and April 2015 minutes posted yet??? May 2015 is up. The February minutes aren't quite the way I recall things happening, nor the May minutes. The March and April minutes contain the discussion of the website discrepancies and conflict of interest questions, and those are the ones missing.

At the May mtg, the discussion of updating and removing the signatories on the checking acct were discussed. The previous Secretary kept saying they don't need to remove her name because her name never was on it. It fell to deaf ears and it went down in the minutes reflecting that her name was to be removed. What is this about?

The board mtg agenda is posted.
At tonight's board meeting, the motion passed to deed one of our 20 acre parcels to the county.

The board passed buying a $31,500 used water truck located in Hilo.

RTSC has been shut down. One of the reasons stated was that we wouldn't take on the task to do road assessments: charging business owner's in the park an extra road fee for road usage. Also the plan is to charge big trucks (i.e. FedEx, UPS) that travel on our roads.

First of all, road assessments has NOTHING to do with road safety. Secondly, the board never voted to task RTSC w/this project so how could we have refused it? Thirdly, it felt like retaliation all over again. The VP and Pres didn't want us recommissioned when the board brought us back in Feb 2015. Now that they have a majority board, they shut us down again.

The RTSC has been spinning their wheel anyways. When you have a board that has no interest in using county codes w/the signage in the park, what's the point? This opens up the association to liability on our 138 miles of road. The board instead formed a Road Assessment Committee.

The HRC was formed again. There's been no HRC for a few months now. The VP, who had issues w/the past 2 HRC's and not following bylaws is on the new HRC and the board voted her in as chairperson. No owners volunteered to join. They are seeking 2 lot owners for the HRC. We need someone on there who has experience w/HR work and follows HPP's bylaws and policies. Checks and balances. Does HRC work involve employee reprimand issues? Hmmm. Never saw new job descripts approved by the board this past year but there are new ones.

The Pres, VP and another board member tried pushing the chip seal through. The VP has stated at least twice at meetings that a majority of the membership is interested. That is false information. The majority at the membership mtg wanted a presentation and to have the ability to vote on it. Point of order was called by 2 members reminding the board that there is a motion on the floor from the recent membership meeting that prevents them from proceeding. One lot owner who was wound tight all evening, viciously yelled "shut up!!!" wanting the motion to proceed. When the board tried to proceed again w/a motion to start chip sealing, a member again yelled out that the board needs to follow Robert's Rule of Order, there's a motion on the floor from the membership mtg. Ironically, they just voted on using RR's 11 edition last night.

Why are the people pushing for chip seal so angry? The Pres became annoyed and stated this decision is not for members to make. Let the GM do his job w/road maintenance. Owners yelled out that chip seal isn't road maintenance. All members want is transparency especially when it involves big bucks of OUR money.

The GM admitted that the chip seal contractor they were looking at has legal issues. Members have been telling them this for awhile. The GM also said he is researching another product used in Afghanistan by the military. My geo tec UH engineer friend had also mentioned this great new product the military was using for roads so it'd be interesting to find out more about it. The chip seal motion was rescinded due to the interest in this other product. Why spend any money to start chip sealing if we're researching another product? The GM said we wouldn't need to outsource laying this product down.

Two members came forward requesting an exec session to discuss their charges towards the Pres and VP. The charges are harassment, willful misconduct and gross misconduct. They are seeking legal counsel as well. One of them started out w/reading the bylaw that the board is supposed to foster an atmosphere of cooperation and harmony that encourages the participation of lot owners in the mgmt and operation of the Association. Two members of the board has been doing the opposite. One is inciting members against members, neighbors against neighbors. The other treats members like they're annoying peons.

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