09-27-2015, 09:23 PM
From Saturday's Herald-Tribune's calendar section;
Helicopter Noise Talk-Story With Richard Onishi this Weds.
Mountain View Elementary
1235 Volcano Highway
Mountain View
When; 6 pm Wednesday Sept.30th
Details; Let Onishi know how unbearable the helicopter noise is and ask him to help get relief. Free and open to the public.
Contact Bob Ernst or Darryl Soares 968-8611/294-9325, rce@isp.com
"The following is my position on this issue. How can we get helicopter pilots to follow the FAA's common procedure manual for air tours in this area? This is long at 169 pages ( and if anyone knows of a faster download or where this document is for purchase I would appreciate the information- Thank you);
If the helicopters flew at 1500' over my house, I know that they wouldn't bother me at this altitude and I wouldn't be posting this. But unfortunately they routinely fly between 100-300' AGL or above ground level and sometimes even lower. I have complained to the FAA but so far they have denied me the right to file a formal complaint. All the Flight Inspectors are based on Oahu and have little knowledge of the situation here. I was able to at least get a response from the FAA only after I contacted Sen. Schatz
Meanwhile our Volcanoes National Park is undergoing continuous damage that the helicopter's noise brings to birds, wildlife and people. Volcanoes NP continues to cash the checks from the tour companies and claim that only the FAA can regulate yet they are under a mandate from a law passed by Congress in 2000 to protect our park from the noise that helicopters bring;
We went to the planning sessions required by law at HVNP in 2011 but nothing has changed.
I surveyed all the helicopter companies and only Paradise seemed to care. So if you must tour by helicopter Please go with them. Thank you for your consideration on this subject.
Helicopter Noise Talk-Story With Richard Onishi this Weds.
Mountain View Elementary
1235 Volcano Highway
Mountain View
When; 6 pm Wednesday Sept.30th
Details; Let Onishi know how unbearable the helicopter noise is and ask him to help get relief. Free and open to the public.
Contact Bob Ernst or Darryl Soares 968-8611/294-9325, rce@isp.com
"The following is my position on this issue. How can we get helicopter pilots to follow the FAA's common procedure manual for air tours in this area? This is long at 169 pages ( and if anyone knows of a faster download or where this document is for purchase I would appreciate the information- Thank you);
If the helicopters flew at 1500' over my house, I know that they wouldn't bother me at this altitude and I wouldn't be posting this. But unfortunately they routinely fly between 100-300' AGL or above ground level and sometimes even lower. I have complained to the FAA but so far they have denied me the right to file a formal complaint. All the Flight Inspectors are based on Oahu and have little knowledge of the situation here. I was able to at least get a response from the FAA only after I contacted Sen. Schatz
Meanwhile our Volcanoes National Park is undergoing continuous damage that the helicopter's noise brings to birds, wildlife and people. Volcanoes NP continues to cash the checks from the tour companies and claim that only the FAA can regulate yet they are under a mandate from a law passed by Congress in 2000 to protect our park from the noise that helicopters bring;
We went to the planning sessions required by law at HVNP in 2011 but nothing has changed.
I surveyed all the helicopter companies and only Paradise seemed to care. So if you must tour by helicopter Please go with them. Thank you for your consideration on this subject.