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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
Should the black people not be reconciled with?
Should the American Indians not have been reconciled with?

On Jan 16, 1865 General Sherman issued a field order giving every black family 40 acres of land and an army mule.
They're still waiting.

The Lakota Tribe is attempting to form a Lakotah Nation.
Native American activist Russell Means, on the subject of what the Republic of Lakotah expects the federal government response to be, has stated that "I don't expect the federal government to do anything. I don't believe they even know what to do."

The Bureau of Indian Affairs said, "These are not legitimate tribal governments elected by the people ... when they begin the process of violating other people's rights, breaking the law, they're going to end up like all the other groups that have declared themselves independent — usually getting arrested and being put in jail."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
The Hawaiian Nation was wrongly overthrown. The USA is implicated in that wrong doing

By this logic, anyone who resides in Hawaii is also implicated; they are all "occupying" lands which do not "rightfully belong" to them, including paying taxes to the government which "wrongly overthew" the rightful owners of the land.

the opportunity to figure out how they want to reconcile

If such "reconciliation" includes "vacating the premises", then what? All non-Hawaiians pack up and leave? Right back to square one: who are the "real" Hawaiians?
If such "reconciliation" includes "vacating the premises", then what? ... who are the "real" Hawaiians?

Can anyone name a country that bases citizenship on a blood test?
Or a country that has successfully removed residents who they consider non-citizens, based on a blood test? Some have tried, but have any succeeded?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
" The US settled up with the American Indians"

I guess I missed this in the news.
"With all due respect, what business is it of yours?"

Hooray, Dory has learned how to spell "due"! Now let's try for a bigger word: "descendants".

With all due respect Dory, what business is it of yours? How much Hawaiian blood do you have?
Not that I really care but it seems to be of extreme importance to you. So, let's hear what that
magical percentage is.
I must have missed something along the way: there is a punaweb member who goes by DoryGray, and there is a punaweb member who goes by dakine, but several of you seem to be referring to dakine as Dory. Who is who here? Do we have a split personality, or just a case of mistaken identity? Inquiring minds want to know.
Maybe I should call da kine Dorrie.

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
The Survey is a Moot Point.
If half the people are for something and the other half are against.
And neither carry any weight in the decision process then the powers that be will do what they intended to do in the first place.
Its just a distractive move to appease the people.
TMT will be built regardless of what any of us think.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
I'm with Shockwave >>> wadImiSS ???

A Dory is also a small boat.

Dorrie-dakine's definition of skewed response has got to be one of the most horsesh*t of weaselly non-answers within the past month.

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