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Big article in the tribune about HPP planning committee submitting their plan to the county council soon. Sounds like a town center is in it, more like a village center.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
more like a village center

I do not believe the access requirements can be met for this.
I understand that there will be a number of questions asked of the treasurer at the next finance committee meeting about the accounting.

You just might want to attend this meeting to see how badly the accounting has been over the last year.

Not to mention the increase in delinquent funds which has risen by 38% over the time of the new treasurer, not good.

Also the accounts not being reconciled which leads to misappropriation of money between accounts. No one can tell because the bookkeeping is screwed up and this lands on Janis's plate.

Oh, I forgot to mention the bond accounting and the money not accounted for, Janis doesn't have a clue on how to handle the bond payments.

If you can, attend this committee meeting and see the true outcome of the new boards inactions.

Tues. 9am in the library

The worse part is that the Pres., VP or any other director including the treasurer hasn't a clue on how to handle the accounting.
Originally posted by hppwatchdog

I understand that there will be a number of questions asked of the treasurer at the next finance committee meeting about the accounting.

You just might want to attend this meeting to see how badly the accounting has been over the last year.

Not to mention the increase in delinquent funds which has risen by 38% over the time of the new treasurer, not good.

Also the accounts not being reconciled which leads to misappropriation of money between accounts. No one can tell because the bookkeeping is screwed up and this lands on Janis's plate.

Oh, I forgot to mention the bond accounting and the money not accounted for, Janis doesn't have a clue on how to handle the bond payments.

If you can, attend this committee meeting and see the true outcome of the new boards inactions.

Tues. 9am in the library

The worse part is that the Pres., VP or any other director including the treasurer hasn't a clue on how to handle the accounting.


Cue the violins !!!
The treasurer was told by Finance Committee members that they aren't even getting info they should be getting. She said she would provide them that info. She was also told the board members should be getting a lot more financial info in their packets for the monthly board mtgs.

The VP wasn't in attendance and the GM replied that she was (as Chair of HRC) interviewing applicants. He was asked why he wasn't in attendance bc applicant/s being interviewed will be HIS employees. He said the VP told him he wasn't invited. Others told him he's supposed to be at those interviews. More #*%@ going on under this HRC Chair's leadership. Someone asked how this one person has so much control over all HPP business.

The conversation later went onto the topic of non transparency. A lot of voting by the board on non topic exec session business is being done in exec session. Items I thought the board wasn't voting on at board mtgs has actually been done in exec sessions. Isn't that illegal and make those votes null and void? One member replied that if business didn't happen at a board mtg, it didn't happen. Our bylaws are very clear at what is discussed and not discussed in exec session. If you don't want member interference, you take it behind closed doors is/has been their motto.

The vote to proceed w/chip seal must've happened there too bc it sure wasn't done legally at a board mtg. They are also totally disregarding RR's which they are supposed to follow per our bylaws and there is still a motion on the floor from our last membership mtg which they are supposed to honor. They are not to proceed. They know the intent of the membership so far has been that we want a presentation and we want to vote on whether they can spend thousands of OUR dollars on chip seal. Many people have stated this material is bad for our kind of climate and traffic. It could be OUR money down the toilet. Please attend the membership mtg to finish our business on this matter.

Now they want to do the work in house since the one contractor they found has some major issues. What happened to 2 other bids they were supposed to get per our Corporate Policy? In house is Plan B, another decision that must've been made in exec session. Our easements and roads are so far behind. Our road crew is being used to prep the roads for chip seal. The GM said they're almost ready to go laying the chip seal down. That's why our easements have gotten even worse. Wait til they actually start chip sealing the roads that are slated. Our road fees are supposed to go to maintaining our roads and easements, not laying down "new product". Maintenance also means restriping and reinstalling reflectors on our main drags, a priority over chip seal. To not do so increases the association's liability.

"Article VIII Sec 9 Meetings of the Board (d) Exec Session 1. Description b. An executive session shall be for the purpose of discussing personnel issues, matters of litigation, or matters of attorney/client privilege." Personnel issues means such things as salary and disciplinary items of any association member or employees. It also goes on to say 4. "Final actions of the executive session shall be reported and affirmed when the meeting resumes or at the next regular meeting."

This board uses exec session to make decisions on what committees are formed and who is elected to it. Someone posted a new committee on the website recently and it's chair, all of which was never discussed at a board mtg. The committee went from Road Burden Committee one week and shortly after it was replaced w/Road Easement Committee (sounds like RTSC responsibilities) and the same chair. This action wasn't approved at an exec session mtg either obviously bc this all happened in between meetings.

Who's making these decisions on what to post and what to yank off? It's not the full board. This is a serious matter as this is the membership's lifeline as to the goings on in HPP. No singular person should be arrogantly thinking they can make these decisions on their own on what get's posted and what get's yanked. The board voted for the current Road Hump Policy to be put back up on the website months ago and still hasn't been done. Recently RTSC was posted as "inactive" and yanked all our minutes but one. Other committees who've been inactive, "Fugitive Dust", and others who've been inactive for years, haven't been posted as "inactive". Must be a retaliation against RTSC which points to 1 or 2 board members.

