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Potential restrictions to Mauna Kea access
Originally posted by flyingsurfer


Don't equate not listing with not agreeing.

Mahalo, flyingsurfer, however, please pardon my ignorance; please explain.

I think I got it, but want to make sure. (BBM)

E kala mai. (Please excuse).


ophikao, I'll jump facilitate for flyingsurfer;
You wrote in your prior post;

"They" did....for years. Decades. No one ("of decision making" stature) listened. Thus, we are where we are. "

Presumptively in your sentence "They" were the past protestors or opponents against the uses that DLNR was approving at that time. These "decision makers" who, you say, "weren't listening" we're, from flyingsurfers perspective, listening but not agreeing with the arguemets then being made.
In other words, by the laws of Hawaii, due process was followed, arguments by opponents were heard, decisions were then made, and therefore the "protectors" have no legal basis for what they are doing.
It's not correct to say no one listened. The arguments of Piscotta, et al, were heard, and the BLNR, Circuit Courts, etc didn't agree with their arguments. But they did have a significant effect in that they slowed the process down and gained meaningful concessions.
So... They listened but didn't agree.

Confused and concerned.

Ted, Tom, Many here on PW have stated that the TMT site is nothing but rocks. Yet this gentleman on video claims he has seen plenty of life on the TMT site? Under all those rocks is where most of the life can live, due to the extreme environmental conditions. TMT wants to remove 20 feet of rock or aina at that site, this could devastate much of the hardly known or studied living organism's that are currently thriving on the TMT site.
You are terminally confused I'm afraid.

"Buffer zone lichen, arthropod and botanical inventory and assessment: Thirty Meter Telescope project, Mauna Kea science reserve, northern plateau, Hamakua district, Island of Hawaii"

"No wekiu bugs were found within the TMT observatory footprint. The results of the surveys indicate there are no special concerns or legal constraints related to arthropod and botanical resources in the Project areas. No species listed as endangered or threatened species were detected at the Project construction areas or any of the surveyed area (DLNR 1997, Federal Register 1999, 2005, 2006)."

Now how about you posting links to Eric Hansen's scholarly research?
Holy crap ? Like, who paid this guy ? Does he really believe what he is saying ? For the knowledge of things ?

Masters degree ? Do you have an agenda ? Do you have chip on your shoulder ? Do you understand the Island of Hawaii very .........

" All this science bla bla bla .. "

Then wondering why he did not get a job ... HoLEE Crap man. Where to start ..........

O.K... I gotta stop punishing myself reading and listening to this tripe ...
Signing back out with empathy for those that have to deal with these idiots


It became quite clear during the interview that there's definitely a chip there and very little objectivity. Not someone you'd want to lead a scientific study even ignoring the fact he doesn't have the qualifications.

It's just more noise.
Pog?????? Sorry man you going the wrong way, All your question marks are showing your lazyness Pog.

Tomk, the crickets are getting louder and this could mean a change in the weather soon.

Jmo, Mr Hansen probably wouldn't have a reason to lie about those living creatures. I can see why he would carry a chip on his shoulder, or feel slighted through the hiring process. He was probably deserving of an interview at least. His obvious passion for the aina, his courage to speak up, and his knowledge of the mountain are enough reasons to why he did not get the position.

P.S. Tomk, or PTed, when looking for the wekiu bug on the rocky site of the TMT'S footprint, did anyone look under the rocks 4-8 inches? Don't really expect either of you to know that answer with any real certainty. Yet you both have claimed no life lives on the TMT site. Maybe a bit of a stretch mates, disrespecting, or even a wee bit misleading after watching THAT video.

"Yet you both have claimed no life lives on the TMT site. Maybe a bit of a stretch mates, disrespecting, or even a wee bit misleading after watching THAT video."

Enough with your lies, Gypsy, you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the arse. And what an earth are you doing including PT in this? He makes up stuff just as much as you do.

Tonight I'm saying goodbye to a wonderful feline companion who's been with me for eighteen years, but her time is coming to an end. Not once did she lie to me, but her last days will be forever tainted by the dishonest, violent and deceitful behaviour of people like you.
Knowing PW all too well, this is going to be a waste of temporal displacement.

The wekiu bug lives in cinder cones, not underground. There is no cinder cone near the TMT site. In the early days of the observatories, some cinder cones were leveled and wekiu bugs were disturbed but they just flew to other cinder cones. There have been efforts to put the wekiu bug on the endangered species list but studies have shown they are not endangered.

So, once again, this is the now obvious tactic of the professional protesters, keep switching implausible damage scenarios until one sticks. In warfare and fighting, this is called feinting. It's weird, things like people smuggling in DMT or axis deer or African coffee plants that happen to be infected, no problem, e komo mai. Very benign technologies like geothermal and TMT, oh lordie, the apocalypse is nigh, engage ludicrous hysteria mode.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Aloha pog appreciate it if ya refrained from dissing tripe...yummmmmm

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