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Originally posted by mermaid53

Can anyone confirm whether the board is proceeding w/the chip seal project? Apparently a lot owner's easement was getting scraped and asked the employee what he was doing. He said he was widening the road in preparation for "paving". That they're starting from the top.

If there's any truth to this, it's an illegal action spending our monies. Per last board meeting, "no action" was decided.

Starting at the top is absurd, regardless of the legality of the decision to use the chip seal.

The worst issues with dust are in the very bottom of HPP, where it is dryer, and where there is a lot of extra cross traffic from sight seers and fisherman as well. My road has 5 foot tall grass growing so far into the road that it is one lane in places, and now has giant ruts in it that could swallow a compact car. No mowing or maintenance have been done on this road in the last 9 months, except for filling the lake like potholes in front of one house where people were driving into the yard to avoid the lake.

Ever since we bought our place it has never been in this bad of shape. The HPPOA needs to attend to maintaining our roads properly, before going off on unapproved tangents like chip seal.

I agree. The lower areas are drier therefore would be dustier. The former Pres Ruth "announced" that's how it would work...starting at the top of the park. I don't recall any board mtg where this strategy was discussed. Supposedly the higher the population on a road, the more maintenance required, determines which roads get done first. But if you start at the top, that's not using the criteria that was set up before. Probably a lottery system would work best so all would feel they have a chance.

But again, chip seal is supposed to be a membership decision, not a board decision, bc of the amount of OUR monies involved. The former Pres didn't want any of "her" monies spent on cookies at membership meetings, but she sure was raring to go spending OUR money on chip seal. At the last board mtg she discussed spending the million or so dollars we have on road improvements "chip seal" until the treasurer told her that NAF corp's have to have that money set aside.

I went and checked out RR on the Makuu side for the first time to see the paving the county did. Wow! Best paved road in HPP. BUT the weeds are taking over the roads unfortunately.

L Rd is horrible. My husband's van gets whacked whenever he has to travel on that road by the overgrown bushes hanging into the lane. The buffalo grass is taking over in areas and seeds are spreading throughout the area. L Rd gets a lot of traffic; foot, bike, cars, during certain periods of the day yet continues to get neglected bc it's not considered a main road. One guy on C Rd is dumping his coco palm fronds onto L Rd makai side easements and has taken away the bail out area and is an eye sore. So no where to get off the road if needed.

The last phase of paving's roads have weeds overtaking the asphalt. There's a lot of areas that have less than a lane per direction. The 4 main drags are looking a lot better but the side roads are way behind.

The GM did say he was trying to catch up. We're probably looking at more than a yr or two's growth of weeds out there on a lot of the roads.
Interesting...the day after I made mention that the board and RTSC minutes weren't posted yet, they've suddenly popped up.

March 18, 2015 board minutes still isn't posted after they were approved twice. Once in April and again in May 2015. What the heck is going on?
There are so many positive things happening in our community that we should be pleased and we should take pride in what we have accomplished. For those of you that post nothing but negative things (Mermaid 53 is the biggest offender of this ) I would ask that you look at the good things that are upcoming. We will finally have a Park, chip seal or asphalt roads, and being considered for a library in our community. I think that if Mermaid53 should possibly look at having her own blog so that she can spew, verses those who read this for information purposes and have to read through all of her complaints. I, as many use this for information and the activities in our community. I believe that was the general idea when created. So with that, if you have nothing but negative things to say, possibly keeping a journal would be useful. Please don't waste time giving me the blah blah blah, as it has gotten pretty silly already. STAY POSITIVE
Nice thoughts Hulagirl but you have either totally ignored or missed the points made here.The board has broken our by-laws and state statutes,they have conducted illegal meetings, they has disbanded committees, they have hired attorneys at our expense, they have had very valuable members of this community(which is ours, not theirs) written up for nonexistent offenses or offenses they have committed themselves, they have shown favoritism to some members and dissed others, they have publicly slandered people and accused some of thievery, they have not done anything the membership has asked but feel free to spend our money on what they want, they have caused a law suit and dissension. A year later and they are still blaming the previous board and the illegally fired employees and have taken zero responsibility for their ill actions. They even feel free to speak vile between themselves and to members but call the police when they don't like someone else s behavior.They refuse to listen and they are vetting committee members and board members choosing who they want. These are people who are suppose to represent us, follow the rules and help better our community.