The former Pres's msg is still posted on the website. A very inappropriate and unprofessional msg to the membership abusing her power to harass and pit members against members on what is supposed to be a professional platform. The treasurer at the Finance Committee mtg was stunned when told it was still posted on the website. How anyone thought it was ok to post that awful "President's Msg" is incomprehensible, much less leave it up on the website all this time.

Please attend the board mtg next week Wed @ 6PM. Our membership mtg is coming up on the last Sunday of the month in October @ 3PM which is Oct 25th this year. Lots of important business for the membership to discuss. You can't vote if you're not there! Please be there if you live on island. We need your votes at these meetings and it's your opportunity to voice your concerns.
If the current road crew can't even keep the vegetation in the right of ways from growing into the road, and the roads maintained properly so we don't have crater sized pot holes, how the heck are they going to also handle chip sealing the roads?
AND how will the chip seal be affected w/weeds and grass growing over it? Will it also pop up through it since it's more porous? That needs to be considered when the easements aren't being kept up. Some of what we see out there is over a year's worth for sure under an interim GM that wasn't experienced and distracted w/HRC, rewriting ofc job descripts and hiring a particular person. The new GM didn't have much time trying to do catch up before he was hit w/"let's chip seal". It appears a few board members have directed him to focus on this, and some say he was hired for this reason. Their expensive priorities are messed up.

Asphalt itself is low maintenance but w/the grass growing up and over it, it's affecting the integrity of the edges of the road. Which means monies that have gone into paved roads aren't being protected by the mgmt by maintaining the easements. Brand new asphalt roads laid last year Mar/April, the last of our paving w/the bond $$$, has grass growing over it. So that's another domino affect when our road crew is doing "other duties as assigned".

The bushes and low lying tree branches aren't being maintained either and are side swapping cars and causing line of sight issues. Another liability for the association.

A member spoke of sending a bill to the association for what it's doing to the side of his car. Vans w/racks get hit on top by low lying branches. Ideally the side roads should be mowed 5' minimum and the main drags 10', and cleared vertically to a certain depth for line of sight. There are many places in HPP today w/zero line of sight.

There is a formula for how many feet of clearing is required of bushes and tall grass etc per MPH, which is county/federal code specs, to get ample line of sight. The interim GM had come up w/her own formula pulled from the sky, disregarded the county specs, and this attitude continues. So that is what we're seeing around HPP today. We have people who live in/outside of the park who travel well over 35 MPH on our humpy main drags. Line of sight is the least the mgmt can provide for those pulling out on our main drags.

Stop signs aren't and won't be put up fast enough when they go down if the crew is working on chip sealing our roads. Stop signs are number 1 priority and lots go down bc they weren't installed properly. Another major liability for the association.

Signs still aren't being installed properly despite the HPP sign policy we have (via RTSC's efforts) which the mgmt is supposed to adhere to. That's a waste of our monies on labor and signage from substandard installation. The RTSC got 80 stop signs for HPP donated by the county and we have no idea how many of those are left. Speaking of....the board hasn't received an inventory from the interim GM or this GM yet as is supposed to be done yearly, per our bylaws.
Another liability for the association.

Imagine what happens when a few hundred (or thousand) visitors come to the "public" park County wants to build. Maybe they can sue too.
The VP appears to be a total control freak. I asked once... where is the HPPOA president? Why is the VP doing the GM's job and why is the GM acting like a rod crew supervisor? Funny isn't it how a group of people tore our community apart, destroyed good employees lives, caused chaos and turmoil then walk away leaving their destruction. If they want to do 1 test strip of chip seal on a road that has plenty of traffic and evaluate how it is holding up after 2 years I'd listen but they are doing dead end low traffic roads and neglecting all their other duties. The roads etc. are in pretty bad shape. I used to see them out regularly working, now it is a rarity. AND I bet they are not going to wait to see how the chip seal holds up. I sure hope enough people show up at the membership meeting and voice their opinion but it won't matter. The GM will likely be absent and the VP will probably run the show. We members have a huge mess to clean up due to the wickedness of the last year and a half. This is going to cost us all a whole lot of precious money thanks to them.
We used to have really good roads for a Puna subdivision, now they are junk. this road crew has no institutional memory of what the various roads are like, so when they encounter really high vegetation they mow around it! This means the roads have all these narrow spots, the shoulders on the main roads are very narrow, and many side roads are less than 2 lane. When you fire virtually everyone in an organization it leaves the organization with no one who knows what is going on, or how things should be. So now we have crappy roads, a road crew who doesn't know how it is supposed to be, and a board who want to embark on chip sealing instead of maintaining the roads we already have.

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