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wandering dogs
This seems to be my day for coming across lost-seeming dogs:

Dog 1: 22nd somewhere between Shower and Paradise I spotted a really confused and lost looking sheltie type, midsized, longish haired white dog with some gold areas, looked really freaked out about being out and running around, as in "WTF I'm all alone out here, where are my people, I never go anywhere without my people, I want to go HOME!!!" I tried to check the collar for tags but the dog ran off.

Dog 2: Right by the Hui on Maku'u, a fawn colored male with black trim on his face and maybe feet, colored and marked like a mastiff, but much smaller, probably 50+ pounds, had signs of a possible bite behind his right shoulder, and what looked like an injury to his muzzle on the same side, was seriously hunting a cat, ran off when the dogs living on 16th near there ran up to the fence to bark at it, seemed a little desperate and hungry. No collar.

Please pass the word if you know who these dogs belong to.
HPP NW has a huge email list of members. Maybe you can forward this onto them to share??

I know PAKA NW forwards lost and found pet info out, and maybe HPP NW does too. ??? Any extra help to get our pets home safe and sound.

Don't know if there's any connection but the electrical storms we had recently scared some dogs away from their homes. I'd hate to think these 2 dogs have been lost for this amount of time. [Sad]
If you have the contact information for those groups feel free to pass the info on.

After seeing how the few people who posted here under their own names have been treated I would never include information I posted here in an email that had my real name attached, too many good people have been harassed at work and home for opinions they posted here.
I frequently see an uptick on random seemingly-looking-for-their-families strays after thunderstorms.
Sometimes, if not all the time wandering dogs can be bad news;
Not all who wander are lost.
I forwarded the info to HPP NW who put it on a couple of diff HPP's facebook pages.....(for clarification: not run by the association)

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