Not all of us want the traffic and rif raf that a park(that has no strings attached and we are still waiting for the last one the county promised)or library will bring right into a semi ag/rural community. Will our fees go up when the roads deteriorate quicker due to more traffic? And no one has a good read on chip seal. An informational meeting was requested so we could learn more about it but... no, it appears a few people have made a huge monetary decision with out the members support. What happens if chip seal just isn't the right thing and it starts falling apart and making the roads hazardous? All of us will have to pay for its removal and start over which will certainly entail raising our road maintenance fees .Some of us want accountability and responsibility. It isn't easy being a grown up sometimes and as we have seen this last year we are being led by either really really stupid or wicked people.
I received an email from a reliable source today that Susan Escobar has quit because of the discord from the board.
(I told you a year ago that they eat their young)

That's the best news in a year because she did very little in the office, what a waste of money. Jo stated at the July 2014 GM meeting that Susan wouldn't think of taking the pay that Cathy did for so little work.(That's because she didn't do a third of what Cathy did.) Susan was earning $0.36/hr less then Cathy was making for doing nothing, not even answering the phone.

You do realize that Susan is Jo's beard (spy) in the office and now Jo will have no access to inside information.

I'm wondering if ***** sent the new president into the office to evaluate what's really going on. Maybe now the GM can step up and be a real GM and not the road supervisor.

hulagirl, so much for your being a positive person blah blah blah. I know you have your own "blog" so why don't you just focus your energy there? You've had your agenda to get something done to your road soon and it's good to be friendly and helpful w/those that make these decisions. How about supporting your fellow members in wanting the board to follow our bylaws and policies?

The library BTW isn't going to happen from what I understand because we have no infrastructure. Joy didn't do her homework and was surprised to discover this at the June membership mtg when she was a guest speaker.

The May 2015 board minutes are also posted as membership mtg minutes on our website.

We could end up having the same employee issues. As long as the VP is on the HRC and it's possible this is/was her agenda w/Susan leaving. I sure hope we don't get a repeat of what happened last time. Fraternizing only causes dysfunction and a disservice to the association from my observations.

This time round, there should be more than 1 applicant, and include resumes ahead of time for the board to review before they vote to hire at a board mtg. We have a GM now that will have his own input as well as to who gets hired, if he's allowed to have his own input. Last time there supposedly was a screening committee composed of unknown board members that never was formed at a board mtg and only one applicant each was considered for the admin and collections position. If the process is done right, it will give all of us a lot more confidence in the board's actions and who is hired.
Mermaid... or anyone who knows; what blog does hulagirl have?I'd like to see what propaganda she posts.. and she has the nerve to criticize(?). Is she the obnoxious woman who gets up multiple times almost every meeting mentioning her face book page? So glad to hear that Escobar is out but fear what will replace her. She was overkill sugary sweet one minute then a nasty witch in a split second. Is it asking to much to have 1 sane level headed person represent us? Also glad to hear the library is a no go. The center of a small town is where a library belongs.
Did you read the Presidents letter?

It's from Ruth not Craig. The letter should state what he/she is planning for the future not from some washed out has been. I'm surprised that ***** didn't write one for him.

She was told that there are 200 witnesses for the law suit and there are only 36 a list of witnesses they copied from the TE's list. It's public information and can be accessed by looking at the filed court records.

She says the off set in cost from saving money from the TE's and using the investment funds should cover the cost of chip seal.

NOT even close, those funds will chip seal about 7 miles not 42.
First, by filling in for the employees violates the bylaws. The only provision in the bylaws is to fill in for the GM and only for six months, maximum. Why would anyone admit to this violation?

Then she goes after the group of 10 holding the board back from doing their job. They are only trying to protect the associations assets, and not wasting money. Moreover, that investment money is for emergencies not maintenance. Ruth is a baffoon!
Originally posted by hppwatchdog

Did you read the Presidents letter?

It's from Ruth not Craig. The letter should state what he/she is planning for the future not from some washed out has been. I'm surprised that Leilani didn't write one for him.

She was told that there are 200 witnesses for the law suit and there are only 36 a list of witnesses they copied from the TE's list. It's public information and can be accessed by looking at the filed court records.

She says the off set in cost from saving money from the TE's and using the investment funds should cover the cost of chip seal.

NOT even close, those funds will chip seal about 7 miles not 42.
First, by filling in for the employees violates the bylaws. The only provision in the bylaws is to fill in for the GM and only for six months, maximum. Why would anyone admit to this violation?

Then she goes after the group of 10 holding the board back from doing their job. They are only trying to protect the associations assets, and not wasting money. Moreover, that investment money is for emergencies not maintenance. Ruth is a buffoon!

Any savings from terminating employees has come at the cost on deferred maintenance which will be very costly down the road. My road has never been this bad, and the same goes for virtually every other road in hPP I drive on regularly. Lines of sight at heavily used intersections are now obscured by strawberry guava leaning down with the weight of fruit. Grass is over 6 feet tall in many places and formerly decent roads are rutted messes. There will be no excuse for not helping out people in HPP this time if we turn back into a fallen albizia hell with no power for weeks. Every other subdivision had their community centers in operation shortly after the storm, I know because I had to go there to get water, ice and information for almost 3 weeks while our board did nothing.

Well, they aren't a brand new board now, let's see what they can do if we have a weather emergency.

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