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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
Scientists discovered the oldest galaxy so far detected. It was first spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope, but they needed to turn to the more flexible ground based, Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea with it's Multi-Object Spectrometer to confirm their findings. The Mauna Kea observatories are still making incredible discoveries, and to paraphrase Mark Twain, "The reports of their obsolescence have been greatly exaggerated."

Astrophysicists at Caltech say they’ve detected the oldest, most distant galaxy known so far. It’s 13.2 billion years old — just over half a billion years younger than the universe itself — and the discovery may change what astrophysicists know about the early history of the universe.

Adi Zitrin and Richard Ellis first spotted EGS8p7 with the Hubble Space Telescope and the Spitzer Space Telescope, and based on those initial observations, they decided it was worth a closer look. To learn more about EGS8p7, they needed different instruments, so they turned to the Multi-Object Spectrometer For InfraRed Exploration (MOSFIRE) on the Keck Observatory in Hawai’i.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
This is an old thread now, but it's the right one to post the latest news given Ige said TMT construction work would resume:

Getting really fed up being kept in the dark about what's going on and no leadership from the state whatsoever. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Thanks for the update, Tom - I'm glad to see business folks (or anyone for that matter) calling out Ige publicly on his lack of leadership. He's so terrified to upset or offend anyone that he's done nothing, and in the process upset and offended everyone.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
he's done nothing, and in the process upset and offended everyone.

That was by design; Ige was installed as retaliation, not as an actual governor.

Thanks for your reply. What I found interesting is Ige passing on the responsibility to the "TMT planners". The fact that they had their plans changed by illegal activities on Mauna Kea seems to have escaped him. He says he's prepared but there's no evidence he really is. No wonder the TMT are taking some time to consider their options.

In the meantime this affects everyone here.
Of course, these are all your not so humble opinion (NSHO)?

Ige is on travel to taiko drum up tourism business. In terms of monetary priority, that value to the state and the people that live here is possibly 100 times what the observatories bring in.

What people don't seem to get is this is a private telescope, not a national one. It is essentially a corporate telescope with almost 50% private funding and the rest from multiple national governments. This is being done as a gift to mankind. Being a multinational corporation, the next step should be obvious. It is not Ige's jurisdiction. needs to start filing cease and desist lawsuits against the multiple Mauna Kea "protector" groups.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Originally posted by pahoated Being a multinational corporation, the next step should be obvious. It is not Ige's jurisdiction. needs to start filing cease and desist lawsuits against the multiple Mauna Kea "protector" groups.

The TMT Corporation doesn't own the land underneath their proposed telescope. The State of Hawaii does (via the DLNR and the University of Hawaii). The landlord (State of Hawaii) has legal responsibility to enforce the law and provide access to all of Mauna Kea summit lessees. However, they've abdicated their responsibility and allowed the protesters to call the shots instead.
they've abdicated their responsibility and allowed the protesters to call the shots instead.

That's totally okay, because the TMT only brings in like 1% revenue compared to tourism.

Until the protestors need to "protect" us from resort hotels... no action will be taken.
"The TMT Corporation doesn't own the land underneath their proposed telescope. The State of Hawaii does (via the DLNR and the University of Hawaii). The landlord (State of Hawaii) has legal responsibility to enforce the law and provide access to all of Mauna Kea summit lessees. However, they've abdicated their responsibility and allowed the protesters to call the shots instead."

Thank you, Aaron, for a voice of sanity. Cease and desist orders won't help, that requires law enforcement, and they already have laws to enforce on Mauna Kea, but a wishy-washy governor just doesn't help.
Someday humanity will travel to habitable planetary systems of other stars. It must do this to survive indefinitely as a species. The alternative is extinction. This requires precise information about the location and characteristics of candidate planets with survivable environments. Such information can only be acquired with an instrument of the scale and precision of the TMT and its sister facility in the Southern hemisphere. Talk of humanity successfully and sustainably colonizing freezing, vacuum deserts like mars, the moon, etc. is nonsense. The idea that an endeavor of this level of importance will be hostage to a fringe movement based upon racial politics and religion is utterly ludicrous. Political correctness is transcended here.


You can't fix Samsara.

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