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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!

Thought this would be appropriate since Maunakea may be getting the same treatment soon. Jmo and observation here. Not much looked to be living on that mountain in Chile, it looked lifeless before the detonation of the tnt. Where as maunakea has a rich history, life, aquifer's, and plenty of natural beauty at risk of being blown up and turned into red dust. The TMT Project does not meet the 8 criteria needed. Also a proper EIS report with real data may not have been commpleted for this planned TMT project?

Repeated link I had posted, sorry.

gypsy69 - I have posted the EIS several times and asked you to read it. You continue to act as if you have no idea of how extensive the report was. Once again, I am asking you to READ IT, knowing that you either won't, or can't.

Mahalo leilanidude, yet once again. You were correct when you stated I did not read it or couldn't read it. Well this time I down loaded, and yes was able to find it again to begin reading the material. Through the first 20 pages, I can tell you I find it to be written very bias. The University is hard to trust at this point, yet Rose tseng name is everywhere. Also have not read about any public or community input about the project yet, only another 356 pages to go. Have a good evening leilanidude.
Also a proper EIS report with real data may not have been commpleted for this planned TMT project?

...only another 365 pages to go.

Sounds like that report is going to be comprehensive, with some real data in it.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
HOTPE - do you mean the EIS or gypsy69's report? He says he's read the first 20 pages, but that doesn't even get you to the table of contents, but it's already "written very bias [sic]".
I meant gypsy might find the nearly 400 page EIS report contained more information than he expected.
But if gypsy then writes a report on the EIS or anything else, "enquiring minds want to know."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
TomK, your recent post again shows your level of professionalism.
Read over 100 pages of that report now, not impressed to this point. The report brings a limited amount of information to the reader, also the report makes an overall minimal impact on the public trust issues. Not sure why so many paragraphs are crossed out of the final report but it does not help it look complete. The hand picked public that was sent letters and questioners regarding the TMT process, smells like a fishy process. The rarely mentioned public input and several lightly attended public meetings made little to no impact on the above mentioned TMT project.
Joking aside Tomk, although I have only read a third of the report it looks and reads very one sided(TMT)to this point. Does not look like much time was spent considering other locations. The many Mentions of site E or Chile does not show any other consideration DATA?
"The many Mentions of site E or Chile does not show any other consideration DATA?"

Why should it? This is an EIS about the site chosen on Mauna Kea. It is not a paper about the qualities of the various other sites that were researched. For crying out loud, it's an environmental impact statement. I've already posted the link to studies of the other proposed sites. Are you really this lazy?
'But if gypsy then writes a report on the EIS or anything else, "enquiring minds want to know."'

Thanks for the clarification, HOTPE. I suspect right now we can look forward to a report on "anything else".
Does not look like much time was spent considering other locations.... site E or Chile

Generally an Environmental Impact Statement is specific to the site which may be impacted. The TMT EIS will focus on the 5 acre construction area on Mauna Kea and surroundings, the insect life there, soils, water table, etc.
There will be very little about Chile as a comparative site to Mauna Kea, as this report is compiled after the site is picked.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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