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It would be the previous HRC (HRC2 2014-15) that wrote up the job description before the current bkkpr was hired...directed then by VP/self appointed HRC Chair. HRC2 resigned in January 2015 after they completed getting their girl in for the admin job and rewriting all the ofc jobs, but before hiring their GM and bkkpr. The board wanted more info on who HRC2 had picked before hiring them.

HRC3 2015 and the board thought it was important to get employees in those positions ASAP after 8 months of board members filling those positions. HRC3 went with what they had until they could review and or adjust job descripts if needed. The board approved HRC3's request to meanwhile make those positions temporary. HRC3 had announced at one of the board mtgs, that the admin job descript that S.E. had occupied, would be adjusted and most likely result in lowering the pay. HRC3 was aware that the GM job needed adjusting as well to align the job descript w/our bylaws. Presently, it doesn't. HRC3 resigned in I believe April before those tasks were completed.

The same VP/self appointed Chair for HRC 2015-16 has done some work on the job descriptions again without any direction by the board. Per our bylaws the HRC has to be tasked by the board first. The VP had announced at the most recent Finance Committee mtg that the board had done a straw vote on who the new members would be. 3 board members were excluded. The board later voted at the last board mtg on who the 2 new members are.

The VP/HRC Chair didn't get approval from the board on the job descripts they worked on, or running the ads. Here we go again.

Originally posted by mermaid53

Originally posted by hppwatchdog:
Three points to help everyone to understand the bylaws.

I'll try to make this a simple as possible

1. In the bylaws it says that the board is the ultimate authority over business, they don't have to act on any vote from the members at the general membership. Since this act is in the bylaws RR doesn't matter.
Please reference where it says this in HPP's bylaws watchdog. And regarding RR's, our bylaws state our board and membership meetings are to be conducted in accordance w/RR's. That's why it's adopted every year per HPP's bylaws.

Section 8. Powers and Authority. Except for the limitations set by the Articles of Incorporation and by these bylaws as to actions to be authorized or approved by the membership and subject to the duties of the directors as prescribed by the bylaws, all corporate powers and affairs of the Association shall be exercised or controlled by or with authority of the board. The directors shall have such power and duties as may be necessary or proper including, but not limited to the following:

2. Remember this is a board meeting and owner input isn't a requirement.
That is correct but it has been past practice.

Your argument has no merit! It's not required in the Bylaws or RR, NOT REQUIRED

3. The association is a business and run by the board, even though they give the members a forum to speak doesn't mean that they have to listen. A member is a share holder in a corporation and the members need to stay out of the business that they elected members to run the association.
HPP's bylaws state otherwise..."Article IV-Objects and Purposes.(a) To ascertain the needs and desires of lot owners of the Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision and represent those needs and desires as appropriate. (e) To foster an atmosphere of cooperation and harmony that encourages the participation of lot owners in the management and operation of the Association." The majority board has conducted themselves adversely to these bylaws for over a year now. Describing members concerned over how some of this board spends our big monies as "scrappy residents" couldn't be clearer in their attitude.

This is a corporation just like any other. The members have the right to speak and make recommendations but the board doesn't have to vote in your favor. Moreover, you speak of harmony and member participation, the only ones I see that complain are about 25 members and not a peep from the other 8000 owners, you are the vocal minatory not the majority as you often think.

That's the biggest problem, all these members trying to run the corporation, if you want that authority, GET ON THE BOARD or abide by the bylaws.
"Get on the board"? That's not going to happen if you've got experience or knowledge in HPP affairs. You aren't welcome. You've forgotten that friends of your's, board members who had experience resigned because of this. 6 board members left in one year. That's got to be a record and it speaks volumes about volunteers not wanting to work w/bylaw breaking board members. Many committee members have quit for the same reasons. Who should abide by the bylaws watchdog? You're speaking to the wrong entity. Members aren't breaking's the majority board.

And youse guys are letting them get away with it.

I guess Cathy Fincher decided to yank her post as it's not here any longer.

A meeting was shut down in August 2014 because members were so upset that owner input wasn't on the agenda. Some of them were your supporters watchdog. That's my "merit" in saying "it's been past practice".

watchdog wrote:
This is a corporation just like any other. The members have the right to speak and make recommendations but the board doesn't have to vote in your favor. Moreover, you speak of harmony and member participation, the only ones I see that complain are about 25 members and not a peep from the other 8000 owners, you are the vocal minatory not the majority as you often think.

Never implied that there was a majority of members speaking out against the board. But there's one thing I do know, if the majority of members discovered their monies had been spent recklessly, they'd get involved quick, as you have witnessed for yourself.

And youse guys are letting them get away with it.

That's contradictory. You just said members have no authority over the board. It's the board's responsibility to enforce our bylaws which includes taking action against their peers if they're breaking our bylaws and policies.

Edited for an addition to the topic.
Hi mermaid.... I find it interesting that you felt it necessary to point that out.
This must be a hard thread for colorblind people to follow...
... not a peep from the other 8000 owners...

...if the majority of members discovered their monies had been spent recklessly, they'd get involved quick...

As an off island lot owner who cannot attend the meetings, how would I do that... and who would listen?
As an off island lot owner who cannot attend the meetings, how would I do that... and who would listen?

DING DING DING give that Punatic a prize!

The HPPOA Master Plan relies on "cannot attend" and "nobody listening".
Hi Chas
Your input an be sent to be included in any open meeting agenda and should legally be read 3 min max I believe

Dan D

Kalakoa's on point... and TomK's was humorous. The diff colors are getting weird. It feels like watchdog is ensuring my posts get blocked in???

Aloha Cathy. I mentioned it bc I wondered why you removed it. Your being entertained by the mgmt's blunders w/HRC is valid.

But hey, this board voted the VP onto the HRC and we're already on another drama ride in less than a month of her motioning herself as chairperson. There's at least 3-4 violations already. The majority of the board apparently doesn't care about these violations, or the past violations committed over the many months after she hijacked and took over the last HRC. It appears her drama has become the norm, business as usual, for this "sorority".
Chas, dan d was on the right track but may I suggest you send a USPS letter to the office with the President's name on it, or your district rep, or send a copy to both. I'm suggesting the USPS letter route because quite a few of the district rep's email adrs's aren't functioning STILL.

The HPPOA website still isn't up to date. Board reps that resigned back in April are still listed as active. Dist 6 is now Craig Crelly who is also the new President. I don't know what district you live in but I can update for you if you wish.

Request whomever to read your letter out loud during owner input. Or if you have a friend who is an HPPOA member, you can request they get up and read your letter for you during owner input. There are more members attending membership meetings than board meetings so whomever your intended audience is....

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