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...anda thisa isa mya wifa, shea come from Sweden....
***Still can't figure out how to spell 'car' correctly***
i don,t know much about weather forecasting, but i do understand the results of hurricanes having endured 4 in my years of living here , and i do not think it is ever " fear mongering " to alert folks to possible serious weather that is often very hard to predict i would rather be well prepared then have nothing stocked up in the event of a severe storm. the old saying better to be safe then sorry . i will always use up the reserves , but it is hard to get supplies if there are none available or i am trapped and cant get out.
I enjoy an app for iOS called Dark Sky for weather. There is an animation screen of precipitation with a global map that you can zoom into. The map animates from 4 days or so before "now" and projects another 4 days or so into the future.

Anyway, the animation for Hilda is weird. The storm (or at least precipitation) almost disappears in the wee hours Thursday morning and then rises out of nowhere like a power punch hitting the whole island Thursday afternoon.

I hope things go well, but worry that reports that it is weakening will make people think it won't be problem. This storms seems to pulse more than it rises or falls normally.

Rain is fine, but I was scared by the Iselle winds...

Yes, Hilda appears to be "pulsing", or breathing almost, chugging along through the wind shear pocket. The wind shear appears to pushing her a bit East, but appearing tired from pushing her to "skirt" the Eastside of the islands, but to know whether the shear will win out? Either way, expect higher wind and pelting rain at the minimum, and pray for just that.

Community begins with Aloha
New forecast (11 AM Advisory #24) takes Hilda south of the Big Island (last forecast was for center to arrive over Pahala area.
Wind charts not updated yet, but hopefully will show a corresponding decrease in expected sustained winds.
We're about 48 hours away from landfall, and the forecasts of recent storms start to get prettry accurate at this point:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
that's a great sign! Smile
Originally posted by MattKarma

...anda thisa isa mya wifa, shea come from Sweden....

I see you got your ears on!
The wind speed probabilities have been updated and we are down to a 10-20% chance for sustained winds of 39+ mph:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
The rain moved in hard here in leilani. Its pouring strait down with a slight cooling feeling to it now. Would this rain be associated with Hilda, or is Hilda still to far away? Shoot I was hoping for one more decent day to get some mowing done, now it might have to wait till next week.
Hot here ... Sunshine all day long in beaches. Amazing how just a subdivision over the weather can be so... different.

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