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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
I need new tires...hmmm

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
Approval was granted to build the world's most powerful camera. The 3.2 gigapixel camera will be constructed by the US Department of Energy:

“We have a busy agenda for the rest of 2015 and 2016,” Kahn says. “Construction of the telescope on the mountain is well underway. The contracts for fabrication of the telescope mount and the dome enclosure have been awarded and the vendors are at full steam."

So, you know it's not being built in Hawaii. The US is funding, but building the camera in Chile:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
"The imaginary problems on Hawaii island are so insignificant to the major problems on Oahu, especially if this does turn into an El Nino year."

Er, Ted, I don't know where you've been hiding, but we are in an El Nino year already. Surely you've noticed?
Originally posted by TomK

"The imaginary problems on Hawaii island are so insignificant to the major problems on Oahu, especially if this does turn into an El Nino year."

Er, Ted, I don't know where you've been hiding, but we are in an El Nino year already. Surely you've noticed?

I did type "big" then edited it because using qualitative words here causes some people to have epileptic fits. Right now it is just a forecast and it was only officially recognized as an El Nino year about two weeks ago. It is still a forecast at this time. The controversy is that it is being forecast as a monster El Nino.
Latest forecast suggests 'Godzilla El Niño' may be coming to California

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
I don't see much controversy in that Ted nor what I remember in reading essentially the same article a few weeks ago as well ..
Here is a recent link and video showing valid concerns from both sides of this TMT issue.

Question here: why can't China build this billion dollar TMT telescope in China like this incredible radio telescope they are building?

Just imagine the millions Hawaii may be saving this time around by Not building the TMT so quickly? The Super Ferry can always serve as a good learning lesson in our future, many are probably still paying for it today. The Super Ferry planners and supporters may not have any better answers for our island coqui frog, fire ant, or Ohia wilt infestations today. They simply would have cut the big island off their destination list by now. Here is the latest on Hawaii's interisland ferry dream.

At least now they know to have a complicated and thorough EIS report ready. Having the governor read or approve it, instead of the DLNR or public would be in who's best interest though?.

P.S. Some within our community have been opposed to this TMT project long before the construction began.
Makes me wonder how or why we got to this standoff in front of the world?

why can't China build this billion dollar TMT telescope in China

Yes, why not? They're building their own islands in the South China Sea, so why not take that experience and build themselves a 14,000 foot, no even better, a 15,000!! foot mountain far away from the light of the multi-million populated mega-cities.

Don't forget to use a wacker packer and steam roller to compact the soil and rocks on the way up!
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Makes me wonder how or why we got to this standoff in front of the world?

Here is how. There was a long approval process which required the TMT builders to submit reams of information to various government entities. During this same time period "Some within our community (who) have been opposed to this TMT project long before the construction began" either submitted their objections or did nothing. The objections submitted were not enough to reject the application to build the TMT.

When construction began, "Some within our community (who) have been opposed to this TMT project long before the construction began" decided to take matters into their own hands and attempted to get the application process reviewed, and throw rocks in the road.

Makes me wonder too.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Hotpe. I hear ya, Thanks for the discussion.
Millions more was spent before the 7 year long process as well, as this was the CELT project before. I do appreciate The name change Consideration before the TMT construction began, maybe other considerations could have been made then as well( to avoid the invention of protectors or rocks being thrown on the road). Were The Hawaiian communities multiple TMT project concerns ligitimate enough? Chile and Mexico were to be seriously considered as possible future sites for this CELT or tmt project.

I think the same attention should be paid to all lands in question that are in use for commercial, tourist, or any other purpose. I think Walmart is a desecration of Hawaiian
Lands, shut it down.
I think there is a lot going on behind the scenes with the last moment blackmail of TMT.
Your comment has confirmed that Gypsy.

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